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Title page for etd-0014119-093831
Generational similarities among leaders from Generation X and Generation Y compared in Taiwan and Germany
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Behaviour, Training, Attributes, Leadership, Generation, Culture universal
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研究目的 - 本研究的目的希望針對現有的世代領導力研究做出貢獻, 為了增加跨文化維度,通過兩個不同國家之間的比較,藉由研究德國和台灣之X世代和Y世代的共同領導屬性和領導行為,以便就領導實踐中的普遍性進行更深入的探討。
研究設計/方法 - 本研究進行深度的文獻探討,共有四個主要的子章節,這對於理解跨文化背景下的世代領導力研究非常重要。在本研究中,也針對現狀進行說明,進而提出研究問題。透過不同研究方法,例如不同的問卷和訪談,為質性和探索性研究制定出研究架構。領導屬性和行為是透過20名參與者進行研究,其中有5位領導者是來自不同世代、產業和國家。
調查研究結果 – 研究結果顯示,各世代們擁有共通的普遍領導屬性,發展出特定的領導行為。意味著領導者為了發展必要的領導行為,他們必須擁有不同的領導力屬性,這對於建立跨文化的成功商業關係非常重要。除此之外,領導者也需具有一般常識,以便了解在跨文化環境下,工作時會遇到哪些問題及該用什麼樣的方法來回應。
研究限制/影響 - 作為一項探索性研究,因缺乏大量樣本,所以需搭配實際的量化分析方法產生合理的研究結果。
實際影響 – 本研究的共通的普遍領導屬性是很重要的,也許會影響未來的管理培訓,可以被視為每個領導者應該擁有的一套標準屬性,以便發展必要的領導行為。
創意/價值 - 本研究滿足了Macky(2008)所述的世代跨文化比較方面的研究需求。本研究確定了共通的普遍領導屬性,這些屬性可影響德國和台灣,X世代和Y世代之間共通的普遍領導行為。
Purpose – The purpose of this research is to contribute to existing generational and leadership research and to add the cross cultural dimension via a comparison between two different countries for deeper insights according to universality in leadership practices by examining common universal leadership attributes and leadership behaviours among Generation X and Y in Germany and Taiwan.
Design/methodology/approach – The paper presents an in depth literature review resulted in four main subchapters that are important to understand generational leadership research in a cross cultural context. Subsequently the current situation is provided and the research questions are illustrated. This frame is needed to guide a qualitative and exploratory study by using multiple methods, such as different questionnaires and interviews. Leadership Attributes and Behaviours have been examined by 20 participants, five leaders from each generation and each country from various industries.
Findings – The results showed that the generations are sharing common universal leadership attributes, which are leading to certain leadership behaviour. This implicates that several leadership attributes are substantial for leaders to have in order to develop necessary leadership behaviour, which is important for building successful business relationships cross cultural. Moreover a common sense exist among the leaders, what problems each of them have to encounter while working cross cultural and what kind of methods they use to reply.
Research limitations/implications – An exploratory study as this one, lacks a large sample. The use of empirical quantitative analyzation methods would lead to even more justified results.
Practical implications – The examined common universal leadership attributes are important and provide implications for future managerial training and can be seen as a standard set of attributes every leader should have in order to develop the necessary leadership behaviour.
Originality/value – The paper meets the need for more research in the field of generational cross-cultural comparison stated by Macky (2008). It identifies common universal leadership attributes which are leading to common universal leadership behaviors among two countries and two generations.
目次 Table of Contents
Thesis Validation Letter i
Abstract and 5-7 keywords (in Chinese) iii
Abstract and 5-7 keywords (in English) iv
1. Introduction 1
2. Literature Review 3
2.1 Generation Theory 3
2.1.1 Generation X and Generation Y 7 Generation X: Background, Characteristics and Education 7 Generation Y: Background, Characteristics and Education 9
2.2 Generations in Business Context 11
2.3 Leadership in Generational Context 13
2.3.1 Leader Attributes 15
2.3.2 Leader Behaviour 17
2.4 Leadership in Cultural Context 21
3. Present Investigation 25
3.1 Problem Statement and Propositions 25
3.2 Research Gap 27
3.3 Research Questions 30
4. Methodology 31
4.1 Sample 31
4.2 Instruments to find the right sample 32
4.3 Quantitative Method: Questionnaire 34
4.3.1 Leadership descriptive Sort 36
4.3.2 VOICE Behaviour 360 Degree Feedback 38
4.3.3 Social Desirability Scale 40
4.3.4 Pre-Test 41
4.4 Qualitative Method: Interview 42
4.4.1. Interview Analysis Methods 44
4.4.2 Thematic Analysis 44
5. Analyzation & Results 45
5.1 Demographic Outline 46
5.2 Study 1: Leadership Attributes 51
5.2.1 Attributes Comparison Gen X and Gen Y Germany 55
5.2.2 Attributes Comparison Gen X and Gen Y Taiwan 57
5.2.3 Attributes Comparison Gen X and Gen Y cross cultural 59
5.3 Study 2: Leadership Behaviours 61
5.3.1 Comparison Behaviours Gen X and Gen Y Germany 63
5.3.2 Comparison Behaviours Gen X and Gen Y Taiwan 64
5.3.3 Comparison Behaviours Gen X and Gen Y Cross Cultural 65
5.4 Discussion Study 1 and Study 2 66
5.5 Study 3: Interview 70
5.6 Discussion Study 1, 2 and 3 73
6. Discussion 75
6.1 Implication for Practice 75
6.2 Implications for Future Research and Limitations 80
APPENDIX 1: Definition Cultural Dimenson Geert Hofsted 91
APPENDIX 2: Leadership Descriptor Sort universal Attribute list 93
APPENDIX 3: Leadership Attribute Questionnaire 95
APPENDIX 4: Big five 98
APPENDIX 5: Voice Leadership 360 99
APPENDIX 6 : Voice Behaviour 360 Degree Feedback Questionnaire 100
APPENDIX 7 : 13 item scale Social Desirability 102
APPENDIX 8 : Consent Form 104
APPENDIX 9: Interview Questions 105
APPENDIX 10: Full Attribute Comparison Gen X and Gen Y in 108
Germany and Taiwan 108
APPENDIX 11: Generational Behaviour comparison 109
Leaders vs Employees 109
APPENDIX 12: Interview Gen X GER #1 110
APPENDIX 13 : Interview Gen X GER #2 117
APPENDIX 14: Interview Gen Y GER #1 122
APPENDIX 15 : Interview Gen Y GER #2 131
APPENDIX 16: Interview Gen X TW #1 136
APPENDIX 17: Interview Gen X TW #2 141
APPENDIX 18: Interview Gen Y TW #1 146
APPENDIX 19: Interview Gen Y TW #2 152
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