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博碩士論文 etd-0621120-152400 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0621120-152400
Social Impact Bonds Evaluation Mechanism of High-Risk Families Youths Learning Behavior
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Social impact bond, high-risk family youths, SIB evaluation, Absorbing Markov Chain, multi-stakeholder partnerships
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過去社會問題大多仰賴政府編列預算及透過非營利組織對外募款來解決,但募款資金來源常為不穩定且非持續性的捐贈。起源於英國的社會效益債券(Social Impact Bond, SIB)開始不斷的被討論,以成果付費的機制加上多方合作夥伴的關係,能提供有效的監督機制,進而提升資金的使用效率,擴大受益族群。
In recent years, due to insufficient government budgets, many social problems have arisen. In recent years, the concept of social innovation has flourished, creating many new notions such as social investment and social influence. Social Impact Bond (SIB) is one of them. SIB, which originated from the United Kingdom, has been continuously discussed because of its effective monitoring mechanism through providing the payment by results and multi-stakeholder partnerships characteristics, hence, improve the efficiency of the use of funds and expanding the beneficiary group.
This study aims to explore the learning behavior of high-risk families youths by targeting an institution in Pingtung. By absorbing Markov Chain and event study methods, the study calculates the expected placement counseling time and the rate of successful graduation from the agency. Besides, Monte Carlo and bond pricing methods are also added to the price of the SIB to be issued. Finally, it is calculated that the issue price of SIB should be set at $71.3. The concept of the payment by total price is also utilized and the graduation rate of high-risk families youths placed by the agency is employed as a measure of the final payment of the SIB. This research not only provides a new way to solve social problems but also construct Taiwan's direction to issue SIB in the future.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘 要 ii
Abstract iii
Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Background Information 1
1.2 Research Purpose 3
1.3 Research Process 5
Chapter 2. Literature Review 6
2.1 Basic Theory of Markov Chain 6
1.Definition of Markov Chain 7
2.Absorbing Markov Chain 9
2.2 Social Impact Bond 11
1.Structure of Social Impact Bond 12
2.Responsibilities and Obligations of Multi-stakeholder Partnership 14
3.SIB’s Payment Mechanism 16
2.3 Domestic High-Risk Youths Education and Employment Policies 19
Chapter 3. Research Methods 24
3.1 Introduction of the FAMILY Project 24
3.2 Application of Markov Chain in SIB 30
1.Markov Chain Modeling 30
2.The Model Development 32
3.3 Event Study Methodology 37
1.Concept of Event Study Methods 37
2.The Establishment of the Process of the Event Study Method 39
3.4 Design of Evaluation Mechanism 41
Chapter 4. Empirical Results 45
4.1 Data Source 45
4.2 Numerical Example 49
1.Construction of the Probability Transition Matrix 49
2.Estimating Student’s Progression Between Different Stages 51
3.The Expected Time a Student Spends at a Particular Level and The Expected Durition of the Study 52
4.The Graduation - Withdrawal Probability 55
4.3 Analysis and Results of Event Study 56
4.4 Evaluation Mechanism of Final Payment 60
1.SIB Pricing Calculation 63
2.Take the Payment by Total Price 66
3.Applicability and Adjustment 67
Chapter 5. Conclusions and Suggestions 69
5.1 Conclusions 69
5.2 Limitations of the Study 71
References 75
參考文獻 References
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1. 行政院主計總處-就業、失業統計專區
2. 勞動部勞動力發展署-投資青年就業方案(108 ~ 111)
3. 衛生福利部統計處-兒童及少年高風險家庭關懷輔導處遇服務執行概況
4. 教育部國民及學前教育署 國中中輟生人數統計資料
5. 財團法人善慧恩社會慈善基金會網站
6. 逆風少年大步走網站
7. Social impact bond,Emma Tomkinson,
8. 全國法規資料庫:機關委託專業服務廠商評選及計費辦法
9. 行政院公共工程委員會–主管法規查詢系統:政府採購法
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