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Title page for etd-0520120-114257
The relationship between motivation and content types of Asian Twitter Users
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self-enhancement, Multi-Group Analysis, moderating effect, lifestyle affairs, online information, personal opinions, information sharing/seeking, entertaining, social interaction, self-presentation, motivation, Twitter
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推特(Twitter),一個成立於2006年的微型部落格服務。它允許用戶發布140個字符以內的“ 推文(tweets)”,並允許用戶與他們的“ 追隨者(follower)”一起“ 推(tweet)”和“ 轉推(retweet)”。人們使用社交媒體平台的動機有很多。本研究總結出四個主要原因:“自我呈現(self-presentation)”、“社會互動(social interaction)”、“資訊共享與尋求(information sharing/seeking)與尋求”、“娛樂性(entertaining)”。然後分析與推文內容:“網路資訊(online information)”、“個人觀點(personal opinions)”、“生活事務(lifestyle affairs)”的關連性,以及自我提升(self-enhancement)是否會加強或削弱推文動機與內容類型之間的關係,進而使用多群組分析探討日本人與其他亞洲人使用推特動機是否有明顯差異。
Twitter, a micro-blogging service established in 2006. It provides users with the ability to post within 140 characters of "tweets", and allows users to "tweet" and “retweet” with their "followers". There are many motivations for people to use social media platforms. In this study, summarizing four main reasons: “self-presentation”, “social interaction”, “information sharing and seeking”, and “entertaining”. And then analyze the relevance with the content of tweets:” online information”, “personal opinions”, “lifestyle affairs” and whether self-enhancement will strengthen or weaken the relationship between the motivation and content type and Multi-Group Analysis is then used to explore whether there are significant differences between the motivations of Japanese and other Asians in using Twitter..
According to the results of path analysis, the relationships among model variables are examined one by one. The results show that from self-presentation to online information, social interaction to online information, entertaining to personal opinions, information sharing and seeking to personal opinions, social interaction to lifestyle affairs, entertaining to lifestyle affairs and information sharing and seeking to lifestyle affairs have significant positive effect.
However, the moderating effect of self-enhancement from using motivation to tweet content was only found self-enhancement moderating effect from social interaction to online information and self-enhancement moderating effect from social interaction to lifestyle affairs have significant effect. In the end, the results of the Multi-Group Analysis show that there are significant differences between the Japanese and other Asians in terms of their self-presentation motivation to personal opinions.
目次 Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................1
Section 1.1 Research Background and Motivations………………….....................1
Section 1.2 Research Questions………...................................................................5
Chapter 2 Literature Review .........................................................................................8
Section 2.1 Twitter………………………………...................................................8
Section 2.2 Goffman’s Dramaturgical Theory………….......................................11
Section 2.2.1 Self-presentation……………….................................................12
Section 2.2.2 Online Self-presentation….........................................................14
Section 2.3 Information sharing/seeking ...............................................................15
Section 2.4 Social interaction…………………….................................................16
Section 2.5 Entertaining……………….................................................................18
Section 2.6 Self-enhancement………....................................................................20
Chapter 3 Research Methods........................................................................................25
Section 3.1 Research Model………………….........................................................25
Section 3.2 Research Hypotheses.............................................................................27
Section 3.3 Research Design………........................................................................35
Section 3.3.1 Research Tools……….................................................................35
Section 3.3.2 Research participants and sampling.............................................36
Section 3.4 Operational definitions and measurement tools....................................36
Section 3.4.1 Users’ motivation.........................................................................36
Section 3.4.2 Content of tweets………..............................................................38
Section 3.4.3 Self-enhancement……….............................................................39
Section 3.5 Pilot study………..................................................................................40
Section 3.5.1 Reliability test………...................................................................40
Section 3.5.2 Validity analysis………................................................................42
Chapter 4 Data Analysis ..............................................................................................49
Section 4.1 Descriptive statistical analysis............................................................49
Section 4.1.1 Sample structure……….............................................................50
Section 4.1.2 User experience………………………………..........................51
Section 4.2 Reliability and Validity test……….....................................................53
Section 4.3 Path analysis, Hypothesis verification and Multi-Group Analysis.....61
Chapter 5 Conclusion ..................................................................................................71
Section 5.1 Research findings……………………................................................71
Section 5.1.1 The effect of motivation on content...........................................71
Section 5.1.2 Effects of moderating effects on motivation to content……….75
Section 5.1.3 Multi-Group Analysis (MGA).......................................................76
Section 5.2 Research implications…….................................................................78
Section 5.2.1 Theoretical Contribution……....................................................78
Section 5.2.2 Managerial Contribution............................................................80
Section 5.3 Limitations and Future Research Suggestions....................................81
Appendix: Survey.....................................................................................94

List of Figures
Figure 3-1 Research Model……………….……………...………………………….26

List of Tables
Table 3-2 List of operational definitions of twitter users’ motivations…………..……37
Table 3-3 List of types of content…………………………………..…………………38
Table 3-4 List of self enhancement…………………………………………...………39
Table 3-5 Summary of reliability analysis for each dimension of Pilot test…...………42
Table 3-6 Summary of factor analysis for each three big dimension of pilot test……43
Table 3-7 Summary of factor analysis for motivation of using Twitter of pilot test.…44
Table 3-8 Summary of factor analysis for content type of Twitter of pilot test………45
Table 3-9 Summary of factor analysis for self-enhancement of pilot test………….…47
Table 4-1 Basic data analysis of sample……………….…………………...…………50
Table 4-2 User Experience…………….…………………………………...…………52
Table 4-3 Analysis results of reliability and validity of each dimension……..……….55
Table 4-4 Results of discriminant validity analysis for each dimension…...…….……60
Table 4-5-1 Hypotheses testing and the results……………….………………...….…64
Table 4-5-2 Moderating Hypotheses effect results of this study………………..….…65
Table 4-5-3 PLS-MGA…………………….…………………
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