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Title page for etd-0631119-162414
Explore The Inertia of Existing Online Shopping Platforms and The Impact on Perception and Intention of Using New Online Shopping Platform - Take Line Shopping As Example
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Complementarity, Inertia, Online Shopping Platform, Switching Costs, Convenience, Customer Loyalty
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This study explores the impact of "inertia" on the conversion of different online shopping platforms in an empirical implication. Inertia means “users are willing to use the current system continuously, even if there is a better alternative, they will not convert.” In our research, the verification is divided into two parts. First part explores the factors that users will generate inertia. Our study considers that "switching costs", "customer loyalty" and "perceived network size" are the main factors that form inertia. In second part, it explores the impact of the user's inertia on the conversion of the new platform. Our study suggests that users will reduce the cognition of complementarity of new platform because of dissonance theory and self-perception theory. Yet, convenience will raise the intention of switching to new platform.
The two control variables, habit and perceived ease of use, have verified in many studies in the past, therefore, it is not thoroughly discussed in this study. However, these variables cannot be ignored as well, so we put these variables as control variables in this study.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
Acknowledgements ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
Table of Contents v
List of Figures vii
List of Tables viii
Introduction 1
Background 1
Research Motivation 3
Purpose and Frame 5
Literature Review 9
Inertia 12
Factors of Inertia Forming 19
Impact of Inertia on Cognition of New Platform 26
Research Methodology 31
Research Model 31
Hypothesis 32
Definition and Operationalization of Research Variables 39
Research Design 45
Data analysis 46
Sample Basic Data Analysis 46
Verification of Model and Hypothesis 50
Conclusion and Recommendation 61
Discussion of The Study 61
Implication of The Findings 65
Limitation and Future Research 68
Reference 70
Appendix 76
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