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論文名稱 Title |
探討消費者情緒體驗對於智慧商店再使用意圖之影響 Exploring the Influence of Consumer Emotional Experience on Intention to Continue Using Smart-Stores |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
59 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2019-06-12 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2019-08-20 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
情緒反應、使用者經驗、智慧商店 User Experience, Smart Store, Emotion Reaction |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 5994 次,被下載 1365 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5994 times, has been downloaded 1365 times. |
中文摘要 |
提供我們幾乎一切日常所需的實體店面正在進化,在支持技術的逐漸成熟之下,智慧商店這個概念開始被廣泛的討論甚至直接的應用;智慧商店的本意在於減少店員的負擔,並且提供更多機會來實現其它服務。台灣的智慧商店最早應用的便是便利商店,因其特性與智慧商店的優點非常合適,本研究以統一企業智慧門市X-Store作為範例,透過使用者經驗元素模型(Components of User Experience ,CUE)試圖探討,使用者在智慧商店的體驗中產生了哪些主觀認知;本研究根據CUE模型將其主觀認知分為工具性品質的感知(Perception of Instrumental Qualities)、非工具性品質的感知(Perception of Non-Instrumental Qualities)以及情緒體驗(Emotion Experience),透過問卷調查法回收了303份問卷,並採用SPSS版本24以及SmartPLS 3.0版本兩套軟體作統計分析。本研究的目的在於探究,使用者產出的主觀回饋中,哪些會影響其再次選擇智慧商店;由於過去的文獻大多忽視情緒體驗作為影響使用者決策的重要性,因此在本研究更會延伸探討,在使用者的體驗中,情緒會被何者影響,而這個情緒的反應是否會反饋至其對於智慧商店的評價,進而影響使用者的意圖。本研究希望透過這些研究分析,能讓企業、決策者在深思後,決定實行智慧商店的轉變時,能夠有一個過去曾實際實行的依據,透過使用者實際的資料回饋分析得出最佳方案;亦即本研究的幾個重點與討論,如工具性品質感知與非工具性品質感知何者較為重要,或是對使用者來說哪個元素是其最為看重的,是什麼影響情緒反應較多;根據這些綜合分析討論,探討如今X-Store的發展與瓶頸作為未來的前車之鑑。 |
Abstract |
The brick-and-mortar storethat provides us with every day’s needs is now evo-lving. With the development of the supported technologys, the concept of smart store has been widely discussed and even applied directly. The purpose of smart store is to reduce the burden on those poor clerks. And perhaps provide more opportunity to im-plement other services.Convenience storesare the first ones to applied the concept of smart store, for its characteristicsfit the advantages of smart storethe most. The Xstore from Uni-President Chain Store Corporationhas beenusedas a sample in this study. With the Com-ponent ofUser’sExperience (CUE), we try to explore what subjective cognition the experience of smart storehas bring to users.This study divides the subjective cognition into (1)Perception of Instrumental Qualities(2)Perception of Non-Instrumental Qualities and(3)Emotion Experienceacc-rding to the CUE model.303 valid sampleswere collected through questionnaires, and SPSS version 24 and SmartPLS version 3.0were used for analysis.Since most of the past literature ignores the importance of emotional experience as a factor in influencing user’s decisions, this study will be extendedwith it. The pur-pose of this study is to explore which factorwill affect user’s choice, whether they are willing to choose the smart store next time or not. And also, if the factors will influence emotion, which in turn affects their continuance intention.With this study,we hope to support enterprises if they are willing to implementsmart store. With these actual data and analysis, enterprises will get to know what is actually important for users, and what might cause a failure. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書……………………………………………………………………………i 摘要……………………………………………………………………………………ii Abstract………………………………………………………………………………iii 圖次…………………………………………………………………………………….vi 表次…………………………………………………………………………………vii 第一章緒論.........................................................................................1 第一節研究背景............................................................................1 第二節研究動機............................................................................2 第三節研究問題與目的...................................................................3 第四節研究流程............................................................................3 第二章文獻探討.................................................................................5 第一節使用者經驗元素模型............................................................5 一、情緒體驗.........................................................................7 二、再使用意圖......................................................................9 三、非工具性品質..................................................................10 第二節智慧商店...........................................................................11 第三章研究方法.................................................................................12 第一節研究模型.........................................................................12 第二節研究假說.........................................................................13 第三節操作型定義......................................................................15 第四節研究設計.........................................................................16 一、研究對象.....................................................................16 二、問卷設計........................................................................16 三、資料收集及使用工具.........................................................19 第四章資料分析.................................................................................20 第一節樣本基本資料分析............................................................20 第二節衡量模型........................................................................21 一、信度分析......................................................................22 二、收斂效度......................................................................23 三、區別效度......................................................................24 四、共線性分析...................................................................25 五、共同方法偏誤................................................................26 第三節結構模型及假說驗證..........................................................30 第五章結論與建議.............................................................................34 第一節研究結果與討論...............................................................34 一、工具性品質感知與非工具性品質感知對情緒體驗皆有正向影響.......34 二、情緒體驗的中介效果.........................................................35 三、智慧商店的情境下使用者如何構成再使用意圖........................35 第二節理論與實務意涵...............................................................36 一、理論面...........................................................................36 二、實務面...........................................................................36 第三節研究限制與未來研究方向...................................................37 文獻參考...........................................................................................39 附錄.................................................................................................45 |
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