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Title page for etd-0628120-221418
A Multiple-Case Study of Developing Gritty Teams among Multigenerational Workforces in the Healthcare System
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Generational Difference, Generational Conflict, Multigenerational Organization, Gritty Team, Grit
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As age diversity increases in the workplace, generational conflicts have become a threat to organizational success. There is an urgent need for management to focus on better managing and leading their age-diverse workforce. The issue of multigenerational management has received considerable attention. In recent years, grit, which is defined as the perseverance and passion for long-term goals, has been conceptualized as the predictor of organizational success. This study shows that cultivating gritty teams can minimize generational conflicts among age-diverse workforces. Previous research has established that creating a culture of grit can increase the grit of employees and turn their passion and perseverance into work performances on the premise of goal alignment. However, a group of gritty employees may pursue separate passions, which causes goal conflict. A qualitative, multiple-case study approach was used to identify what contributes to building gritty teams. Data was collected by participant observations, documentation, semi-structured interviews and the samples were selected by a purposive, stratified sampling procedure. Through thematic synthesis and cross-case analysis, it was discovered that mutual support, management coordination, sense of responsibility and communicative leadership facilitate the building of gritty teams.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 ................................................................................................................ i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................ ii
摘要 .......................................................................................................................... iii
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................ iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................... v
LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................. vii
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................... vii
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 1
1.1 Statement of the Problem ............................................................................... 4
1.2 Purpose of the Study ...................................................................................... 6
1.3 Objectives of Study ......................................................................................... 7
1.4 Research Questions ...................................................................................... 13
1.5 Significance of the Study .............................................................................. 14
1.6 Scope of the Study ........................................................................................ 15
1.7 Definition of Key Terms ............................................................................... 16
1.7.1 Communicative Leadership ..................................................................... 17
1.7.2 Generational Conflict .............................................................................. 17
1.7.3 Grit .......................................................................................................... 18
1.7.4 Gritty Team ............................................................................................. 18
1.7.5 Management Coordination ....................................................................... 18
1.7.6 Multigenerational Organization ............................................................... 19
1.7.7 Mutual Support ........................................................................................ 19
1.7.8 Organizational Success ............................................................................ 20
1.8 Overview and Organization of the Study .................................................... 20
CHAPTER TWO: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ............................. 23
2.1 Multigenerational Organizations ................................................................. 24
2.1.1 Generational Work-value Differences ...................................................... 25
2.1.2 Generational Conflict in the Workplace ................................................... 29
2.1.3 Fill in the Generational Gap ..................................................................... 30
2.2 Grit as a Theoretically Relevant Predictor of Success and Achievement ... 32
2.2.1 Developing Grit through Environment ..................................................... 35
2.2.2 Emerge the Positive Outcomes of Individual Grit at the Organizational Level
......................................................................................................................... 37
2.2.3 Grit Bridge Generation Gap ..................................................................... 39
2.4 Chapter Summary ........................................................................................ 43
3.1 Methodology ................................................................................................. 45
3.2 Research Design ........................................................................................... 47
3.3 Sample .......................................................................................................... 51
3.4 Data Collection ............................................................................................. 56
3.5 Data Analysis ................................................................................................ 63
3.6 Data Presentation ......................................................................................... 64
3.7 Credibility of Research Results .................................................................... 69
3.8 Chapter Summary ........................................................................................ 71
CHAPTER FOUR: FINDING ............................................................................... 72
4.1 Mutual Support and Management Coordination Affect the Effect of Goal
Alignment ........................................................................................................... 72
4.1.1 Mutual Support Makes Employees Achieve Common Goals Effectively via
Task Assistance, Social Support and Feedback ................................................. 77
4.1.2 Management Coordination via Direct Contact, Task Adjustment, Conflict
Resolution Motivate Employees to Commit to Common Goals ........................ 86
4.1.3 Shortage of Mutual Support and Management Coordination Fail to Achieve
Goal Alignment ................................................................................................ 96
4.1.4 The Condition of Goal Alignment can be Changed by Leadership Style . 102
4.2 Fostering Grit in Teams Can Enhance Teamwork in the Workplace ....... 107
4.3 Communicative Leadership is More Likely to Build Gritty Team ........... 113
4.4 Generational Conflict in Gritty Team is Unapparent ............................... 119
4.5 Chapter Summary ...................................................................................... 123
CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................. 124
5.1 Recommendations ...................................................................................... 126
5.2 Limitations .................................................................................................. 129
5.3 Conclusions ................................................................................................. 130
REFERENCE....................................................................................................... 133
APPENDIX .......................................................................................................... 146
Interview Transcript ........................................................................................ 146
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