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博碩士論文 etd-0622119-002659 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0622119-002659
Role Conflict and Organizational Citizenship Behavior:The Effect of Guanxi as Mediator and Gender of Helper as Moderator
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
guanxi, the gender of helper, role conflict, OCB
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5847 times, has been downloaded 56 times.
連續 10 天收集 36 名全職印尼華人之行為作為樣本資料。研究結果顯示角色衝突
The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between role conflict and
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), which is mediated by guanxi and
moderated at the first stage of the model by gender of helper. Also, this study tested the
impact of OCB to role conflict and guanxi in the next day. This study applied the
experience sampling method by using 36 full-time overseas Chinese Indonesian as
samples in ten days, and this study found that role conflict was positively related to
OCB. Besides that, this study found that OCB was positively related to both role
conflict and guanxi. Moreover, the results indicated that guanxi could be a mediator
between role conflict and OCB. Gender of helper could moderate the relationship
between role conflict and guanxi
目次 Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Thesis Validation Letter i
摘要 .........................................................................................................................................ii
Abstract ...................................................................................................................................iii
Table of Contents..................................................................................................................... iv
List of Figures.......................................................................................................................... vi
List of Tables.......................................................................................................................... vii
Chapter 1 Introduction ..............................................................................................................1
1.1 Background Literature..............................................................................................1
1.2 Research Objectives ..................................................................................................4
Chapter 2 Literature Review .....................................................................................................5
2.1 Relationship between Role Conflict and OCB..........................................................5
2.2 Relationship between OCB and Role conflict ...........................................................9
2.3 Guanxi as the mediator between role conflict and OCB.........................................10
2.4 Gender as a moderator between role conflict and OCB.........................................13
Chapter 3 Research Method ....................................................................................................16
3.1 Research Framework ..............................................................................................16
3.2 Sample and Procedure.............................................................................................19
3.3 Measure ...................................................................................................................22
3.3.1 Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)................................................22
3.3.2 Role Conflict..................................................................................................23
3.3.3 Gender...........................................................................................................24
3.3.4 Guanxi ...........................................................................................................24
3.3.5 Control Variables..........................................................................................25
3.4 Analyzing Method ...................................................................................................26
Chapter 4 Results....................................................................................................................27
4.1 Factor Analysis ........................................................................................................27
4.2 Descriptive Statistics and Correlations ...................................................................28
4.3 Hypothesis Testing...................................................................................................29
4.3.1 Linear Regression-Normal Analysis.............................................................29
4.3.2 Linear Regression-Time Lagged Analysis....................................................37
Chapter 5 Discussion ..............................................................................................................42
5.1 Theoretical Implication ...........................................................................................42
5.2 Practical Implication ...............................................................................................44
5.3 Limitation and Future Suggestions.........................................................................45
APPENDIX 1 – Personal Information Form (English Version)................................................52
APPENDIX 2 – Personal Information Form (Bahasa Version) ................................................58
APPENDIX 3 – Daily Questionnaire (English Version) ..........................................................64
APPENDIX 4 – Daily Questionnaire (Bahasa Version) ...........................................................74
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