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Title page for etd-0631118-163848
The Impact of Capital Requirement on Bank Operating Efficiency
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Banking industry, Capital requirement, DEA, Bank risk, Two-stage Bootstrap truncated regression model
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銀行業的國際化和全球化是不可避免的趨勢,伴隨著風險和利潤的增加,為降低銀行風險,1988年,為使銀行更健全經營,國際清算銀行(Bank of International Settlement,BIS)將最低資本適足率設定為8%,但2008年金融危機影響金融發展相當嚴重。因此,2010年9月,“Basel III”規定了更嚴格的資本要求,逐步將核心第一類資本從目前的2%提高到4.5%;第一類資本從目前的4%上調至6%,資本適足率應達到10.5%。更高的資本要求可以提高銀行抵抗損失的能力,承受極端風險,從而促進銀行的管理。然而,由於銀行試圖保留更多的資本,更高的資本要求也可能導致貸款減少,這增加了運營成本並減少了利潤,因此對銀行業務的運營績效不利。
因此,如何提高核心和第一類資本的水平,並逐漸降低對銀行業績的負面影響,就長遠來看,資本適足率較高的水平會提高金融市場的穩定性,使銀行業發展更安全,結果與Basel III規定的時間表和意圖一致。
Internationalization and globalization of the bank industry are inevitable trends, with higher risk and profit accompanying them. To reduce the risk of banks, the Bank for International Settlements has set the minimum capital adequacy ratio to be 8%, but the financial crisis in 2008 affected financial development quite severely. Hence, in September 2010, Basel III set even stricter capital requirements to gradually increase Core Tier 1 capital from 2% to 4.5%. Tier 1 capital is to be raised from 4% to 6%, while the capital adequacy ratio should reach 10.5%. Higher capital requirements can raise the ability of banks to respond to losses and to endure extreme risk, thus facilitating management restoration of banks. However, the higher capital requirements may also result in a reduction of loans as the banks try to retain more capitals. This increases operation costs and reduces profits and hence is detrimental to the operational performance of the bank industry.
Banks raised the issue of cost and risk increase in implementing capital adequacy ratio, Mostly accompanied by how to increase profits, From the overall capital adequacy ratio of view,Only a small part of the literature mentions the impact of different capital on risk tolerance and the actual operation of banks. Our research will cut from this part, The Taiwan government has gradually instructed domestic banks to raise the quantity and quality of their capital adequacy ratio to meet the higher level of Basel III standard. This study employs the two-stage bootstrapped truncated regression to investigate the impacts on the efficiency of Taiwan domestic commercial banks due to the increases in required Core, Tier 1, and total capital adequacy ratios. The results show that, from 2011 to 2013, the increased Core and Tier 1 capital adequacy ratios have significant negative effects.
Therefore, raising the levels of Core and Tier 1 capital ratios gradually lessens the negative impact on bank performance. Eventually, in the long run, a higher quality of the capital adequacy ratio will improve the stability of the financial market and make the banking industry sounder and safer. The results are consistent with the schedule and intention set by Basel III.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘 要 ii
Abstract iv
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 7
第三節 研究貢獻 9
第四節 研究架構 11
第五節 研究流程 13
第二章 文獻探討 14
第一節 銀行業的風險 14
第二節 資本要求 17
第三節 資本要求對銀行經營效率的影響 40
第三章 研究方法 61
第一節 DEA 61
第二節 產出平移不變模型 64
第三節 二階段拔靴截尾迴歸模型 65
第四章 資本要求對台灣商業銀行經營效率的影響 67
第一節 台灣的銀行產業的背景與發展 67
第二節 投入、產出變數與資料來源 73
第三節 實證結果 79
第四節 討論 85
第五章 資本要求對美國銀行產業經營效率的影響 89
第一節 美國的銀行的背景與發展 89
第二節 投入、產出變數與資料來源 97
第三節 實證結果 98
第四節 討論 102
第六章 結論 104
第一節 結論與建議 104
第二節 未來可能研究方向 106
參考文獻 108
參考文獻 References
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