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博碩士論文 etd-0627119-194234 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0627119-194234
An Exploratory Study on the Application of Virtual Reality Technology to Support Art and Language Learning of Elementary School Children
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Self-Organized Learning Environments, Visual Arts, Game-Based Learning, Virtual Reality, Human-Centered Design, Second-Language Learning, Action Research
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因此本研究嘗試將虛擬實境與數位遊戲式學習結合,並融入自我組織的學習環境(Self-Organized Learning Environments, SOLE),以行動研究的方式和以人為中心設計流程作為基礎,藉由不斷的實施教學活動,從中獲得回饋後進行調整及改善,發展出適合國小中低年級學童的教學內容,期望透過《VR探索名畫-我是小小藝術家》此教學活動引發學童的好奇心,在活動中快樂的學習並提升視覺藝術和英語的學習動機。最後,本研究透過觀察與分析,將著重於虛擬實境和SOLE遊戲式學習對於學童產生的影響,歸納出本研究教學活動之結論,期望提供VR教育相關之參考依據。
With the development of science and technology, virtual reality is widely used in different education fields, but in the education, virtual reality and art are rarely combined, and visual art is the most specific and life-related aesthetic activity. English has gradually become the common language of the world, and the most important factor affecting the effectiveness of second-language learning is learning motivation. Many studies show that learners have a stronger motivation to learn, and the learning effect will be better. The general education in Taiwan is traditional pedagogy. The way that children obtain knowledge passively leads to loss of children's curiosity and passion.
This study attempt to apply game-based learning to a self-organized learning environment. Based on IDEO's human-centered design process to develop a teaching material that suitable for elementary school children. Through this activity, children's curiosity will be triggered, and they will enhance the motivation of visual arts and English. At the end of this study, the analysis and discussion of the design of the activity will focus on the impact of virtual reality and SOLE game learning on children summarizing the conclusions of this study. The reference basis for developers in VR education.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
中文摘要 ii
abstract iii
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章、 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究問題 4
第三節 研究目的 4
第二章、 文獻探討 5
第一節 兒童審美認知發展 5
第二節 兒童英語學習 11
第三節 遊戲式學習 17
第四節 虛擬實境 24
第五節 自我組織學習環境 27
第三章、 研究方法 30
第一節 研究設計 30
第二節 研究場域與研究參與者 36
第三節、教學設計 38
第三節 資料收集處理與分析 41
第四節 研究效度與倫理 43
第四章、 研究結果與討論 45
第一節 實驗過程與修正 45
第二節 遊戲式教學設計 55
第三節 資料分析與討論 64
第五章、 結論與建議 81
第一節 研究結論與心得 81
第二節 研究限制與建議 83
附錄一、延宕後測知試題卷 85
參考文獻 86
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