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博碩士論文 etd-0619120-091926 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0619120-091926
An Eye-Tracking study of banner blindness on Mobile Devices
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Date of Exam
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banner blindness, ads visual animation, attention, star rating, banner advertising, mobile devices
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 6022 times, has been downloaded 246 times.
因此本研究希望探討釐清之主題:(1) 行動裝置上是否也有「橫幅廣告盲點效應」; (2) 透過操作廣告之呈現方式,是否對於注意力有正向影響; (3) 注意力與再認之間的關係。「盲點效應」是指由於觀看時間增加,用戶已習慣畫面配置,看到橫幅廣告的時間和機率就隨時間大幅降低。實驗透過眼動儀捕捉眼球的運動軌跡,來記錄受試者注意力。研究顯示,行動裝置上的確也有盲點效應,並且透過視覺動態或是插入星等評價均無法顯著的提升注意力,但即使有盲點效應,只要有注意到,對於廣告再認是有顯著的正向影響。另外平均而言,客戶有24%左右的機率會看到廣告,因此要成功被注意到,平均需要投放4次,意即橫幅廣告投放成本需要增為4倍才能比較確保曝光效益。
Advertising in mobile devices has gradually become the leading market in in recent years, and the cost of advertising has been increasing year by year. From a commercial view, the actual benefits of ads still not very clarify, although the advertisement has a management system to trace users data such as click rate, download rate, etc., conversion between the exposure and target customers notice still unknown. This study is focus on the most common advertising type - banner as major study issue, wonder explore the relationship between banner advertisement and attention, and observes whether increase the attention by different banner type. Further, attention can be successfully converted into advertising recognition.
Therefore, this study discussed two issues: (1) whether there is also a "banner blindness" on mobile devices; (2) whether it has a positive effect on attention by different banner type; (3) The effect between attention and recognition. The experiment uses the eye tracking system to capture the movement of the eyeball and record the eyeball fixations and saccades. Studies show that still have banner blindness on mobile devices, and banner visual animation and star rating cannot significantly increase eye fixation time. But even have banner blindness , notice will significant positive effect on the recognition of advertising. In addition, customers average have 24% probability to notice ads, so to be successfully noticed, it takes an average of 4 times, which means that the cost of banner ads needs to be increased by 4 times to ensure the effectiveness of exposure.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌 謝 ii
摘 要 iii
Abstract iv
目 錄 v
圖 次 viii
表 次 x
第一章、緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究問題 6
第三節 研究目的 7
第二章、文獻探討 8
第一節 橫幅廣告與盲點效應 8
第二節 習慣化與注意力 10
第三節 搜尋動機與注意力 11
第四節 動態圖片和星等評價 12
第五節 眼動偵測與注意力 13
第三章 研究設計 16
第一節、研究架構 16
第二節、變數與操作型定義 16
一、變數關係 16
二、變數之操作型定義 17
三、眼動指標之定義 20
第三節、研究方法 20
一、研究對象 20
二、實驗廣告篩選 21
三、眼動實驗流程 21
四、測後問卷設計 25
第四章、結果 25
第一節、習慣化與盲點效應 25
第二節、搜尋動機與盲點效應 32
第三節、視覺動態與盲點效應 34
第四節、星等評價與盲點效應 35
第五節、注意力與廣告再認 41
第六節、研究假說檢定結果 43
第五章、討論與建議 44
第一節、研究結果 44
第二節、研究限制及可改進處 45
第三節、討論與建議 45
英文參考文獻 48
中文參考文獻 51
網路參考文獻 52
附錄 54
附錄1:民宿飯店圖片 54
附錄2:測後認知問卷 58
附錄3:涉入問卷 62
附錄4:認知需求衡量問卷 63
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34. Mobile vs. Desktop Usage in 2019.
35. Top Banner Sizes: The 21 Most Effective Banners 2019
36. Mobile ad types are best performers
37. MBA智庫百科─插播式廣告
38. MBA智庫百科─影片廣告
39. 維基百科─橫幅式廣告
40. Mobile App Advertising Rates (2018-2019)
41. Statcounter, Desktop vs Mobile vs Tablet Market Share Worldwide
42. The exodus from desktop to mobile: Why it matters and what to do about it
43. Most used smartphone screen resolutions in 2019
44. Popular Screen Resolutions: Designing for All
45. Wiki- Location-Based Service (LBS)
47. Social influence
48. The world's first smartphone, Simon, was created 15 years before the iPhone.
49. Smartphone
50. Alphabet 2019 annual report.
51. Google Play
52. Number of apps available in leading app store as of 1 st quarter 2020
53. 視角計算
54. Visual Angle Calculator
55. Mobile App Advertising Rates (2018)
56. 維基百科─數位行銷
57. How Much Should You Budget For Marketing In 2020?
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