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Perceived Benefits affect Satisfaction and Loyalty: A Longitudinal Study
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Longitudinal research, Satisfaction, Perceived benefits, Loyalty
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企業管理者為達到提高市場佔有率的目標,會制訂忠誠度計畫,將一次性購買的消費者,轉化成與企業擁有長期的關係型顧客(Kotler & Keller, 2012)。而且顧客忠誠度影響公司的長期盈利能力,因為忠誠顧客會參與公司友好行為,幫助公司增加銷量和市場佔有率,降低營銷成本,高價格產品(Zeithaml, Berry, & Parasuraman, 1996)。
然而知覺利益能解釋消費者參與企業的忠誠度管理計畫,因為知覺利益能夠提升滿意度與激發消費者忠誠度,進而強化與公司之間的關係(Bolton, Lemon, & Verhoef, 2004),Moorman, Zaltman, and Deshpande (1992)認為消費者與企業之間是長期性動態的關係,但現階段有關知覺利益對於滿意度與忠誠度的研究,大部分都還停留在以橫斷面為主 (Zeithaml, 1988;Dodds, Monroe and Grewal, 1991;Parasuraman and Greal, 2000; Babin and Attway, 2000),所以無法了解消費者對於該品牌的滿意度是否與時俱進,能否長時間保持一致,即是本研究想發掘的重點。雖然現階段已有研究利用生命週期包含成長、成熟進而衰退三個階段進行探討消費者關係(Jap & Anderson, 2007)。Kuo, Chen, & Cheng (2016)雖然也發現到服務品質的要求,會因為該名顧客是否是初次來訪有所差異,但也只是以消費者來訪的經驗進行差異化探討,這些研究都忽略時間連續性的因素與消費者動態關係的考量。本研究透過知覺利益與滿意度的構面,運用縱向觀點,於兩個不同的時間點收集數據,結論發現對於消費者而言,知覺利益省錢性、探索性、娛樂性、認同性與社會性五大構面中,在長期關係中,只有知覺利益的社會性會影響最久,且可以持續影響,也呼應到後續為強化顧客與公司間的關係,應該要挹注更多的資源,在維護顧客對於公司品牌與價值的歸屬性上,讓顧客有歸屬感之後,能持續保持一定程度的滿意度,也將持續帶動消費者的持續性消費行為的產生。
In order to achieve the goal of increasing market share, business managers could develop loyalty programs that convert one-time consumers into long-term relational customers (Kotler & Keller, 2012). Besides, customer loyalty affects the company's long-term profitability because loyal customers would participate in company friendly behavior, help companies increase sales and market share, reduce marketing costs, and increase product price (Zeithaml, Berry, & Parasuraman, 1996).
Perceived benefits can explain consumers' participation in a company's loyalty management program because perceived benefits can increase satisfaction, inspire consumer loyalty, and then strengthens relationships with companies (Bolton, Lemon, & Verhoef, 2004). Moorman, Zaltman, and Deshpande (1992) believe that there are long-term dynamic relationships between consumers and the companies, but the researches on perceived benefits for satisfaction and loyalty remain in cross-sectional studies (Zeithaml, 1988;Dodds, Monroe and Grewal, 1991;Parasuraman and Greal, 2000; Babin and Attway, 2000). Therefore, the inability to understand whether consumers' satisfaction with the brand is consistent for a long time is the focus of this research. Although researches have explored consumer relationships using the life cycle (including growth, maturation, and decline) (Jap & Anderson, 2007).
Kuo, Chen, & Cheng (2016) have found that whether or not the first visit affect the quality of service, those only base on the different experiences of consumers’ visiting and have ignored the consideration between the continuity of time and the dynamics relationships with consumers. This research uses a longitudinal view of perceived benefits and satisfaction dimensions to collect data from two different points of time. The conclusion is that the five dimensions of perceived benefits (saving, exploratory, entertaining, identity and socialness) in the long-term relationship, only socialness dimension is longest and lasting. This responds to the need to strengthen the relationship between customers and the companies. The companies should use more resources to maintain the customer's belongingness to companies’ brand and value. With belongingness, customers can continue a certain degree of satisfaction and that also drives consumers' continuous consumption behaviors.
The message in this research conveyed to corporate managers is that consumers do not demand much. Creating values that meet consumer expectations and giving them the belongings are the keys to satisfying consumers.
目次 Table of Contents
第壹章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 4
1.3 研究流程 4
第貳章 文獻探討與研究假說 6
2.1 知覺利益 6
2.2 顧客滿意度 7
2.3 顧客忠誠度 11
第參章 研究設計 14
3.1 概念性架構 14
3.2 知覺利益影響消費者滿意度 16
3.3 滿意度影響消費者忠誠度之效果 17
3.4 操作型定義與衡量 17
3.5 抽樣計畫 20
3.6 資料分析方法 20
第肆章 實證分析 24
4.1 樣本結構 24
4.2 測量模型 26
4.3 結構模型 33
4.3 模型跨期比較 35
4.5 討論 37
第伍章 結論與建議 39
5.1 理論貢獻 39
5.2 管理意涵 41
5.3 研究限制與未來研究建議 41
參考文獻 43
附錄 問卷架構 51
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