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博碩士論文 etd-0604119-120008 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0604119-120008
Exploring Oral Communication Strategy and Oral performance and Learning Anxiety Using a Peer Feedback Application
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Learning Anxiety, Communication Strategy, Peer Feedback, English Communication
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為了彌補溝通能力不足,英語課程多融入溝通策略教學。而傳統的溝通策略教學多半為老師於講台上說明,學生的練習機會不足。從社會認知的角度,個人在社會中的行動與舉止,都是透過對社會中他人行為的觀察而學習來的,近側區間理論(The Zone of Proximal Development , ZPD) 就是一種社會認知的過程,指的是學習者經由指導者或是同儕的合作之下,學習者所表現出的問題解決能力將超越個人平常所表現出的問題解決能力,為了達到此目標,同儕回饋是推動此過程的教學法之一。同儕回饋可以提升學習者的雙向溝通,不僅讓學習者是學生,也是老師。在互動的過程中,學習者透過一來一往的回饋方式,可以發現讓學習者發現自己與對方的在學習過程中的不足,並可以獲取到不同觀點的看法,然而同儕回饋可能導致學習焦慮,影響學習成效,此時就需要明確的指導與協助學習者做學習。因此本研究提出於平板上採用同儕回饋促進溝通策略運用的平台,以解決上述所遇到的問題。
English communication strategies are important for maintaining the oral communication. According to Social Cognition, individual's knowledge acquisition can be directly related to the observation of others within the context of social interactions, experiences, and outside media influences. The notion of The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) is considered significant in Social Cognition, which states that learner’s interaction with instructors or peers can promote their potential development. Peer feedback is one of the methods to fulfill ZPD. Learners serve not only as students but also as teachers. After receiving peer feedback, learners maybe more willing to interact with others because peer feedback may reduce learning anxiety.This study aims to use peer feedback to enhance oral communication strategy learning and oral performance and decrease learning anxiety in English.
This study adopts a quasi-experimental design in which learners were divided into two groups: peer feedback communication strategy group (n = 20) and traditional communication strategy group (n = 20). The class met for four weeks. Each week has four stages: task introduction, task practicing and recording, peer feedback, and feedback discussion. The traditional communication strategy group only went through stage one and two; the peer feedback communication strategy group went through the four stages. Pre and posttests included learning anxiety questionnaire and oral exam. The oral production was analyzed to measure the change of communication strategy use and overall oral proficiency. The findings revealed that participants in the peer feedback communication strategy group significantly outperformed the traditional communication strategy group in their oral proficiency. The participants in the peer feedback communication strategy group did not show better performance than the traditional communication strategy group in the frequency of communication strategy use.
Questionnaire results showed that the participants’ learning anxiety in the peer feedback communication strategy group was not reduced significantly when compared with the participants’ learning anxiety in the traditional communication strategy group. Although our system did not show significant effect in the frequency of communication strategy, however, our system helped students enhance their oral proficiency in English. It might be that students didn’t know when to use the communication strategy. For the future research, additional practice is recommended for training when to use communication strategy, and a teacher control panel can be designed to monitor students’ learning progress so as to provide immediate assistance. It is hoped that future research continues to explore these variables to enhance communication strategy use and communication performance.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
論文提要 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract v
目錄 vii
圖次 ix
表次 xi
第一章、 緒論 1
第一節、 研究背景與動機 1
第二節、 研究目的 3
第三節、 研究問題 4
第二章、 文獻探討 4
第一節、 溝通策略 4
第三節、 口說能力 9
第四節、 學習焦慮 12
第三章、 系統設計 13
第一節、 內容設計 14
第二節、 介面與流程設計 16
第三節、 同儕回饋設計 20
第四章、 研究方法 28
第一節、 研究架構與變數之操作型定義 28
第二節、 研究假說 31
第三節、 研究工具 31
第四節、 實驗設計 34
第五節、 資料分析 41
第五章、 結果與討論 42
第一節、 人口統計變項 42
第二節、 英語口說表現分析 42
第三節、 溝通策略使用次數之成效 43
第四節、 學習焦慮情況 47
第五節、 綜合討論 48
第六章、 結論 51
第一節、 研究發現 51
第二節、 研究貢獻 54
第三節、 研究限制 55
第四節、 未來研究 55
參考文獻 55
附錄一、前後測 60
附錄二、課程教材 62
附錄三、 溝通策略教材 76
附錄四、溝通焦慮問卷 78
附錄五、 同儕回饋內容(擷取部分) 79
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