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博碩士論文 etd-0631119-110036 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0631119-110036
LMX 如何減緩部屬情緒耗竭? 主管非語言親近性與部屬情緒的中介效果
How Leader-Member Exchange Lessens Subordinates’ Emotional Exhaustion? Exploring the Mediating Effects of Supervisors’ Nonverbal Immediacy and Subordinates’ Affects
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emotional exhaustion, affects, nonverbal immediacy, leader-member exchange, interpersonal communication
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5831 times, has been downloaded 79 times.
本研究整合LMX理論、情緒社會訊息理論與情感信息理論,說明LMX如何透過溝通過程,減少部屬的情緒耗竭,以提供新的理論觀點。本研究以間隔兩週之跨兩個時間點的研究設計,在越南收集跨產業共 138名全職員工之問卷資料。研究結果顯示,LMX越高,會提升部屬所知覺的主管非語言親近性,進而透過影響正向以及負向情感,來影響員工的情緒耗竭程度。本研究之結果,將可以為工作場域中的主管與部屬對偶關係,提供相關實務意涵建議。
This study integrates leader-member exchange (LMX) theory, emotional contagion theory, and feelings as information theory, and aims to produce novel theoretical and practical insights into how LMX reduces subordinates’ emotional exhaustion via communication process. Regarding methodology, data were collected from 138 full-time employees at two-time points over two weeks from multiple career fields in Vietnam. The results of PROCESS analysis indicated that high quality of LMX increases the perception of supervisors’ expressions of nonverbal immediacy and subsequently impacts on employees’ emotional exhaustion through their positive and negative affects. The present study also provides some practical implications for improving dyadic relationships between supervisor and subordinate in the workplace.
目次 Table of Contents
摘要 iii
2.1 Leader-member exchange 5
2.2 Nonverbal immediacy 6
2.3 Leader-Member Exchange and Nonverbal Immediacy 7
2.4 Positive and Negative Affects 10
2.5 Nonverbal immediacy and the Affective States 11
2.6 Emotional exhaustion 14
2.7 Affective States and Emotional Exhaustion 15
2.8 Mediating processes 18
3.1 Sampling Method and Procedure 21
3.2 Measures 22
3.2.1 Leader-Member Exchange 22
3.2.2 Supervisor’s Nonverbal Immediacy 23
3.2.3 Subordinates’ Positive and Negative Affects 23
3.2.4 Subordinates’ Emotional Exhaustion 23
3.2.5 Control Variables 24
4.1 Analysis strategy 25
4.2 Preliminary analyses 25
4.2.1 Test of Common Method Variance (CMV) 28
4.2.2 Correlation analysis 28
4.2.3 Hypotheses testing 29
5.1 Theoretical implications 33
5.2 Practical implications 35
5.3 Limitations and suggestions for future research 36
References 38
Appendix: Survey Questionnaire 44
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