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Title page for etd-0721120-141840
Factors affecting the number of responses of internet celebrities’commercial posting: An example of Facebook
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Celebrity Endorsement, Product Placement, Word-of- Mouth, Web Crawler, Internet Celebrity
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伴隨著科技的推陳出新與人們上網習慣的變化,名人替廠商代言的方式也逐 漸改變。例如傳播媒介從傳統的電視、電影到現在的社群媒體,代言人身份從藝 人到現在的部落客、網路紅人,代言從長時間合作到現在幾乎都以單次的業務配 合為主。然而在過往對於代言人的相關研究中,他們皆圍繞在以主觀方式來量測 代言人的相關特質,例如大眾對於代言人專業性、可靠性以及吸引力的評斷。本 研究針對影響網紅業配回應效果之重要因素進行研究,以客觀、事後分析的角度 探討網紅的專業性、可靠性、熟悉度、喜愛度、互動率以及適配性,對於業配後 貼文回應的影響。本研究以 Python 對臉書粉絲團貼文進行爬取,並將爬取的 42,258 筆資料做回歸分析。研究結果顯示:(1)若代言人於三個月內的負面網 路口碑越高,則其代言後貼文的按讚回應是越好的,(2)若代言人於三個月內 貼文互動率越高以及(3)若代言人於代言當下粉絲團的總按讚、追蹤數越高, 則其代言後貼文的按讚、留言、分享回應是越好的。
With the innovation of technology and the changes in people's surfing habits, the way celebrities endorse for manufacturers has gradually changed. For instance, the media has changed from traditional television and film to social media. The status of the endorser has changed from celebrity to blogger or internet celebrity. From long- term cooperation to now, almost all of them are focused on single business cooperation. Nevertheless, in the past studies on celebrity endorsement, they all focused on measuring the relevant characteristics of endorser in a subjective way, such as the public 's judgment on the expertness, trustworthiness and attractiveness of endorser. In the present study, we focuses on the important factors that affect the response of internet celebrities’ commercial posts. From the perspective of objective and the preanalytical viewpoint, we explore the influence of the expertness, trustworthiness, familiarity, likeability, interaction rate and product congruency of internet celebrity on the responses of commercial post. We crawl the fan group posts from Facebook by using Python, and 42,258 data collected were used for regression analysis. Results show that (1) if the endorser has a higher negative electronic word- of-mouth within three months, the better the “Like” response will be; (2) the higher interaction rate of the endorser within three months; and (3) if the total number of likes and tracking of the endorser in the current fan group is higher, the better response of “Like”, “Comment” and “Share” will be.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 ................................................................................................................... i
摘要 .............................................................................................................................. ii
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................... iii
第一章 緒論 .................................................................................................................1
第一節 研究背景....................................................................................................1
第二節 研究動機....................................................................................................4
第三節 研究目的....................................................................................................5
第四節 研究流程....................................................................................................7
第二章 文獻探討 .........................................................................................................9
第一節 網路紅人......................................................................................................9
第二節 代言人........................................................................................................11
第三節 適配性........................................................................................................16
第四節 業配............................................................................................................17
第三章 研究方法 .......................................................................................................21
第一節 研究架構....................................................................................................21
第二節 研究對象....................................................................................................29
第三節 資料蒐集....................................................................................................32
第四節 資料前處理................................................................................................34
第四章 資料分析 .......................................................................................................39
第一節 敘述性統計................................................................................................39
第二節 回歸分析....................................................................................................47
第三節 模型檢定....................................................................................................53
第四節 模型檢驗....................................................................................................55
第五節 結果討論....................................................................................................58
第五章 結論與建議 ...................................................................................................63
第一節 結論............................................................................................................63
第二節 學術貢獻....................................................................................................64
第三節 實務貢獻....................................................................................................65
第四節 研究限制與未來建議................................................................................68
參考文獻 .....................................................................................................................70
附錄 爬蟲程式碼 .......................................................................................................75
參考文獻 References
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