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博碩士論文 etd-0604119-225908 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0604119-225908
Does political relationship affect corporate investment behavior : Evidence from Taiwan
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Political connection, Free cash flow, Investment expenditure, Over-investment
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This study aims to target Taiwan-listed companies, and the data period is from January 2005 to December 2017. In the past, corporate investment literature documented information asymmetry and agency conflicts between managers and external investors, which hindered the company's best investment strategy. In this study, we investigate whether the involvement of political connections is another form of interference that affects a company's investment behavior and leads to over-investment. First, we compare the investment behavior of companies with political connections and non-political connections. We find that companies with political connections have more sensitivity to investment expenditures. Secondly, we then add control variables of political connections to test whether companies with political connections influence investment spending through political connections. Our empirical results show that the annual investment expenditure of enterprises will be affected by political connections. Enterprises with political connections are more likely to be affected than those without political connections. The research results show that political connections enterprises have excessive investment.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Contents iv
Table vii
1. Introduction 1
2. Literature Review 5
2.1、 Corporate investment related literature 5
2.2、 Free cash flow and investment behavior 7
2.3、 Political connections and investment behavior 12
3. Hypothesis Establishment 17
4. Data and Research Methods 20
4.1、 Data and Sample Screening 20
4.2、 Variable Definition 22
4.3、 Empirical Model 31
5. Empirical result 39
5.1、 Descriptive statistics and corconnection coefficient analysis 39
5.2、 Univariate analysis 46
6. Regression analysis result 49
6.1、 Investment expenditure and free cash flow analysis 49
6.1、 Analysis of Political Connection Enterprises and Investment Expenditure 50
6.2、 Political Connection Enterprises and Over-investment Analysis 51
7. Robustness Test 56
7.1、 The impact of company size on free cash flow and investment behavior 56
7.2、 The impact of company size on political relations and investment behavior 57
8. Conclusions 61
References 64
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