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博碩士論文 etd-0713119-005034 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0713119-005034
Facebook原生廣告內容特性與消費者行為之研究: 以某女性用品廣告為例
A Study of the Characteristic of the Content of the Native Advertising and the Behavior of the Customers - An Example of a Feminine Product Advertising
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
native ads, external incentives, advertising tones, mental workload, feminine supplies
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關鍵字 : 原生廣告、廣告色調、外部誘因、認知負荷、女性用品
The purpose of this study is to explore the advertising effectiveness differences between different attributes of native ads and viewers with different demographics. The whole process of advertising and data collecting are running on Facebook.
Previous studies have found that users have different emotional responses when faced with different shades of pictures. Some studies have pointed out that such emotional reactions are influential in kanban advertisements, so this study included this factor as one of the attributes of native advertising to explore whether this phenomenon can be extended to the application of native advertising. In addition, the lottery is often used as an external incentive for marketing. This study also explores whether the lottery is a factor that can actually improve the effectiveness of advertising. In addition, the multi-page carousel advertisement with more complicated design is a common type of advertising on Facebook. This study also included it as one of the factors.
The research results of this study show that the cool and warm color of the advertisement has a significant impact on the advertising interaction rate, the external clicking rate and the linked page browsing rate.On the other hands,the lottery effectiveness is not as good as expected.And the multiple pages advertising does have a significant discount on the effectiveness of advertising.

Keywords: native ads, advertising tones, external incentives, mental workload, feminine supplies
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 .......................................................... i
摘要 ............................................................... ii
ABSTRACT .......................................................... iii
第一章 緒論 ........................................................ 1
1.1 研究背景 .................................................... 1
1.2 研究動機 .................................................... 3
1.3 研究問題與目的 .............................................. 5
1.4 研究流程 .................................................... 5
第二章 文獻探討 .................................................... 6
2.1 網路廣告 .................................................... 6
2.1.1 網路廣告的定義 ............................................ 6
2.1.2 網路廣告的種類 ............................................ 7
2.1.3 原生廣告相關研究 ......................................... 12
2.1.4 Facebook之廣告 ........................................... 14
2.2 網路廣告效果衡量 ........................................... 20
2.3 色調與溫度感知相關理論 ..................................... 23
2.3.1 體感溫暖與視覺溫暖 ......................................... 23
2.3.2 與溫暖對應的心理感受 ....................................... 24
2.4 認知負荷理論與自我決定理論之外部報酬 ....................... 25
2.4.1 自我決定理論之外部報酬 ................................... 25
2.4.2 認知負荷理論 ............................................. 26
第三章 研究架構與研究方法 ......................................... 29
3.1 研究架構 ................................................... 29
3.1.1 暖色調之廣告有較好之廣告效果 ............................... 29
3.1.2 具有抽獎之廣告有較好之廣告效果 ............................. 30
3.1.3 單頁之廣告相對於多頁廣告有較好之廣告效果.................... 31
3.2 變數定義 ................................................... 33
3.3 資料蒐集 ................................................... 37
第四章 資料分析 ................................................... 39
4.1 研究樣本結構與敘述性統計 ................................... 39
4.2 實驗樣本檢定 ............................................... 41
4.3 實驗結果分析 ............................................... 42
4.3.1 廣告色調對各構面之差異 ................................... 42
4.3.2 抽獎對各構面之差異 ....................................... 43
4.3.3 單頁多頁廣告對各構面之差異 ............................... 44
4.4 研究假說之檢定結果 ......................................... 45
4.5 額外分析 ................................................... 47
4.5.1 使用者年齡層對各構面之差異 ............................... 47
4.5.2 使用者區域對各構面之差異 ................................. 50
4.5.3 所使用之裝置對各構面之差異 ............................... 51
第五章 結論與建議 ................................................. 54
5.1 研究發現與結論 ............................................. 54
5.2 研究貢獻 ................................................... 56
5.3 研究限制 ................................................... 57
5.4 未來研究方向與建議 ......................................... 58
參考文獻 ........................................................... 59
附錄 ............................................................... 68
圖1-1 2017商品數排行榜 .................................... 2
圖1-2 2017商品數成長率排行榜 .............................. 3
圖1-3 全年度台灣數位廣告統計與播放裝置比例 ................. 4
圖1-4 本研究流程圖 ......................................... 5
圖2-1 全螢幕廣告 ........................................... 8
圖2-2 浮動式廣告 ............................................ 9
圖2-3 網站上之橫幅廣告 ..................................... 9
圖2-4 網站上之原生廣告 .................................... 10
圖2-5 關鍵字廣告 .......................................... 11
圖2-6 影音廣告 ............................................ 12
圖2-7 原生廣告estimate ................................... 13
圖2-8 Facebook動態消息範例圖 .............................. 16
圖2-9 Marketplace廣告示意圖 ............................... 17
圖2-10右欄廣告示意圖 ...................................... 18
圖2-11 Facebook限時動態廣告範例 ........................... 19
圖2-12 Google Analytics頁面 ............................... 22
圖3-1 研究架構 ............................................. 32
圖3-2 photoshop廣告RGB分布圖 ............................ 34
圖3-3 photoshop廣告像素資料統計與分布 ..................... 34
圖3-4 廣告抽獎範例1 ...................................... 35
圖3-5 廣告抽獎範例2 ...................................... 35
圖3-6 多頁廣告輪播範例 .................................... 36
圖3-7 單頁廣告範例 ........................................ 36
圖4-1 研究架構驗證 ........................................ 47
表2-1 網路廣告之定義 ....................................... 6
表2-2 原生廣告資料整理 .................................... 13
表2-3 Facebook廣告流量指標 ............................... 22
表4-1 各資料集之敘述統計資料 .............................. 39
表4-2 年齡區域裝置之細部統計資料 .......................... 40
表4-3 主資料集之Levene's同質性檢定 ....................... 41
表4-4 年齡資料集之Levene's同質性檢定 ..................... 41
表4-5 區域資料集之Levene's同質性檢定 ..................... 41
表4-6 裝置資料集之Levene's同質性檢定 ..................... 42
表4-7 廣告色調對廣告效果之Kruskal-Wallis檢定與Welch's ANOVA ....................................................... 43
表4-8 抽獎對廣告效果之Welch's ANOVA ...................... 44
表4-9 單頁多頁廣告對廣告效果之Kruskal-Wallis檢定與Welch's ANOVA .................................................. 45
表4-10 假說結果彙整表 ..................................... 46
表4-11 年齡曾與廣告效果之敘述統計 ......................... 48
表4-12 年齡對於互動率構面之Dunn事後比較法結果 ............ 48
表4-13 年齡對於連外點擊率構面之Dunn事後比較法結果 ........ 49
表4-14 年齡對於連結頁面瀏覽率構面之games-howell事後比較法結果 ..................................................... 49
表4-15 區域與廣告效果之敘述統計 ........................... 50
表4-16 區域對於互動率構面之Dunn事後比較法結果 ............ 50
表4-17 區域對於連外點擊率構面之Dunn事後比較法結果 ........ 51
表4-18 區域對於連結頁面瀏覽率構面之Dunn事後比較法結果 .... 51
表4-19 裝置對廣告效果之敘述統計 ........................... 52
表4-20 裝置對於互動率構面之games-howell事後比較法結果 .... 52
表4-21 裝置對於連外點擊率構面之games-howell事後比較法結果 52
表4-22 裝置對於連結頁面瀏覽率構面之games-howell事後比較法結果 ..................................................... 53
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