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博碩士論文 etd-0615120-191329 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0615120-191329
競爭侵略性的前因與後果: 探討高管社會認知和企業資源的角色
Antecedents and Consequences of Competitive Aggressiveness: Identifying the Roles of Executive Socio-cognitive Factors and Firm Resource
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Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Top management team, Organizational slack, Competitive aggressiveness, Cognitive diversity, Collective efficacy
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This research mainly addresses the question: how top management teams’ (TMTs) shared characteristic shape firms’ competitive behavior? Important issues, regarding what impact does aggressive competitive moves have on firm performance, is competitive action a strategic mechanism underlying TMT-performance relationship, and does the linkage between a firm’s competitive behavior and its performance depend on organizational resources, are also examined. Accordingly, I draw on several theoretical perspectives to develop hypotheses that propose cognitive diversity, collective efficacy, and risk-taking propensity within the TMTs as key determinants of competitive aggressiveness, which in turn exerts a direct effect on firm performance. Furthermore, competitive aggressiveness mediates the relationship between these TMT attributes and firm performance while organizational slack moderates the relationship between competitive aggressiveness and firm performance. A model is devised and tested that examines these hypotheses in general and in the context of an emerging market, Taiwan. Findings confirm the validity of the model and afford various insights on the role of micro executive characteristics in competitive dynamics research. Finally, implications are offered on the antecedents and consequence of competitive aggressiveness.
目次 Table of Contents
Table of Contents
論文審定書 ⅰ
Acknowledgment ⅱ
Chinese abstract ⅲ
English abstract ⅳ
1.1 Research background 1
1.2 Research objectives 3
2.1 Competitive aggressiveness in the competitive dynamics perspective 11
2.2 The roles of TMT demographics in the upper echelons theory 17
2.2.1 Team mental process and TMT cognitive diversity 19
2.2.2 Team belief and TMT collective efficacy 35
2.2.3 Team preference and TMT risk-taking propensity 46
3.1 TMT cognitive diversity and competitive aggressiveness 49
3.2 TMT collective efficacy and competitive aggressiveness 51
3.3 TMT risk-taking propensity and competitive aggressiveness 53
3.4 Competitive aggressiveness and firm performance 54
3.5 The mediator of competitive aggressiveness 56
3.6 The moderating role of organizational slack 58
4.1 Research context 61
4.2 Sample and data collection 62
4.3 Measurement and variables 64
4.3.1 Measures 64
4.3.2 TMT cognitive diversity 64
4.3.3 TMT collective efficacy 65
4.3.4 TMT risk-taking propensity 66
4.3.5 Competitive aggressiveness 66
4.3.6 Organizational slack 67
4.3.7 Firm performance 68
4.3.8 Control variables 68
4.4 Measurement model analyses 69
5.1 Correlation analysis 73
5.2 Hypotheses testing 73
5.3 Robustness checks 78
6.1 Theoretical implications 84
6.2 Managerial implications 83
6.3 Limitation and future research 86

List of Figures
Figure 1-1. The research model 10
Figure 5-1. Moderating role of organizational slack on the relationship between competitive aggressiveness and self-reported performance. 82
Figure 5-2. Moderating role of organizational slack on the relationship between competitive aggressiveness and ROE (t+1). 82

List of Tables
Table 2-1. Selective review of executive characteristic’s consequence on strategy process 20
Table 2-2. Selective review of organizational slack’s dark sides 31
Table 2-3. Selective review of cognitive diversity 37
Table 2-4. Selective review of collective efficacy 40
Table 2-5. Selective review of managerial risk taking 43
Table 4-1. Measures and questionnaire items. 72
Table 5-1. Descriptive statistics and correlations 76
Table 5-2. Regression results for competitive aggressiveness 77
Table 5-3. Regression results for self-reported performance 79
Table 5-4. Regression results for ROE (t+1) 80
Table 5-5. Results for mediation based on self-reported performance and ROE (t+1) 81
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