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Title page for etd-0629120-123758
Analysis of DNR Document Types for Deceased Cancer Patients in the Hospital
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Do-Not-Resuscitate (DNR), Autonomy, Medical ethic, Cancer, Hospice Palliative Care, End-of-life (EOL) Care
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透過分析癌症病人死亡前所簽署的不施行心肺復甦術 (Do not resuscitate, DNR) 文件類型件,了解臨床人員對尊重末期病人自主權議題的臨床實務狀況,並作為精進醫療人員教育與臨床照護流程的依據。
方法:擷取南部某公立醫學中心2017 年1月至2018年12月住院癌症死亡者的醫療資料,蒐集其人口學特性、最後住院醫療單位屬性、醫療過程特性、以及病人的DNR文件類別等資料,以Microsoft Excel格式儲存,匯入STATA 14.0 版本軟體進行統計分析。連續變項以t-test及One-way ANOVA進行差異性檢定分析,類別變項組間比較以卡方檢定進行相關性分析,對於可能影響DNR意願書簽署的項目,以Logistic regression進行推論性統計分析,p 值小於0.05視為具有統計學上顯著差異。
結果:共有1,338位住院癌症死亡病人資料納入統計分析,人口學資料發現平均年齡為66.79±14.20歲,以男性 (60.61%)、≧65歲 (55.23%)、有配偶 (68.09%)、子女數為≧3人 (51.27%)、學歷以國小至高中畢業佔最多 (67.12%)。臨床處置發現簽署意願書 (56.35%) 之比率略多於同意書,死亡前1週內才簽署DNR文件的病人居多 (40.81%),多數病人 (76.08%) 曾接受過安寧療護,但只有少數病人 (28.77%) 曾經召開緩和醫療家庭諮詢會議告知末期病情,少數 (5.83%) 癌末病人死於加護病房,最後一次平均住院天數為18.78±19.22天,最後死亡地點多在院內 (79.15%)。Logistic regression發現正向影響意願書簽署的因素為有最後醫療科別為家庭醫學科 (Odds ratio [OR] 2.714, Confidence interval [CI] 1.659-4.438) 及有安寧療護者 (OR 1.771, CI 1.257-2.497)。負向影響意願書簽署的因素為年齡≧65歲 (OR 0.592, 95% 0.460-0.763)、無正式教育 (OR 0.574, CI 0.374-0.880)、子女人數≧3 (OR 0.575 CI 0.370-0.894 )、首次DNR醫囑至死亡天數≦7 (OR 0.397, CI 0.283-0.556) 與8-29 (OR 0.677, CI 0.491-0.933)、與最後入住加護病房 (OR 0.347, CI 0.191-0.630)。
Purpose: To explore factors that influence the types of legal documents of “do not resuscitate” (DNR) before the death of cancer patients. The results can be references for understanding the clinical practice for the ethical issue of “respecting the autonomy” and for designing future medical education curriculum to improve the clinical care process for terminal cancer patients.
Method: Tapping the medical information system database of one public medical center in southern Taiwan, we identified cancer patients who deceased between Jan. 2017 and Dec. 2018. From the database, we collected data on demographic characteristics, clinic course, and legal DNR types. Chi-square, t-test, one-way ANOVA and logistic regression were used to analyze differences and relations between the two types of legal documents, including the letter of non-applying CPR intent signed by the patient himself or herself and the consent signed by his/her close relatives. All statistical operations were performed using STATA 14.0. A p-value <0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.
