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博碩士論文 etd-1023118-154536 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-1023118-154536
藝術拍賣市場實證分析 : 歷史交易紀錄對拍賣價的影響
An Empirical Analysis on Artwork Auction Market: Impacts of Historical Trading Records on Art Auction Prices
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
hedonic model, mediation effect, hammer price, art investment, art auctions
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The impact of historical trading records on art auction prices is an interesting issue. To investigate how historical trading records influence art auction market, we focus on the Taiwanese and Chinese artists and acquire their global auction data comes from Artprice database dated from 2003 January to 2016 June. We use average unit price for each artist, sale amount for each artist and sale rate for each artist in last year as our main independent variable to measure the influence of the historical trading records. By the Hedonic Pricing Model, we investigate their relationship and also building an artwork hedonic price index. Furthermore, we use Structure Equation Model to verify whether the estimated low-price for each artwork has a mediation effect between the main independent variables and the hammer price.
Our results imply that average unit price for each artist and sale rate for each artist in last year have significant effect on hammer price. And the relationship between hammer price and main independent variable is partially mediated by the estimated low-price for each artwork. These results provide more key point to the investor that might help them to make a better investment strategy to earn the higher return.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 vi
圖次 viii
表次 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究問題 10
1.3 研究流程 10
第二章 文獻回顧 12
2.1 藝術品拍賣市場 12
2.2 藝術拍賣市場的主要關注議題 13
2.3 落槌價與藝術市場價格指數之主要估計方式 15
2.4 影響落槌價之其他因素 19
2.5 中國藝術拍賣市場發展歷史 20
2.6 其他資本市場之相關文獻 26
第三章 研究方法 27
3.1 資料來源 27
3.2 資料選取方式 29
3.3 變數說明 29
3.4 分析工具 33
第四章 研究結果 40
4.1 敘述統計 40
4.2 基本分析結果 50
4.3 進階分析結果 58
第五章 結論 62
5.1 研究結論 62
5.2 管理意涵 62
5.3 研究限制與未來方向 63
參考文獻 65
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