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Title page for etd-0914119-223350
A comparative study on Human Resource Imformation Systems currently sold in Taiwan
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Compensation Module, Human Resources Information System (HRIS), Attendance Module, General Data Module, Performance Module, Training Module, Recruit Module
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目前企業多會以採購的方式取得人力資源資訊系統(HRIS) ,而台灣市面所販售各家公司的HRIS,通常是以資料庫形式的模組進行銷售,故如何了解並選擇適切的HRIS,則是各企業人力資源部門所不可避免的抉擇難題。
本研究以檔案資料法與訪談法,蒐集了9家廠商在台灣市面販售的人力資源資訊系統,並進行功能與模組的比對。發現:1.市面販售之人力資源資訊系統的功能,可分為七大功能模組,並再歸類成二大類模組。2.人力資源資訊系統之發展的模組功能由人事類功能發展至人資類功能,並漸漸發展出策略性功能。3. 市面販售之人力資源資訊系統之各功能模組大致相似,惟仍有部份系統為創造市場區隔,而開發與其他系統相異之功能。
In addition to stressing the timeliness of operations, the company also faces the government's continuous improvement of labor regulations and the strengthening of penalties. Therefore, it is necessary to make good use of the Human Resources Information System (HRIS) to enable the human resources related information of enterprises to be processed. More perfect, so as to improve the timeliness of work and comply with government regulations.
At present, many companies will obtain the Human Resources Information System (HRIS) by means of procurement. The HRIS of various companies sold in Taiwan is usually sold in the form of a database. Therefore, how to understand and select the appropriate HRIS, It is an inevitable choice problem for the human resources departments of various enterprises.
In this study, the human resources information system sold by nine manufacturers in the market in Taiwan was collected by means of archival data method and interview method, and the function and module were compared. Found: 1. The functions of the human resources information system sold in the market can be divided into seven functional modules, and then classified into two major modules. 2. The module function of the development of human resources information system has evolved from personnel function to human resource function, and gradually developed strategic functions. 3. The functional modules of the human resources information system sold in the market are broadly similar, but some systems are designed to create market segments and develop functions that are different from other systems.
目次 Table of Contents
審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 3
第三節 研究目的 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 資訊系統 5
第二節 人力資源資訊系統 12
第三節 資訊系統的評估 16
第四節 人力資源資訊系統的相關研究 18
第三章 研究方法 21
第一節 檔案資料法 21
第二節 研究對象 23
第三節 資料收集 27
第四節 資料分析 29
第四章 結果分析 30
第一節 基本資料模組 30
第二節 考勤模組 33
第三節 薪酬模組 36
第四節 招募模組 40
第五節 績效考核模組 42
第六節 訓練模組 44
第七節 其他功能模組 46
第五章 結論與建議 48
第一節 研究結論 48
第二節 研究討論 49
第三節 實務意涵 53
第四節 研究限制 56
第五節 研究建議 58
參考文獻 60
附錄 66
參考文獻 References
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