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Feeding your faking: Understanding how and when surface acting influences eating behaviors after work
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Resource Replenishment, Impulsivity, Body-Esteem, Eating Behaviors, Need for Resource Recovery, Emotional Labor
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以往情緒勞動的研究大多聚焦於其對員工身心健康或工作態度造成的負面影響,但僅有極少數研究探討員工如何在下班後恢復因情緒勞動而耗損的資源。本研究以資源恢復的觀點切入,探討服務人員每日從事表層演出的程度,是否會引發其恢復資源的需求,並進而在下班後選擇不同的食物。此外,本研究亦加入與飲食自我控制相關之人格特質:身體自尊 (body-esteem)與衝動性 (impulsivity),並檢視此兩種特質對資源恢復需求與下班後飲食之干擾效果,以釐清從事表層演出之服務人員,在經歷資源恢復需求時,會如何選擇下班後的飲食以恢復資源。
本研究採經驗抽樣法(Experience Sampling Method)進行連續10個工作天,每日兩個時間點之問卷調查,共有162位服務人員參與,將每日兩個時間點收集的資料進行配對後,共獲得997筆有效的每日配對樣本。多層次路徑分析的結果發現:(a) 服務人員每日之表層演出與資源恢復需求呈正向關係;(b) 當身體自尊較高的服務人員每日進行表層演出時,將會提升其資源恢復需求,進而在下班後食用健康食物、而降低不健康食物的攝取;(c) 對於身體自尊較低的服務人員而言,其表層演出將會透過增加資源恢復需求,進而在下班後食用不健康的食物。本研究基於研究發現,提出進一步的理論貢獻與管理意涵。
In the present study, I incorporate the resource replenishment perspective to examine whether service employees’ daily surface acting influences different types of eating behaviors after work via increased need for resource recovery. In addition, I also explore the moderating effects of two personality traits that are closely related to self-regulation in eating behaviors: body-esteem and impulsivity on the surface acting-eating behaviors linkages. Adopting the experience sampling method, I conducted a twice daily, 10-day daily study to capture the daily fluctuations in study variables. In total, 162 service employees participated in the daily survey, resulted in 997 valid matched daily responses. After controlling for alternative mechanism (i.e., coping motive for eating) in the model, the results of multi-level path analyses showed that: (a) for service employees with high body-esteem, their daily surface acting increases healthy eating and reduces unhealthy eating after work via need for resource recovery; (b) for service employees with low body-esteem, daily surface acting increases unhealthy eating after work due to increased need for resource recovery. Theoretical and practical implications for emotional labor and eating behavior literature are discussed.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables and Figures v
Introduction 1
Theory and Hypotheses 7
The Resource Replenishment Mechanism Linking Surface Acting and Eating Behaviors: The Role of Need for Resource Recovery 7
The Relationships between Need for Resource Recovery and Healthy/Unhealthy Eating Behaviors: The Moderating Role of Body-Esteem 9
The Relationships between Need for Resource Recovery and Healthy/Unhealthy Eating Behaviors: The Moderating Role of Impulsivity 13
Methods 18
Participants 18
Procedures 18
Measures 19
Analysis 23
Results 25
Measurement Model 25
Hypotheses Testing 25
Post Hoc Analysis 29
Discussions 31
Theoretical Implications 31
Practical Implications 34
Limitations and Future Research 36
References 38
Appendix 49
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