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博碩士論文 etd-0627120-144819 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0627120-144819
An information security warning study - effects of organizational cynicism
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warning, eye tracking, organizational commitment, information security, attention, Organizational cynicism
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注意力實驗長久以來為研究者所關心,本研究基礎為Anderson(2016)在DSS與MIS Quarterly上面發表的注意力研究,利用眼動追蹤技術去蒐集使用者對於資訊安全警告的注意力下降實驗。雖然過去對於注意力已經有很多的研究,但是在眾多警告注意力的研究中環境因素很少被提到,本研究認為組織的環境因素在實務上是不可或缺的。
根據Argyris(1974)提出的習慣性防衛機制(Defensive Routine),組織成員通常會單向地保護自己而不信任組織、具有防禦性,導致組織犬儒(Organizational Cynicism)的態度在許多組織內部產生,因此本研究將以Anderson眼動注意力實驗為基礎探討組織犬儒態度與資安警告注意力下降程度之間的關係。
Attention experiments have long been concerned by researchers. This research is based on Anderson's attention study which published on DSS and MIS Quarterly. Anderson used eye tracking technology to collect users' attention lost for information security warnings. Although there have been many studies on attention in the past, environmental factors are rarely mentioned in those studies. This study believes that organizational environmental factors are indispensable in practice.
According to the defensive routine proposed by Argyris, the members of the organization usually protect themselves unilaterally without trusting the organization, resulting in the attitude of organizational cynicism in many organizations.
In the experiment, a total of 103 students from Sun Yat-sen University were recruited as subjects. After reading the organizational cynicism/general organizational scenario, the subjects were asked to watch a series of warnings. They were set into two groups, one group watches polymorphic warnings and the other one watches static warnings to observe how organizational context and warning categories affect the subjects' attention. The results of the study show that the attention of those who read the cynicism scenario of the organization declines more rapidly than those who read the general scenario. The data also shows that there is a negative relationship between organization cynicism and organizational commitment, and there is also a negative relationship between organizational commitment and violation behavior. In addition, attention will negatively moderate the relationship between organizational commitment and excess behavior.
Overall, in addition to successfully repeating Anderson's attention experiment in Chinese areas, this study also confirmed the impact of negative organizational attitudes such as cynicism on members' attention to watching warnings. And finally, it was confirmed that the polymorphic warning proposed by Anderson can still effectively increase attention in the organizational environment.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書............................................................. i
致謝................................................................. ii
摘要................................................................ iii
ABSTRACT............................................................. iv
第一章、 緒論 ........................................................ 5
第一節 研究背景 ..................................................... 5
第二節 研究動機與研究目的 ........................................... 7
第三節 研究流程 ..................................................... 9
第二章、 文獻探討 ................................................... 10
第一節 犬儒主義CYNICISM ............................................. 10
一、人格犬儒主義 ................................................. 11
二、社會犬儒主義 ................................................. 11
三、職業犬儒主義 ................................................. 11
四、員工犬儒主義 ................................................. 12
五、組織變革犬儒主義 ............................................. 12
第二節 組織犬儒主義(ORGANIZATIONAL CYNICISM) ........................... 14
第三節 組織承諾 .................................................... 15
第四節 資訊安全與安全警告 .......................................... 18
一、安全警告 ..................................................... 18
二、 警告習慣化現象 .............................................. 19
第五節 眼動追蹤 .................................................... 20
一、眼動儀起源 ................................................... 20
二、研究上的眼動 ................................................. 21
第三章、 研究方法 ................................................... 22

第一節 研究架構與研究假說 .......................................... 22
一、研究一 ....................................................... 22
二、研究二 ....................................................... 23
第二節 研究方法 .................................................... 26
一、實驗環境 ..................................................... 26
二、實驗法與問卷法 ............................................... 27
第三節 研究工具 .................................................... 32
一、問卷工具 ..................................................... 32
二、眼動行為資料收集 ............................................. 35
三、警告設計規則 ................................................. 37
第四章、 資料分析 ................................................... 40
第一節 基本資料敘述統計 ............................................ 40
第二節 問卷信效度分析 .............................................. 41
第三節 研究一資料分析 .............................................. 43
第四節 研究二資料分析 .............................................. 48
第五章、 結論與建議 ................................................. 51
第一節 結論 ........................................................ 51
第二節 研究限制 .................................................... 53
第三節 研究貢獻與建議 .............................................. 53
參考文獻............................................................. 55
附錄................................................................. 61
附錄1.組織犬儒主義情境 ............................................ 61
附錄2.組織犬儒主義問卷 ............................................ 63
附錄3.組織承諾問卷 ................................................ 64
附錄4.資訊安全踰矩行為問項 ........................................ 65
附錄5.實驗警告 .................................................... 66

圖 1-1 2019五大資安威脅(來源:Check point 2019網路威脅趨勢研討會) .... 4
圖 1-2 研究流程 ....................................................... 7
圖 3-1研究架構 ...................................................... 23
圖 3-2實驗環境 ...................................................... 27
圖 3-3 多態警告示意圖(本研究自行繪製) ................................ 28
圖 3-4 眼動實驗流程圖(左為多態警告組,右為靜態警告組) ................ 29
圖3-5眼動儀......................................................... 35
圖 3-6眼動系統配置 .................................................. 36
圖 3-7眼動實驗固定式托架與固定式座椅 ................................ 37
圖 3-8警告設計與九種變形(20組其中一組) .............................. 36
圖 4-1警告類別分組之注意力下降曲線 .................................. 44
圖 4-2操弄情境分組之注意力下降曲線 .................................. 44
圖4-3模型路徑係數................................................... 46
圖 4-4模型假說成立 .................................................. 49

表 2-1早期不同類型的犬儒主義研究 .................................... 12
表 2-2組織承諾過往研究彙整 .......................................... 16
表 3-1實驗流程表 .................................................... 28
表 3-2組織犬儒主義量表 .............................................. 32
表 3-3情感性組織承諾量表 ............................................ 33
表3-4資訊安全踰矩行為量表........................................... 34
表 3-5多態警告變形與支持的警告科學文獻 .............................. 38
表4-1基本資料統計................................................... 41
表4-2組織犬儒主義因素分析結果....................................... 41
表 4-3組織承諾因素分析結果 .......................................... 42
表 4-4資訊安全踰矩行為因素分析結果 .................................. 43
表4-5警告重複次數*情境類型REPEATED MEASURED ANOVA 組內效應結果 ......... 45
表4-6警告重複次數*警告類型REPEATED MEASURED ANOVA 組內效應結果 ......... 46
表4-7警告重複次數*警告類型*情境REPEATED MEASURED ANOVA 組內效應結果 .... 46
表4-8警告注視模型REPEATED MEASURED ANOVA 組間效應結果 .................. 47
表 4-9對第一次觀測到警告之注視次數做T檢定 .......................... 48
表4-10 PLS 路徑係數 ................................................. 50
表4-11 BOOTSTRAPPING 總效應各項結果 .................................... 50
表5-1研究結果....................................................... 52
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