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Title page for etd-0919112-104716
The growth and reproduction of the Portuguese oyster, Crassostrea angulata, in Taixi and Qigu, Taiwan
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reproduction, growth, culture, Taiwan, Crassostrea angulata
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台灣養殖葡萄牙牡蠣 (Crassostrea angulata) 已有百餘年歷史,主要養殖區為台灣西海岸。本研究選取雲林台西及台南七股兩樣點進行牡蠣交叉放養,探究遺傳及環境差異對養殖牡蠣之成長及生殖之影響。於2011,6 - 2012,7進行兩地交叉放養共有四處理組:台西 (T)、台西七股 (T’)、七股 (Q) 及七股台西 (Q’),每月採集各組牡蠣進行生長及生殖形質之測量。結果顯示:殼長、殼重及總重皆隨時間增加而增加,七股組明顯有較大之殼長、殼重及總重,但回歸分析結果顯示隨著殼長增加,重量 (總重、組織濕重和乾重) 上升皆以Q組的幅度最小,四組殼重相對增加率皆於第一個月最高,以T組速率最快,且CI值以台西組 (T) 最高,七股 (Q) 最低;而台西養殖的牡蠣 (T和Q’) 性比為雄性偏少,雌性較多,七股養殖之牡蠣 (Q和T’) 為雄性偏多而雌性偏少,另外,台西地區蓄養牡蠣之GSI值升高較七股地區早,而交叉放養組別 (T’和Q’) 在實驗中後期生殖週期受環境影響而與當地牡蠣相似。整體而言,遺傳及環境兩因子之交互影響呈現在牡蠣成長,為Q組重量增加幅度最小,可能因當地養殖密度高,以致牡蠣個體所能獲得之食物量較T組低,因而產生成長差異,生殖部分在牡蠣GSI值中可明顯看出,養殖約半年後生殖週期即與當地牡蠣相似。
Culture of oyster Crassostrea angulata in Taiwan is over hundred years, and the major cultural sites are along the west coast. This study was aimed to investigate the effects of environment and genetic inheritance to growth and reproduction through transplant experiments conducted in Taixi and Qigu during the period of June 2011 to July 2012. The shell length, shell weight and total weight increased with time, base on monthly examination on the groups of Taixi (T), TaixiQigu (T’), Qigu (Q) and QiguTaixi (Q’). Although group Q had the greatest shell length, shell weight and total weight, their regression slopes were significantly smaller than all other groups. The greatest relative increment of shell weight was in the first month and group T had the highest increment compared with others. The highest and lowest CI values were in groups T and Q, respectively. Sex ratio of oysters cultured in Taixi (groups T and Q’) showed male-biased trend while female-biased trend was observed in Qigu (groups Q and T’). In addition, the GSI values increased earlier in Taixi than in Qigu. A similar pattern in GSI variations has been observed in the native and transplanted groups. As a whole, genetic and environmental factors both had influence on oyster growth. Group Q had the lowest weight gain which might be resulted from high cultural density in Qigu. Thus, each individual obtained less amount of food than in Taixi. After a half-year culture, the reproductive cycle of transplanted oysters was similar to local groups indicated the contribution of environment is more important than genetics to oyster reproduction in later cultural stages.
目次 Table of Contents
謝誌 .................................................................................................................................. I
摘要 ................................................................................................................................. II
Abstract ........................................................................................................................... III
表目錄 .............................................................................................................................. V
圖目錄 ............................................................................................................................ VI
一、 前言 ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 葡萄牙牡蠣vs. 太平洋牡蠣 ............................................................................ 1
1.2 牡蠣養殖及生活史 ........................................................................................... 2
1.3 生長生殖影響因子 ........................................................................................... 2
1.4 研究動機 ........................................................................................................... 3
二、 材料及方法 ............................................................................................................ 4
2.1實驗地點 ............................................................................................................ 4
2.2成長實驗 ............................................................................................................ 4
2.3生殖實驗 ............................................................................................................ 5
2.4 資料分析 ........................................................................................................... 5
三、結果 .......................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 生長 ................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 生殖 ................................................................................................................... 8
四、討論 .......................................................................................................................... 9
4.1 成長 ................................................................................................................... 9
4.2 生殖 .................................................................................................................. 11
4.3 結論 ................................................................................................................. 12
參考文獻 ........................................................................................................................ 14
參考文獻 References
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