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博碩士論文 etd-0818109-151315 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0818109-151315
Studies of the Distribution and Species of Organotin in Love River of Kaohsiung City
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Love River, organotin
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本研究分別於乾、雨季採集愛河主流下游表、底層及愛河沿岸的水樣,並採集愛河沿岸表層沉積物及高雄橋、中正橋的柱狀沉積物,以NaBEt4 衍生,並利用GC-FPD進行有機錫化合物的含量分析。
經分析結果顯示,愛河水樣中MBT 含量為8.2–25.0 ng/L as tin,DBT 為3.3–17.1 ng/L as tin,TBT 為ND–9.1 ng/L as tin;表層沉積物中MBT 含量為12.5-69.2 ng/g as tin,DBT 為7.1-31.2 ng/g as tin,TBT 為ND-22.6 ng/g as tin。愛河下游河段受有機錫化合物汙染的趨勢為高雄橋往水中閘門趨於緩和;上游的河堤社區廢水汙染較嚴重,造成在裕誠橋附近有一汙染高峰。
以沉積物之垂直分布來看,MBT 含量高達61.2-273.2 ng/g as tin,DBT 達22.8-256.2 ng/g as tin,TBT 達8.6-168.4 ng/g as tin,表示愛河早期受有機錫化合物的汙染相當嚴重。此外,本研究所分析的有機錫物種中,並未檢測出苯基錫含量,愛河樣品中主要以丁基錫汙染為主。
Love River, 12 km in length from inland to the sea, is the longest river in Kaohsiung. Love River passes through the harbor of Kaohsiung and connects with the sea bring hidden ecological crises. Because there are persistent shipping from the whole world, several shipyards and fishing ports in the harbor of Kaohsiung, the pollution of organotin is very serious in the harbor area. It’s possible that Love River may be polluted by the seawater from the harbor of Kaohsiung for the long intertidal zone and the estuary, in the harbor of Kaohsiung. Upstream sections may be also polluted by organotin compounds from domestic, industrial and agricultural wastewater.
This study is not only collecting the surface and bottom riverwater during winter and summer, but also sampling the sediments in Love River. These samples are derivated with NaBEt4 and analyzed the concentration of organotin by gas chromatograph with a flame photometric detector.
The results reveal that concentrations of MBT are 8.2-25.0 ng/L as tin, DBT are 3.3-17.1 ng/L as tin, TBT are 4.3-9.1 ng/L as tin in the riverwater. The concentrations of MBT are 12.5-69.2 ng/g as tin, DBT are 7.1-31.2 ng/g as tin, TBT are 15.8-22.6 ng/g as tin in the surface sediments. The pollution of organotin decrease from the harbor of Kaohsiung to the water gate in the downstream. A peak of pollution is found near the Yu-Cheng bridge in the upstream.
The concentrations of the vertical distribution of sediments, MBT are as high as 61.2-273.2 ng/g as tin, DBT are 22.8-256.2 ng/g as tin, TBT are 8.6-168.4 ng/g as tin, it indicates that Love River was polluted extremely seriously by organotin compounds in the past. However, phenyltin compounds were not detected in these samples.
As compared with previous reports, today the pollution of organotin compounds has been greatly reduced in Lover River. But it remains to be cared in order to reduce the potential ecological crises which are brought by the pollution.
目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 III
目錄 V
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII

壹、前言 1
一、有機錫化合物的種類與特性 1
二、有機錫化合物的用途與污染 1
三、有機錫化合物進入環境之途徑及流佈 7
(一) 船舶防污漆之溶出 7
(二) 工業廢水之排放 7
(三) 農業和都市廢水 11
四、有機錫化合物之毒性及管制 13
五、愛河簡介 17
六、研究動機 18

貳、材料與方法 20
一、藥品與溶液製備 20
(一) 藥品部分 20
(二) 試劑水 21
(三) 試藥配製 21
二、儀器設備與實驗器材 22
三、樣品採集與處理方法 23
(一) 採樣地點 23
(二) 採樣時間 23
(三) 採樣方法與樣品前處理 25
四、分析方法 25
(一) 水樣中有機錫化合物之分析方法 25
(二) 沉積物中有機錫化合物之分析方法 26
(三) 檢量線製作 26
(四) 方法偵測極限 30
(五) 回收率 30

參、結果與討論 32
一、有機錫分析 32
(一) 實驗分析方法 32
(二) 層析圖譜 32
(三) 檢量線的製作 34
(四) 數據處理 34
(五) 方法偵測極限 34
(六) 回收率 41
二、水樣部份 41
(一) 溫度 41
(二) 鹽度 41
(三) pH 值 48
(四) 水樣中有機錫濃度分布 48
1. 乾季 48
2. 雨季 52
三、沉積物部份 63
(一) 表層沉積物中有機錫濃度分布 63
(二) 高雄橋、中正橋沉積物有機錫濃度之垂直分布 66

肆、結論 72

伍、參考文獻 73

附錄一、原始數值 81
附錄二、沉積物檢量線配置方法 92

參考文獻 References






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