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博碩士論文 etd-0907112-155230 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0907112-155230
Distribution of Organotin Compounds in the Fishing Ports of Pingtung County
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Butyltin, phenyltin, gas chromatography, flame photometric detection, fishing ports
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  各港口有機錫化合物濃度分布以丁基錫化合物為主,水樣中單丁基錫濃度介於3.9~51.6 ng/L as tin,二丁基錫濃度介於ND~15.2 ng/L as tin,三丁基錫濃度介於ND~23.9 ng/L as tin,單苯基錫濃度介於2.1~7.2 ng/L as tin;表層沉積物中單丁基錫濃度介於67.0~332 ng/g as tin,二丁基錫濃度介於17.6~325 ng/g as tin,三丁基錫濃度介於26.0~420 ng/g as tin,單苯基錫濃度為ND~43.7 ng/g as tin。
Samples including surface sediments and seawaters were collected from eighteen ports of Pingtung County. The objective of this study were to understand sources of organotin pollution and to monitor the organotin pollution of these fishing ports by analying with gas chromatography-flame photometric detection (GC-FPD).
 The results showed that butyltins were the major components of organotin pollution of the fishing ports investigated. The concentrations of MBT, DBT, TBT and MPT in seawaters varied between 3.9~51.6 ng/L as tin, ND~15.2 ng/L as tin, ND~23.9 ng/L as tin and 2.1~7.2 ng/L as tin. The concentrations of MBT, DBT, TBT and MPT in surface sediments varied between 67~332 ng/g as tin, 17.6~325 ng/g as tin, 26~420 ng/g as tin and ND~43.7 ng/g as tin.
 The contents of organotin compounds were relevant to the number of fishing craft and the frequency of fishery activities. Distribution of organotin compounds between seawaters and surface sediments in these fishing ports were correlational. Phenyltin was detected only in a few ports, probably due to the sewage discharge from the nearby villages.
The concentrations of organotin compounds observed in this study are lower than most of the reported values from foreign ports. In comparison with the previous studies in the same areas, organotin concentrations have dropped significantly. These observations are attributed to the effective control over the utilization of organotin compounds by the authorities.
目次 Table of Contents

論文審定書 i
謝誌 ii
中文摘要 iii
英文摘要 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
壹、前言 1
一、有機錫化合物之特性 1
二、有機錫化合物之用途及使用情形 1
三、汙染來源與環境影響 2
四、有機錫化合物之沉降、生物累積、降解及毒性 3
五、生物與人體暴露途徑與毒性影響 4
六、世界各國與國內對有機錫化合物之管制情形 5
七、研究目的 6
貳、實驗材料與實驗方法 22
一、藥品與試藥配製 22
(一)藥品與材料 22
(二)試劑水 23
(三)試藥配製方法 23
二、儀器設備與實驗器材 24
(一)儀器設備 24
(二)實驗器材 25
三、樣品採集 26
(一)採樣地點 26
(二)採樣時間 26
(三)採樣方法與樣品前處理 26
四、分析方法 27
(一)水樣中有機錫化合物之分析方法 27
(二)沉積物中有機錫化合物之分析方法 27
(三)檢量線製作 27
(四)方法偵測極限 28
(五)回收率 28
参、結果與討論 33
一、水文資料 33
二、有機錫分析 35
(一)層析圖譜 35
(二)檢量線製作 35
(三)數據處理 35
(四)方法偵測極限 36
(五)回收率 36
三、各測站有機錫分析結果 36
(一)水樣部分 36
(二)表層沉積物 38
四、國內外相關文獻比較 40
肆、結論 70
伍、參考文獻 71
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