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論文名稱 Title |
恐懼訴求與調節焦點對資訊安全宣傳效果之研究 The impact of fear appeals and regulatory focus on the effectiveness of information security advocacy |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
93 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2019-07-19 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2020-08-03 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
保護動機理論、調節焦點理論、恐懼訴求、行為的資訊安全 Protection motivation theory; Regulatory focus theory; Fear appeals; Behavioral information security. |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 5953 次,被下載 1 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5953 times, has been downloaded 1 times. |
中文摘要 |
本論文研究之主要目的是探討不同調節焦點特徵的人接收到資訊安全相關的恐懼訴求訊息時,對於防範威脅的態度會產生什麼影響。為了達成上述目的,本研究整合了調節焦點理論(Regulatory Focus Theory)、保護動機理論(Protection Motivation Theory)與恐懼訴求中,被認為是重要元素之一的恐懼(Fear)來進行研究探討。 本研究將資訊安全宣導訊息以恐懼訴求訊息的型態來進行呈現,訊息內容分 成兩部分,分別為威脅的短文與應對威脅的短文,並結合保護動機理論、調節焦點理論與恐懼,來探討(1)威脅評估(Threat appraisal)、恐懼(Fear)與效能評估(Coping appraisal)是否會對防範威脅的態度產生影響,(2)對於不同調節焦點特徵的人們接收到威脅的短文內容後,產生的威脅評估對於防範威脅的態度是否會有差異,(3)對於不同調節焦點特徵的人們接收到應對威脅的短文內容後,產生的效能評估對於防範威脅的態度是否會有差異,(4)對於不同調節焦點特徵的人們接收到威脅的短文內容後,產生的恐懼對於防範威脅的態度是否會有差異。 研究結果顯示恐懼與效能評估中的應對效能(Response efficacy)與自我效能(Self-efficacy)是主要影響防範威脅態度的因子。對於預防焦點特徵的人(Prevention individual)而言,他們應該要注意恐懼、應對效能與自我效能,這三個是影響他們的防範威脅態度之主要因子。另一方面,對於促進焦點特徵的人(Promotion individual)而言,他們則是要注意效能評估(Coping appraisal)中的應對效能(Response efficacy),應對效能才是影響他們防範威脅態度之主要因素。 |
Abstract |
This study is to understand the effect of fear-appeal-related messages about information security awareness on individuals’ attitude toward threat defending, specifically individuals with different regulatory focus characteristics. To answer the question, this study integrates the theories of Regulatory Focus, Protection Motivation, and Fear Appeals, in which fear is considered as one of the important elements. This study presents information security advocacy messages in the form of fear appeal messages. The message includes script of threat and dealing with threat. This study further discusses (1) whether threat appraisal, fear, and/or coping appraisal affects individual’s threat defending attitudes; (2) the extent of threat appraisal upon receiving threat message affecting threat defending attitudes in individuals with different regulatory focus characteristics; (3) the extent of coping appraisal upon receiving counter threat script affecting threat defending attitude in individuals with different regulatory focus characteristics; (4) the extent of fear upon receiving threat message affecting threat defending attitude in individuals with different regulatory focus characteristics. The results show that fear and response efficacy as well as self-efficacy in coping appraisal are the main factors which affect the attitude of threat defending. For prevention individuals, they should emphasize fear, response efficacy, and self-efficacy, for these three are the keys to affecting their threat defending attitudes. On the other hand, for promotion individuals, they should focus on response efficacy in coping appraisal, for it is the principal factor to affect their threat defending attitude. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 ⅰ 中文摘要 ⅱ Abstract ⅲ 圖片目錄 ⅶ 表格目錄 ⅷ 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機與研究問題 4 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 惡意軟體 7 第二節 資訊安全 19 第三節 恐懼訴求 25 第四節 調節焦點理論 30 第三章 研究架構與假說 33 第一節 研究架構 33 第二節 推論與假說 34 第三節 操作型定義 40 第四章 研究方法和資料收集 42 第一節 實驗設計與流程 42 第二節 操縱和測量 44 第三節 資料收集 47 第五章 資料分析 48 第一節 操弄檢測 48 第二節 人口統計 49 第三節 測量驗證 51 第四節 假說測試 54 第六章 結論 64 第一節 總結 64 第二節 貢獻 65 第三節 研究限制與未來建議 66 參考文獻 68 |
參考文獻 References |
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