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Title page for etd-0722119-110026
Exploring User's Upgrading Intentions of Operation System Base on Planned Obsolescence and Population Migration Theory
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Switching cost, Compatibilities, Push-Pull-Mooring Model, Relative advantage, Planned Obsolescence, Upgrading, Subjective norms
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在商業的市場中,計畫性過時的策略一直被許多公司所應用著,以其策略取得更大的利潤。而本研究看到微軟為了要推廣Win 10並使他們最穩定的作業系統Win 7退役,宣布了其停止支援Win 7 的時間表也運用了計畫性過時的手法。微軟的最新作業系統Win 10 在2015年推出,但在過了兩年之後,其市佔率並沒有達到微軟預期的目標,且Win 7 的用戶還佔居多數。眾所周知的,作業系統是個人電腦的核心,一台電腦必須要有作業系統才能運作,但作業系統的升級並不在許多使用者的計畫中,許多Win 7的使用者並沒有打算升級作業系統,即使微軟在 Win 10推出的第一年提出了免費升級的政策。這對於業者來說是個攸關產品獲利的重要課題。為何這些 Win 7的用戶不願意升級到 Win 10。這在學術上也是個有趣且值得研究的現象,為什麼更新穎,效能更好的產品而使用者卻不願意升級?
In the commercial market, the "Planned Obsolescence" strategy has been applied by many companies to make more profits with its strategy. Microsoft announce its schedule to stop supporting Win 7 in an effort to promote Win 10 and retire its most stable operating system, Win 7. Microsoft's latest operating system, Win 10, was launched in 2015, but after two years, its market share fell short of Microsoft's target, and Win 7's users still make up the majority. As is well known, the operating system is the core of a personal computer. A computer must have an operating system to operate. However, the upgrade of the operating system is not in the plan of many users. Many users of Win 7 don’t intend to upgrade the operating system,even if Microsoft introduced a free upgrade policy in the first year of Win 10. This is an important issue for the industry to profit from the product. This is also an interesting and worthwhile phenomenon in the academic world. Why users reluctant to upgrade a newer and more effective OS?
For this issue,this study tired to combines the PPM Model framework from the perspective of planned obsolescence , with the concept of Push-Pull-Mooring Model, and refers to many key factors of information system switching, such as switching cost, system compatibility, relative advantage and subjective norms and other factors have established a model of system upgrade to explore user OS switching intention.This study use PLS and SPSS statistical software to verify the model and hypothesis. The results of this study can be used for reference by the industry, and academically reinforce the lack of "vertical upgrade" in the related research on IS switching.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 5
1.3 研究流程 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1 軟體升級 7
2.2 計畫性過時 10
2.3 人口遷徙理論 14
第三章 研究方法 17
3.1 研究架構 17
3.2 研究假說 18
3.3 操作型定義與衡量 27
3.4 研究設計 30
第四章 實證分析 32
4.1 樣本基本資料分析 32
4.2 模型與假說驗證 34
4.2.1 測量模式分析 34
4.2.2 區別效度(Discriminant validity) 37
4.2.3 多元共線性(Multicollinearity)與共同方法偏誤(Common Method Bais)檢定 39
4.2.4 結構方程式分析與假說檢定: 41
第五章 結論與建議 44
5.1 研究結果與討論 44
5.2 意涵與未來研究方向 48
5.3 研究限制 50
5.4 未來研究方向 51
參考文獻 52
附錄一、問卷資料 62
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