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博碩士論文 etd-1126118-103223 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-1126118-103223
Research on Role of Long-serving Manager in Succession: The Case of Taiwanese Family Business
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Family Business Succession, Long-serving Manager, Successor, Family Business
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在企業的運籌帷幄中,接班始終是個重要議題,尤其對家族企業而言,接班 不僅是一個過程,更是一個家族展現其權力的延續以及文化傳承的代表。廣及上 市上櫃公司至中小型企業,當中有一個角色不可忽略,即是隨創辦人開疆闢土的 老臣,老臣之所以特別,在於其經歷了企業的朝代更迭,同時也目睹了時代的演 變。本研究欲透過多個案研究法,探討老臣在台灣家族企業接班中的角色轉變。 透過訪談涉及家族企業接班的高級主管和整理其相關文獻報導,此研究得到結果 如下:本研究認為影響接班因素可分為非老臣相關與老臣相關,非老臣相關因素 為領導風格的迥異和接班過程中公司內部無可避免的衝突;老臣相關因素為打小 報告的信任危機、兩代居中協調者、經驗和家族文化的傳承及溝通的重要性。縱 橫評量接班實務角度,溝通及信任在家族接班中是相對重要的一環,而老臣能居 中扮演很好的調節者,然而,老臣也必須明瞭自身所提供給家族企業的服務需因 應時代改變,否則易被新上位者淘汰。
Succession is always an important issue, especially for family businesses. It is not merely a process, but also a symbol of a family's continuity of its power and cultural heritage. This study intends to explore the role of long-serving manager in the succession of Taiwanese family business through multiple case studies. Through an interview involving long-serving manager of family business and collating relevant reports, the results of this study are as follows: The factors affecting succession can be divided into non-long-serving manager related and long-serving manager related. The former indicates that difference of leadership style’s formation and inevitable conflicts during succession are irrelevant with long-serving manager. The latter shows long- serving manager influenced trust crisis, communication between two generations and the inheritance of family culture. Despite long-serving manager could be implemented as a good intermediate in the family business, this role has to be aware of providing adequate service for different incumbents because of times change. Otherwise it will be highly dismissed by successor.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審訂書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Table of contents iv
List of Figure vi
List of Tables vi
Chapter I: Introduction 1
1-1 Research Background and Motivation 1
1-2 Research Objective 3
1-3 Research Procedures 5
Chapter II: Literature Review 6
2-1 Family Business 6
2-1-1 Definition of Family Business 6
2-1-2 Development of Family Business 9
2-1-3 The Long-serving Employee in Family Business 11
2-2 Family Business Succession 14
2-2-1 Review on Family Business Succession 14
2-2-2 Chinese Culture Influence 15
2-2-3 Intra-family Succession 17
Chapter III: Methodology 19
3-1 Case Study 19
3-2 Research Process 20
3-2-1 Design of Interview Questions 20
3-2-2 Type of Interview 21
3-2-3 Source of Research Cases 23
3-3 Data Collection 24
3-3-1 Data 24
3-3-2 Informants 25
Chapter IV: Case analysis 27
4-1 Case Company Profile 27
4-2 Values of Long-serving Manager and Essential Issues in Succession 29
4-2-1 Identified Potential Key Difference of Leadership Between Founder and Successor 30
4-2-2 Identified Obstacles for Long-serving Manager During Succession Process 34
4-2-3 The Adequacy of Successor’s Performance 39
4-2-4 The Influence and Values of Long-serving Manager in Family Business 40
Chapter V: Conclusion 44
5-1 Conclusion 44
5-2 Findings 46
5-3 Managerial Implication 50
5-4 Limitation and Suggestions for Future Research 51
Reference 53
Appendix: Interview Outline 59
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