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博碩士論文 etd-0023121-200228 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0023121-200228
Scientization of Jamu in Indonesia: the crisis of Jamu and the translation of local wisdom
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Jamu, scientization, traditional medicine, Indonesia, RISTOJA
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Jamu是爪哇藥水的泛稱,傳統上主要是由「藥婆」(mbok Jamu, bakul Jamu)、巫師(dukun)栽種藥草並揀選、搗碎、揉捏最後調製成藥水。今日Jamu在印尼大多被視為保健補品,用來壯陽、治療婦科疾患、預防感冒、減肥、去角質及增加體香等。


Jamu is the general name for traditional Javanese herbal elixirs. Since 2010, Indonesia’s Ministry of Health has launched a series of plans to scientize Jamu, including the establishment of Medical Plants and Traditional Medicine Research Center and the launch of a nation-wide investigation project named Research Plan of Medical Plants and Jamu (RISTOJA). To date, the Traditional Medical Center has systemedically grown herbs and tested their therapeutic effects in the laboratory, now promoting at least 11 kinds of “Scientific Jamu”. Meanwhile, RISTOJA has brought together anthropologists, botanists, doctors and agricultural experts in each of the 400 research teams sent to work across the archipelago in 2012, 2015, and 2017. The results of the investigation provide the empirical basis for Jamu’s scientific research.

Why scientize Jamu? Why at this particular historical juncture? What could be the implications of Jamu’s scientization for post-colonial STS (social studies of science and technology)? Drawing on archival research and interviews spanning from 2018 to 2020, this essay explores the history and politics behind the scientificaiton of Jamu by using three dimensions of post-colonial STM (science, technology, and medicine): unequal power relations between modern and traditional medicine, the co-production of the two, and the processes of scientization. Further, this essay compares Jamu’s revival with Chinese medicine and Indian Ayuveda, emphasizing the particularity of the renaissance of Jamu, especially the reconstituted relation between science and culture in the process of scientizing Jamu.
目次 Table of Contents
tō-siā lín ê khan-sîng (感謝恁的牽成)...........................................................................ii
Abstract ..............................................................................................................................v
第一章 Jamu的身世
第一節 研究動機與問題意識...............................................................................................1
第二節 文獻回顧..................................................................................................................4
第三節 研究地點、研究法與資料蒐集過程........................................................................16
第四節 論文架構 ...............................................................................................................25
第二章 Jamu的危機–假藥的修補拼貼
第一節 假藥案前言與名詞釋義...........................................................................................27
第二節 假藥–修補拼貼的技藝...........................................................................................32
第三節 假藥消費者.............................................................................................................37
第四節 假藥案汙名與Jamu科學化計畫............................................................................39
第三章 Jamu的印尼化–文化遺產國族主義與爪哇薑黃論壇
第一節 國族主義與醫學.........................................................................................................41
第二節 Jamu的國族主義傳統...............................................................................................43
第三節 文化遺產國族主義.....................................................................................................46
第四節 爪哇薑黃論壇與印尼品牌........................................................................................49
第四章 Jamu的科學化–文化並未消失,而與生態社群相連
第一節 爪哇藥水復興的特殊性..............................................................................................58
第二節 RISTOJA計畫–「傳統醫療人員」...........................................................................62
第三節 反轉藥理學................................................................................................................66
第四節 RISTOJA計畫–與文化交織的科學............................................................................70
第五節 科學翻譯與在地智慧的翻譯......................................................................................80
第六節 從Jamu到「科學的Jamu」–國族主義與Jamu文化內涵的轉向............................83
第五章 逃逸的Jamu–科學渴望人類學與不被統治的藝術
第一節 科學渴望人類學–人類學自助餐.................................................................................86
第二節 另一個利維坦花園?.................................................................................................96
第三節 不被統治的藝術.........................................................................................................99
第六章 總結.............................................................................................................................104
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