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博碩士論文 etd-1117119-152019 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-1117119-152019
The relationship between Service-Learning, Leadership, Self-Efficacy and Employability
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Service-Learning, Leadership, Self-efficacy, Employability
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本研究評估了服務學習課程對學生的領導能力,自我效能和就業能力結果的影響。 我們還研究了領導力和自我效能對就業能力的影響。 我們的結果表明,服務學習課程參與者的領導能力,自我效能和就業能力可以得到顯著提高。 此外,參與者的領導能力和自我效能可以對他們的就業能力產生積極影響。 此外,我們發現,參與者參加服務學習課程後,領導力和就業能力中存在的積極關係得到加強。

服務學習作為一種普通教育,已被台灣大學廣泛採用。 我們的研究證明了服務學習課程在學校環境中的有效性。 結果表明,服務學習可以被視為一種有效的培訓手段,以利用人才的能力,特別是那些即將畢業並即將開始職業生涯的學生。
This study evaluated the influence of Service-Learning courses on Leadership,
Self-efficacy and Employability outcomes for students. We also examined the
influence of Leadership and Self-efficacy on Employability. The results of our
suggested that the Leadership, Self-efficacy and Employability of participants of
Service-Learning courses could be significantly improved. Furthermore, the
Leadership and Self-efficacy of participants could cause a positive influence on their
Employability. In addition, we found that the positive relationship existed within
Leadership and Employability was strengthen after participants attended Service-
Learning courses.
Service-Learning, as a general education, have been widely adopted by the
universities in Taiwan. Our study testified the effectiveness of Service-Learning
courses within a school context. The results indicated that Service-Learning could be
considered as an effective means of training to leverage the capabilities of talents
especially for those students who are going to graduate and are going to starting their
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 .......................................................................................................................................................... i
致謝 ....................................................................................................................................................................... ii
摘要 ...................................................................................................................................................................... iii
Abstrat ................................................................................................................................................................. iv
表目錄 .................................................................................................................................................................. vii
第一章 緒論 ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 ............................................................................................................................ 1
第二節 研究目的 ......................................................................................................................................... 3
第三節 研究流程 ......................................................................................................................................... 5
第四節 研究範圍與限制 ............................................................................................................................ 6
第二章 文獻探討 .............................................................................................................................................. 7
第一節 服務學習 ................................................................................................................................... 7
第二節 領導力 .............................................................................................................................................. 8
第三節 自我效能 ......................................................................................................................................... 9
第四節 就業能力 ...................................................................................................................................... 10
第三章 研究方法 ........................................................................................................................................... 13
第一節 研究架構與假說 ......................................................................................................................... 13
第二節 研究樣本與資料收集 ............................................................................................................... 17
第三節 研究變項與衡量工具 ............................................................................................................... 18
第四節 信度與效度 .................................................................................................................................. 20
第五節 資料分析方法 .............................................................................................................................. 22
第四章 研究結果與討論 .............................................................................................................................. 24
第一節 實證分析 ................................................................................................................................ 24
第五章 結論與建議 ...................................................................................................................................... 27
第一節 研究貢獻 ................................................................................................................................ 27
第二節 實務意涵 ................................................................................................................................ 29
第三節 未來研究建議 ........................................................................................................................ 30
參考文獻 ........................................................................................................................................................... 31
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