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論文名稱 Title |
誠實型與欺瞞型印象管理策略:不同面試競爭性與面試模式下之使用行為差異 Honest and Deceptive Impression Management Strategies: Employment Interview Competition and Form Differences in Its Use |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
61 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2020-01-10 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2020-02-10 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
團體面試、個別面試、社會比較理論、誠實與欺瞞、印象管理 Honest and Deceptive, Impression Management, Group Interview, Individual Interview, Social Comparison Theory |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 5984 次,被下載 48 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5984 times, has been downloaded 48 times. |
中文摘要 |
有鑑於過往團體面試的研究相對缺乏,本研究主要探討應徵者於不同面試競爭情境下的印象管理行為。依據社會比較理論的觀點,個體會在人際互動過程中,與目標對象相互比較以建立自我評價。本研究基於前述觀點,認為團體面試過程會讓應徵者經歷社會比較,並改變其印象管理的策略以呈現更佳的自我。由於印象管理是應徵者在工作面試中的常見行為,為了協助實務管理者提高面試有效性之方法,本研究的首要目的是比較應徵者在個別面試與團體面試的印象管理行為是否會有差異,並納入團體面試情境的競爭性差異,以比較個體是否會不同競爭情境下採取不同的印象管理策略。本研究針對誠實型與欺瞞型共七個向度之印象管理策略,以情境故事法的方式操弄面試的差異,包含:個別面試及團體面試 (競爭性高與低),透過線上問卷方式共收集252位受試者之自陳式資料。研究結果顯示,相較於個別面試情境,應徵者在團體面試中會採取較高的誠實型自我提升策略,儘管其他印象管理在不同競爭情境下皆無顯著差異,但可發現團體面試中的印象管理策略平均均高於個別面試情境。 |
Abstract |
Given the lack of past researches on group interviews, this study mainly explores the impression management behavior of candidates in different interview competition situations. According to the point of view of Social Comparison Theory, individuals will compare with target objects in the process of interpersonal interaction to establish self-evaluation. This study is based on the foregoing point of view and believes that the group interview process will allow candidates to experience social comparisons and change their impression management strategies to present a better self. Since impression management is a typical behavior of candidates in job interviews, to assist practioners improving the effectiveness of interviews, the primary purpose of this study is to compare whether the impression management behavior of candidates in individual interviews and group interviews will be different. The competitive differences of group interview situations are included to compare whether individuals will adopt different impression management strategies in different competitive situations. This study focuses on the seven-dimensional impression management strategy on honesty and deception. It uses situational scenarios to manipulate the perceived competition differences in interviews, including individual interviews and group interviews (high and low competition). A total of 252 subjects are collected using online questionnaires. Findings show that compared with individual interview situations, candidates will adopt a higher honest self-enhancement strategy in group interviews. Although the impression management behaviors do not significantly differentiate under various competition situations, the results show that the mean values of impression management strategies are higher than individual interview situation. |
目次 Table of Contents |
Thesis/Dissertation Validation Letter ...........................................i Abstract (Chinese) ........................................................................ ii Abstract (English) ......................................................................... iii Chapter 1 Introduction................................................................... 1 Chapter 2 Literature Review........................................................... 6 Section 1 Social Comparison Theory.............................................6 Section 2 Social Comparison Direction………………….……….…….…….. 7 Section 3 Status Influenced by Social Comparison………………..……9 Section 4 Comparison in Group Job Interview……………………….……10 Section 5 Impression Management……………………………………..….…..11 Chapter 3 Method…………............................................................... 17 Chapter 4 Results ......................................................................... 24 Chapter 5 Discussion and Suggestion......................................... 35 Section 1 Discussion......................................................................35 Section 2 Conclusion……………………………………….…….................…….. 37 Section 3 Limitations and Suggestions….……….........……………………38 Reference........................................................................................42 Appendix......................................................................................... 48 |
參考文獻 References |
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