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論文名稱 Title |
抽卡/轉蛋型手機遊戲之消費(課金)行為與意欲 Saving for Merlin: Consumer Motivation in Gacha-based Mobile Gaming |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
95 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2019-07-11 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2019-08-15 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
感知價值、轉蛋機制、免費增值、賭博心理、社會價值 social value, Perceived value, Freemium model, Gacha model, gambling |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 6453 次,被下載 228 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 6453 times, has been downloaded 228 times. |
中文摘要 |
本研究之目的為探討抽卡/轉蛋型手機遊戲相關之消費(課金)行為,並嘗試找出轉蛋機制對消費意欲的影響因素。轉蛋機制就不同方面,尤其是隨機型獎勵機制,均和傳統免費增值遊戲有所不同,有需要就轉蛋機制另外建立研究方向。 本研究提出之轉蛋機制對消費意欲的影響因素如下:玩家對抽卡/轉蛋獎勵的感知價值,玩家社群帶來的影響與朋輩壓力,隨機型獎勵機制帶來的賭徒心理與行為。當中感知價值包含功能價值跟情感價值。 研究方法分為針對單一遊戲的個案研究跟後續的網上問卷調查。當中發現情感價值相較功能價值更為影響玩家對獎勵的感知價值,同時社群互動對情感價值影響較深,稀有度與感知價值則沒有直接關係。但是感知價值等因素與消費程度是否有確實關係則待進一步研究。隨機型獎勵機制則有機會導致強迫性消費,並減弱玩家對增加課金支出的心理屏障。另外,玩家之間亦有轉蛋運氣方面的競爭情況。但是受訪者也表示能控制自身消費,因此轉蛋機制的吸引力也許有限。 |
Abstract |
This paper attempts to investigate the motivations for in-app purchases concerning Gacha-based mobile games. It was suggested that the Gacha model differs from conventional Freemium model in various aspects, especially the randomized nature of prize distribution, that leads to the need to contextualize purchasing motivations in a different manner. It was proposed that perceived value of the prizes available and community influences act as major factors affecting purchasing motivations. Perceived value was further divided into functional utility and hedonic utility, referring to rational usefulness and emotional appeal. Randomized prize distribution also invokes elements of gambling behaviour. Research was divided into two parts – an exploratory case study of a Gacha game and a subsequent survey. Results indicate that hedonic utility is more influential over perceived value compared to functional utility and is also more likely to be influenced by community opinion. There appeared to be no direct relationship between rarity and perceived value. However, whether the stated factors have significant relationships with expenditure will require additional research to reach a conclusion. The randomness factor was found to possibly cause compulsive spending and the loss of mental barriers concerning expenditure, and possible competition in terms of user luck. Yet most respondents still showed restraint in expenditure, hence there may be a limit in Gacha’s psychological draws. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 i 摘 要 ii Abstract iii Table of Contents iv Table of Figures vii Table of Tables ix Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 2 The Gacha Model 4 Chapter 3 Literature Review 8 Chapter 4 Gacha and consumer motivation - conceptualized 15 4.1 Perceived value 15 4.1.1 Functional utility 16 4.1.2 Hedonic utility 17 4.2 Community Interaction 18 4.2.1 Game-related content 20 4.2.2 Non-game-related content 21 4.3 Gambling Behaviour 22 Chapter 5 Methodology 24 5.1 Case Study 24 5.2 Survey 25 Chapter 6 Results and Discussion 28 6.1 Case Study 28 6.1.1 Background 28 6.1.2 The Gacha System 29 6.1.3 Character statistics and balance 32 6.1.4 Character Appeal 35 6.1.5 Rarity and value 37 6.1.6 Community interactions 37 6.1.7 Psychological draws 39 6.2 Survey 41 6.2.1 Reliability analysis 42 6.2.2 Demographics 42 6.2.3 Gameplay and purchasing habits 46 6.2.4 Purchasing motivations 52 6.2.5 Motivation factor indices 57 Chapter 7 Discussion 65 7.1 Perceived Value 65 7.2 Community influence 66 7.3 The luck factor 67 Chapter 8 Limitations 69 8.1 Case Study 69 8.2 Survey 70 Chapter 9 Conclusion 71 References 72 Appendix 78 |
參考文獻 References |
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