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Title page for etd-0506119-191115
The Effects of Psychological Distance, Promotion Type and Product Type on Consumer Attitude and Purchase Intention
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attitude, perceived value, product type, promotion type, purchase intention, temporal distance, Construal Level Theory
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促銷活動一直是行銷學中一門重要的學問,也是許多業者為了吸引消費者前來消費而時常運用的策略。近年來,學者們提出解釋水平理論,更有其他學者以此理論帶入各方面的研究並加以驗證,其中包括了促銷型態的相關研究。而過去的學者大多將不同的促銷型態套在不同的時間距離和空間距離中,探討消費者的態度和購買意願,但並未加入「產品類型」此因子。因此本研究將產品類型加入研究模型,探討不同的促銷型態在近與遠的時間距離下,消費者的態度與知覺價值是否會隨著產品類型的不同而有所差異。本研究採用多因子實驗設計法,設計了3(促銷型態:降價/增量/贈品)×2(心理距離:近/遠)×2(產品類型:享樂/實用),共12種模擬情境,最後利用247份有效問卷進行分析。研究結果顯示: (1)不同的促銷型態會影響消費者產生不同的態度與知覺價值; (2)在近與遠的時間距離下,消費者對於促銷活動的態度與知覺價值沒有顯著差異; (3)在加入「產品類型」此因子的情況下,消費者的態度與知覺價值會受到干擾。當促銷活動的主產品為享樂性產品時,消費者的態度與知覺價值在近的時間距離下會比較高;當促銷活動的主產品為實用性產品時,消費者的態度與知覺價值在遠的時間距離下會比較高。
Sales promotion has always been an important topic in marketing. It is also a frequently used strategy for businesses to attract consumers. In recent years, scholars proposed Construal Level Theory while some scholars brought this theory into various researches and examined it. In past researches, scholars have investigated consumers’ attitude and purchase intention under different psychological distances when receiving different sales promotions, but “product type” was not considered. Therefore, this study added “product type” to see if consumers’ attitude and perceived value will be moderated when receiving different sales promotions in near/far temporal distances. A 3 (promotion type: price discount / bonus pack / extra-product) × 2 (psychological distance: near/ far) × 2 (product type: hedonic/utilitarian) multi-factor experimental design is carried out in this study. After analyzing 247 valid responses, results showed that, (1) different promotion types will generate different levels of attitude and perceived value; (2) attitude and perceived value have no significant differences under near and far psychological distances; (3) consumers prefer hedonic product promotions in near psychological distances, and they prefer utilitarian product promotions in far psychological distances.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
論文公開授權書 ii
誌謝 iii
摘要 iv
Abstract v
Table of Contents vi
List of Figures viii
List of Tables ix
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Motivation 4
1.3 Research Purpose 6
Chapter 2 Literature Review 7
2.1 Construal Level Theory 7
2.2 Promotion Types 9
2.3 Product Type: Hedonic vs. Utilitarian 14
2.4 Attitude 16
2.5 Perceived Value 18
2.6 Purchase Intention 20
Chapter 3 Research Methodology 22
3.1 Research Model 22
3.2 Hypothesis Development 23
3.3 Operational Definitions 28
3.4 Experimental Design and Procedure 29
3.5 Measurement 32
3.6 Sampling and Data Collection 34
Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Discussion 36
4.1 Manipulation Check 36
4.2 Demographic Statistics 37
4.3 Reliability and Validity 39
4.4 Hypotheses Testing 43
Chapter 5 Conclusion 53
5.1 Discussion 53
5.2 Research Findings and Contribution 55
5.3 Limitations and Suggestions 57
References 60
Appendix 65
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