Results: We identified 1,338 deceased cancer patients with a mean age of 66.79±14.2 years. The majority were male (60.61%), age ≧65years (55.23%), having spouses (68.09%), having ≧3 children, and received academic qualifications from elementary school to high school graduation (67.12%). The legal documents of DNR included 754 (56.35%) letters of intent. Most patients signed the DNR document 1 week before their death (40.81%) and received hospice palliative care (76.08%). Only 28.77% patients conducted a family meeting for disclosure of terminal conditions. The mean duration of the last hospital stay was 18.78±19.22 days, and 79.15% of patients died in the hospital, including 5.83% in the intensive care units. Logistic regression analysis revealed significant factors facilitative to writing the letter of intent included the last admission service being family medicine (OR 2.714, confidence interval [CI] 1.659-4.438), having received hospice palliative care (OR 1.771, CI 1.257-2.497); and significant negative factors to writing the letter of intent included older age≧65 years (OR 0.592 CI 0.460-0.763), lack of formal education (OR 0.574, CI 0.374-0.880), having ≧3 children (OR 0.575 CI 0.370-0.894 ), period from first DNR order to death≦7 (OR 0.397, CI 0.283-0.556) and 8-29 (OR 0.677, CI 0.491-0.933), and the last admission is in the intensive care unit (OR 0.347 CI 0.191-0.630).
Conclusion: The proportion of letter of intent for DNR signed by the patient himself/herself is only slightly more than 50%, thus there is still room for improvement. To promote the rate of signing a letter of intent for DNR, it may be necessary to design a curriculum to train medical staff on communication skills for informing bad news and ethical and legal issues related to terminal cancer care. To respect the patients’ autonomy, it is recommended to discuss the issue of DNR with terminal cancer patients as early as possible and to introduce advanced medical decision process for the elderly.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract v
目錄 vii
圖次 x
表次 xi
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 問題陳述與研究目的 3
一、 研究問題 3
二、 研究重要性 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 心肺復甦術 6
一、 心肺復甦術的歷史 6
二、 心肺復甦術的副作用與成效 9
第二節 不施行心肺復甦術法規與文件 10
一、 台灣的不施行心肺復甦術文件 11
二、 其他國家的不施行心肺復甦術文件 17
第三節 醫學倫理考量 21
一、 生命倫理學簡介 22
二、 DNR的倫理考量 26
第三章 研究方法 30
第一節 研究設計與研究架構 30
第二節 研究對象與資料來源 32
一、 收案條件及資料庫資料取得方法 32
二、 樣本篩選步驟 33
第三節 研究假設 36
第四節 研究變項與操作型定義 36
一、 人口學資料 36
二、 醫療過程特性 37
三、 醫療單位屬性 37
四、 DNR文件類型 38
五、 其他 38
第五節 資料處理與分析方法 39
一、 描述性統計(Descriptive Statistics) 39
二、 推論性統計(Inferential Statistics) 39
第四章 資料分析結果 41
第一節 研究對象基本特性 41
一、 人口學資料 41
二、 個案臨床特性 42
第二節 連續變項比較分析結果 43
一、 首次DNR醫囑至死亡日數與人口學特性的檢定結果 43
二、 首次DNR醫囑至死亡日數與醫療過程特性的檢定結果 44
三、 首次DNR醫囑至死亡日數與醫療單位屬性的檢定結果 45
第三節 類別變項比較分析結果 46
一、 人口學特性與醫療過程特性卡方檢定結果 46
二、 醫療屬性與醫療過程特性之卡方檢定結果 49
三、 DNR文件類型與人口學特性之卡方檢定結果 51
四、 DNR文件類型與醫療過程特性之卡方檢定結果 52
五、 DNR文件類型與醫療屬性之卡方檢定結果 53
第四節 羅吉斯迴歸分析 54
第五章 討論與建議 56
第一節 研究假設驗證 56
第二節 研究討論 57
第三節 實務涵義 63
第四節 研究限制 65
第五節 後續研究建議 66
參考文獻 67
附錄 78
附錄1:安寧緩和醫療條例 78
附錄2:安寧緩和醫療條例施行細則 80
附錄3:健保IC卡預立安寧意願註記流程 81
附錄4:美國OKLAHOMA州的立健康照護決定表單範例 82
附錄7:澳洲NEW SOUTH WALES 州預立醫療指示表單範例 89
附錄8:新加坡預立醫療指示表單範例 95
附錄9:人體研究計畫同意函 97
附錄10:健保緩和醫療家庭諮詢費 98
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