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The Immediate and Lagged Effects of Customer Mistreatment on Service Failure and Sabotage: The Moderating Roles of Service Recovery
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顧客不當對待, 服務失, 服務破壞, 服務修復
Customer Mistreatment; Service Failures; Service Sabotage; Service Recovery
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過去的研究發現顧客不當對待會直接影響服務人員的行為,但目前尚無任一研究探討員工經歷顧客不當對待,是否會對服務人員的服務行為產生立即效果與延遲效果的影響。本研究利用壓力源情緒模型(stressor-emotion model),採用了經驗抽樣法和縱向設計來測試顧客不當對待對服務失敗與服務破壞的直接影響和延遲影響。此外,我們還探討了服務恢復行為是否可以緩衝顧客不當對待的不利影響。在本研究中,進行了兩項研究,測試了顧客不當對待對員工服務失敗和服務破壞的直接影響和延遲影響。在研究1中,進行了實驗法,控制顧客不當對待的程度。研究1發現,對顧客不當對待不止影響員工的當下的服務失敗及服務破壞,同時也會影響下一個顧客的服務失敗及服務破壞。在研究2中,我們使用多源多階段研究設計收集了來自70位一線服務人員的數據,平均服務3至5位不同顧客服務互動,總共獲得232筆員工與客戶配對的資料。HLM的結果發現,顧客不當對待對服務失敗與服務破壞的直接影響和延遲影響。此外,道歉行為會減弱顧客的不當對待與當下服務破壞之間的正向關係。重要的是,禮貌和及時的問題處理(CPPH)減輕了顧客不當對待對服務失敗與服務破壞的直接影響和延遲影響。最後,本研究根據研究結果,討論理論貢獻與管理意涵。
Although previous studies have demonstrated that customer mistreatment (CM) can have immediate impacts on frontline employees’ behaviors, no known study has examined whether customer mistreatment can produce enduring and lagged effects on frontline employees’ subsequent behaviors. Drawing on the stressor-emotion model, this study employed the experience sampling method and longitudinal design to test the immediate effect (i.e., in the current service encounter) and lagged effect (i.e., in subsequent service encounter) of customer mistreatment on customer-rated service failure and customer-rated service sabotage. Furthermore, we also explore whether service recovery behaviors can attenuate the effects of customer mistreatment.
In this paper, we conduct two studies testing the immediate and lagged effect of customer mistreatment on frontline employee’s service failure and service sabotage. In Study 1, we conducted an experiment whereby I manipulated the level of mistreatment. We found that customer mistreatment predicted frontline employees’ service failure and sabotage towards the next customer. In study 2, data from 70 frontline employees across 5 consecutive service encounters using a multisource, multiphase research design, resulting in 232 service workers- customer pairs. The results of Hierarchical Linear Modeling show that customer mistreatment increases service failures and service sabotage within the same service encounter and the next service encounter. In addition, apology behavior attenuated the positive relationship between customer mistreatment and next-encounter failure. Importantly, courteous and prompt problem handling (CPPH) mitigated the immediate as well as the lagged effects of customer mistreatment on frontline employee’s service failure and service sabotage.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
中文摘要 vii
Customer Mistreatment: Definition and Consequences 7
The Control Perspective of the Stressor-Emotion Model 16
Customer Mistreatment and Service Failure: Immediate Effects 17
Customer Mistreatment and Service Sabotage: Immediate Effects 18
Customer Mistreatment and Service Failure: Lagged Effects 19
Customer Mistreatment and Service Sabotage: Lagged Effects 20
The Moderating Role of Service Recovery Behaviors 21
Study 1 Sample 29
Study 1 Measures 32
Study 2 Participants and Procedure 36
Confirmatory factor analyses 43
Hypothesis testing 44
The moderating effects of apology 46
The moderating effects of providing an explanation 47
The moderating effects of courteous and prompt problem handling (CPPH) 47
Theoretical Implications 52
Practical Implications 53
Limitations and Future Research 54
Appendix A Example of Manipulation Transcripts 66

Table 1 Summary of customer mistreatment literature 9
Table 2 Descriptive and correlations among level 1 and level 2 variables 42
Table 3 The results of confirmatory Factor analyses 43
Table 4 Results of HLM on service failure and service sabotage 45
Figure 1 Conceptual framework of presents 6
Figure 2 Interactive effect between apology customer mistreatment on Time 1 service sabotage 46
Figure 3 Interactive effect between CPPH and customer mistreatment Time 1 service failure 48
Figure 4 Interactive effect between CPPH and customer mistreatment on Time 2 service failure 49
Figure 5 Interactive effect between CPPH and customer mistreatment on Time 1 service sabotage 49
Figure 6 Interactive effect between CPPH and customer mistreatment on Time 2 service sabotage 50
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