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博碩士論文 etd-0931117-155546 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0931117-155546
Death Penalty or Not? Discourse Analysis of Death Penalty Constructed in the Internet News Media
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internet media, death penalty, discourse analysis, human rights, morality
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  本研究綜合Michel Foucault與Virgil van Dijk的論述分析方法,探討死刑論述在網路媒體的場域中如何被建構出來,以及其背後所隱含的意識形態。本研究以近兩年引起社會關注的北捷隨機殺人案做為界定新聞樣本選取的時間範疇,蒐集2014年5月21日至2016年6月10日兩年間,〈The News Lens關鍵評論〉、〈風傳媒〉、〈公民行動影音資料庫〉等三家網路新聞媒體的死刑新聞與評論共87則,加以分析,以釐清網路新聞媒體形塑死刑議題的方式及其蘊含的價值體系。



Abolition of death penalty has been one of the main goals in Taiwan's judicial reform, also a major social issue people in Taiwan highly concern about. With the advancement of communication technology, the way internet media report on death penalty is becoming more and more diverse. Internet media’s immediacy and interaction changed media structure, enabled audiences to interact with media online. Influenced by Taiwan’s morality standards, international human rights and judicial reform, internet media formed its discourse on death penalty. This study mainly focuses on two research questions, which discourse strategy does internet media use to construct death penalty issues, and what kind of value system and ideology are contained in internet media’s discourse on death penalty issues?

  This study combines Michel Foucault and Virgil van Dijk’s discourse analysis methods to explore how death penalty discourses are constructed in internet media world, and the social and cultural implications and ideology implied within. The study took “2014 Taipei Metro Attack” as time scale sample and selected 87 death penalty news and comments published by The News Lens, The Storm Media and Civilmedia@Taiwan from May 21, 2014 to June 20, 2016, to explore how internet news media shaped death penalty issues and its implication of value system.

  The study discovers that when it comes to constructing discourse on death penalty’s abolition, internet media emphasize on human rights, including "life is the supreme right", "death penalty is inhumane punishment", "death penalty strengthens the inequality between classes and races", and "wrongly convicted death penalties lead to innocent people’s death.” On the other hand, when internet media shape discourse on supporting death penalty, they focus on moral standards, such as "justice and fairness" and "the principle of an eye for an eye.” This discourse consolidates Taiwan’s traditional moral standards, and also strengthens the idea of death penalty functions in maintaining social orders.

  In addition, the study finds out that internet media not only fail to play the role of a neutral argument platform, but differentiates diverse opinions. In order to increase hits and views, internet media clearly divides different points of views on death penalty, creating confrontation between two parties and intensifies their arguments and positions. Internet media therefore malfunctions on educating society and playing its role as a guardian. They cannot clarify the controversy on death penalty arguments, and they’re unable to act as a communication bridge between both parties.

  Based on the results of this study, I recommend future researches to include five research methods, interview research, audience research, content analysis, audio & video research, and internet media & public relations research. In terms of practical advice, with internet media’s characteristics of globalization and data collection, they should expose complete information to the audience by all means. Then, government should face judicial reform problems, and examine system’s flaws to decrease conflicts of the society. Eventually, groups that support the abolition of death penalty should explain their arguments in an understandable way to the public while quoting professionals’ endorsements and researches, so that they can make effective communications and open up a broader discussion for the society.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
謝誌 ii
中文摘要 iv
英文摘要 vi
目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
  第一節 研究背景與動機 2
    壹、 臺灣廢除死刑運動發展 2
    貳、 死刑與網路媒體研究之重要性 5
    參、 死刑與犯罪新聞之再現研究 8
  第二節 研究目的 12
第二章 文獻探討 13
  第一節 媒體再現: Michel Foucault與Virgil van Dijk 14
    壹、 建構論與媒體再現 14
    貳、 Foucault:論述、權力、知識與主體 17
    參、 van Dijk:論述、認知與社會 20
    肆、 Foucault與van Dijk的論述意涵比較 22
  第二節 媒體與死刑 24
    壹、 死刑與社會建構 24
    貳、 人權、道德與死刑 26
  第三節 研究問題 32
第三章 研究方法 33
  第一節 研究設計 34
    壹、 個案選擇及時間分界 34
    貳、 網路媒體文本選擇 36
    參、 研究流程與步驟 38
  第二節 論述分析 40
    壹、 van Dijk的新聞論述分析 40
   貳、 Foucault的論述分析 42
第四章 文本分析 45
  第一節 「每一條生命都是無價的」:廢死議題的媒體再現 47
    壹、 生命是至高無上的權利 49
    貳、 死刑是不人道的處罰 56
    參、 死刑強化階級和種族間的不平等 58
    肆、 死刑誤判導致錯殺 60
  第二節 「以牙還牙,以眼還眼」:挺死議題的媒體再現 65
    壹、 道德秩序下的公平正義 66
    貳、 一命償一命的應報觀念 70
第五章 結論與建議 80
  第一節 研究結果與討論 80
    壹、 媒體廢死論述中的人權價值 80
    貳、 媒體死刑論述中的道德意涵 82
    參、 廢死論述與挺死論述的對立焦點 84
    肆、 廢死論述與挺死論述的可能對話空間 87
    伍、 媒體、政府、閱聽人與死刑論述 89
  第二節 研究限制與建議 92
    壹、 研究限制 93
    貳、 研究建議  94
    參、 實務建議 95
參考資料 97
附錄一、 分析文本:〈The News Lens關鍵評論〉 109
附錄二、 分析文本:〈風傳媒〉 112
附錄三、 分析文本:〈公民行動影音資料庫〉 115
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