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Title page for etd-0521119-121459
每日同事負向心情與員工積極行為的關係: 員工積極人格與自我控制能力的干擾效果
Being proactive when your coworkers are not happy: Exploring the moderating roles of proactive personality and self-control capacity.
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co-worker daily negative moods, organizational citizenship behavior, self-control capacity, proactive personality, voice behavior
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5814 times, has been downloaded 0 times.
(1) 當員工是主動積極時,對同事的日常負面情緒和員工的組織公民行為/建言行為的關係是沒有影響的;然而,當員工的主動積極性較低時,這樣的關係就會有所改變。
(2) 當員工的自我控制能力較高時,對同事的日常負面情緒和員工的組織公民行為/建言行為的關係是有影響的;然而,當員工的自我控制能力較低時,這樣的關係是不受影響的。本研究亦對理論貢獻和管理意涵加以討論。
Although previous studies suggested that daily negative moods at work lead to unfavorable outcomes, few studies have examined the effects of co-worker daily negative moods on employee behaviors. The focus of the present study is to identify the conditions under which co-worker negative moods can have beneficial and constructive effects on employees’ pro-social and pro-organizational proactive behaviors (i.e., interpersonal citizenship behaviors [OCB-I] and promotive voice behaviors). According to the perspective of “wise proactivity” and integrative theory of self-control, the present study examines the moderating effects of employee proactive personality and self-control capacity on co-worker daily negative mood–proactive behavior relationship. In order to test the proposed model, the experience sampling method is applied to collect daily data from 62 employees employed across various industries and their coworkers across 10 working days (two weeks, totaling 620 paired daily surveys. The results of two-level hierarchical linear modeling analyses show that: (1) when employees are proactive, the relationships between co-worker daily negative mood and employee’s OCB-I /promotive voice behavior are negative; however, these relationships become positive when employees are less proactive; and (2) when employees’ self-control capacity is high, the relationships between co-worker daily negative mood and employee’s OCB-I /promotive voice behavior are positive; however, these relationships become negative when employees’ self-control capacity is low. Theoretical and practical implications are also discussed.
目次 Table of Contents
Thesis Validation Letter………………………………………………………...……...i
Abstract (in Chinese) …………………………………………………………….........ii
Abstract (in English).…………………………………………………………….........iii
Table of Contents……………………………………………………………….…......iv
List of Figures………………………………………………………………..…….......v
List of Tables ………………………………………………………………...………
Introduction ………………………………………………………………...……..……1
Theory and hypothesis development……………………………………………………4
The Co-worker Moods and Employee Behaviors………………...…………………….4
Co-worker Negative Moods and Proactive Behaviors: The Moderating Role of Employee Proactive Personality ………………………………...………..........6
Co-worker Negative Moods and Proactive Behaviors: The Moderating Role of Employee Self-Control Capacity………………………………………...…….….......10
Sample and procedures ………………………………………………………..……...14
Multilevel confirmatory factor analysis for the measurement model……….…….…..21
Hypothesis Testing……………………………………………………..…….………..22
Theoretical Implications…………………………………………………..…….…….26
Practical Implications………………………………………………………..….…….28
Limitations and Future Research…………………………………………..…….…....29
Appendix I……………………………………………………………………..…...…..47
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