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博碩士論文 etd-0426120-231852 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0426120-231852
Application of construal level theory and information values in examining budget airline advertisements
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budget airline, hedonic value, temporal psychological distance, recommendation intention, construal level theory, sign value, advertisement attitude
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因為搭乘廉價航空的消費者較為價格敏感,以價格為焦點之廉價航空公司廣告應優於以景點為焦點者。本研究藉由解釋水平理論(出發十二月前及兩週前分別作為高時間心理距離及低時間心理距離水平)及廣告中的資訊價值(享樂及符號),探討以景點為焦點的廉價航空公司廣告效果。本研究採任意抽樣方法,有效問卷為四百四十份。偏最小平方法結果顯示: 一、消費者在觀看廉價航空公司廣告後的推薦意願,主要仍然考量價格,因此,解釋水平理論不足於解释本研究所提出的情境;二、享樂資訊價值在高時間心理距離,對價格焦點廣告的推薦意願有較高影響力;三、符號資訊價值在景點焦點廣告中,不管時間心理距離遠近,皆有助於提升推薦意願。
Price-focus advertisements should outperform destination-focus advertisements commissioned by budget airline companies because travellers flying budget airlines are price-sensitive. This thesis considers the effectiveness of the destination-focus and price-focus advertisements through the lens of (1) construal level theory (12 months and 2 weeks before departure as high and low temporal distance respectively) and (2) the hedonic and sign information values embedded within the advertisements. Convenience sampling method was adopted to gather the 440 returns. The partial least squares analysis revealed that (1) price remains a main concern of consumers, regardless of temporal psychological distances. Thus, construal level theory is not applicable when considering recommendation intention for the context examined in this thesis; (2) hedonic value had a higher impact on recommendation intention at higher temporal distance for price-focus advertisement; and (3) sign information value in destination-focus advertisements is useful to encourage recommendation intention, regardless of temporal psychological distance.
目次 Table of Contents
Thesis Verification Letter···········································································i
摘要 ···································································································ii
Abstract······························································································ iii
Chapter 1 Introduction ·············································································1
Chapter 2 Literature Review ······································································5
Section 2.1 Budget airlines ······························································5
Section 2.2 Advertisements of budget airlines ········································6
Section 2.3 Effectiveness of advertisement ············································ 6
Section 2.4 Construal level theory·······················································8
Section 2.5 Information values···························································9
Chapter 3 Research Model and Methodology ················································ 11
Section 3.1 Research model ··························································· 11
Section 3.2 Manipulation of advertisement types ·································· 13
Section 3.3 Instrument ·································································· 15
Section 3.4 Questionnaires ····························································· 16
Chapter 4 Results ················································································· 17
Section 4.1 Scenario: 12 months --- destination-focus advertisement ··········· 17
Section 4.2 Scenario: 12 months --- price-focus advertisement ·················· 20
Section 4.3 Scenario: 2 weeks --- destination focus advertisement ·············· 23
Section 4.4 Scenario: 2 weeks --- price focus advertisement ····················· 26
Section 4.5 Mean comparison·························································· 29
Section 4.6 Summary of hypothesis testing ·········································· 30
Section 4.7 PLS multi-group analysis················································· 31
Chapter 5 Discussion and Implications ························································ 33
References·························································································· 36
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