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博碩士論文 etd-0520119-113306 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0520119-113306
The Design of Incorporating Robots and IoT Toys in a Game-Based English Learning Scenario and the Effects of Robot Providing Guidance on Children's English Listening Performance
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Elementary students, English Listening comprehension, Design guidance mechanism, Education robot, IoT Toys
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English is one of the most important languages in the world. English education in Taiwan are facing various challenges, including lacking of English immersion environment for students to practice using English, focusing on speaking and neglecting listening training. With the development of science and technology, educational robots has been introduced and applied in language education. Studies have shown that the incorporation of robots in language education can significantly improve students’ learning performance and learning motivation. However, how can robot act like a human teacher, solving students' problems and proving guidance to students to help with their learning problems is becoming an important issue. Previous research paid attention on learners, robots and teaching, and explored the design of child- robot interactions and made great contributions to the interactive design of robots and learners. The robots in these studies rely on using image recognition and speech recognition, however learners are limited to interact with robots in identifiable range due to the problem of poor Identification rate. This study proposes to incorporate robots and IoT-based toys to create an interactive language learning environment. Sensors are added-on to the toy to collect information from devices and to detect learner's current behaviors and learning problems, allowing robots to provide appropriate feedback and guidance accordingly.
The purpose of this study is to explore the effectiveness of robots playing the role of learning guide on students’ English listening comprehension performance and the students' perception of robots’ guiding mechanism in a game-based English learning scenario. This study adopts Design-Based Research approach to design the guiding mechanism of the robot. First , we developed a prototype of guiding mechanism based literature, and then we invited children to play with it to test the prototype, and refined the prototype based on children’s feedback. In this study, students were randomly assigned to different groups before experiment was conducted. A total of 20 fourth-grade children joined this research. The results show that there was significant differences between two groups. Students’ listening comprehension of the group that employed guiding mechanism outperformed the other group that did not employee guiding mechanism . Moreover students have positive feeling toward robot's guiding mechanism. Overall speaking, the guiding mechanism developed by this research is able to guide students to complete the tasks. The suggestion for future research is that adding semantics technologies to monitor students' emotions or status., and providing more suitable guidance or feedback according to the student's immediate situation.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
論文提要 ii
致謝 iii
摘要 iv
Abstract v
目錄 vii
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xi
第一章 、緒論 1
第一節、 研究背景與動機 1
第二節、 研究目的 3
第三節、 研究問題 3
第二章 、文獻探討 4
第一節、 遊戲式學習 4
第二節、 教育機器人 6
第三節、 教育機器人應用於語言學習 8
第四節、 機器人與兒童的互動設計研究 9
第五節、 設計研究法應用於教育 13
第三章 、系統與學習活動設計 16
第一節、 物聯網玩具設計 17
第二節、 學習活動與內容設計 21
第三節、 引導機制設計 25
第四節、 系統流程 33
第四章 、研究方法 36
第一節、 研究假說 36
第二節、 研究工具 37
第三節、 實驗設計 41
第四節、 資料分析 47
第五章 、結果與討論 48
第一節、 英語聽力能力分析 48
第二節、 學生對於機器人引導機制接受與感受 50
第三節、 綜合討論 53
第六章 、結論 58
第一節、 研究發現 58
第二節、 研究貢獻 59
第三節、 研究限制 61
第四節、 未來研究 61
參考文獻 62
附錄一、貼有近場通訊電子標籤之玩具模型 69
附錄二、貼有一維條碼之玩具模型 72
附錄三、遊戲測試之紀錄 75
附錄四、前後測英語聽力理解測驗內容 78
附錄五、機器人的引導機制接受與感受問卷 85
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