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論文名稱 Title |
網路口碑對期望失驗與消費者滿意度、再購意願與口碑傳播之影響:產品類型與人際關係遠近之調節效果 The influence of eWOM on expectation disconfirmation and consumer satisfaction, repurchase intention and WOM: Moderating effect of product type and relationship |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
54 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2018-07-23 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2018-10-11 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
再購意願、滿意度、人際關係遠近、網路口碑、期望失驗、產品類型 Consumer satisfaction, Repurchase, eWOM, Expectation disconfirmation, Product type, Interpersonal relationship |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 5805 次,被下載 40 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5805 times, has been downloaded 40 times. |
中文摘要 |
由於近年電子商務蓬勃的發展,eWOM(electronic Word of Mouth, eWOM)被列為是一項重要的研究標的,eWOM資訊傳播簡單且快速,消費者在購買前會搜集eWOM作為購買決策的參考指標,亦在購買後進行購後評估並驗證購買績效。此外,eWOM不僅止於商業上的應用,在政治領域也受到相當的關注;2016年美國總統大選跌破眾人眼鏡由共和黨候選人川普(Trump)勝出,很多聲浪認為Facebook與google的網路資訊,真假穿鑿的網路言論左右了選戰的結果,儘管尚未受到實證,但網路口碑的力量確實發揮了力量並引起重視。eWOM的應用與商機。例如,2013年4月新聞”寫手門”事件中,Taiwan Samsung在網路論壇上發文、回文,以操縱網路論壇的輿論,左右消費者對智慧型手機的好惡。網路口碑對於各群體而言,不論在什麼領域,皆有不可忽視的影響力。 本研究旨在研究eWOM對於消費者的行為模式是否在於不同的人際關係地位的影響下會產生不同的影響?良好的eWOM會是否造成消費者的期望過高導致期望難以被確認,而導致消費者滿意度降低。不同的產品類型對網路口碑與期望失驗的影響,以及消費者在期望失驗後是否有再購買與口碑傳播的意願。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以網路問卷收集資料並且進行結構方程式模式 (SEM) 分析,包括自擬之「人際關係親密程度量表」、「消費者期望失驗量表」、「消費者滿意度量表」及「再購意願量表」。研究資料使用SPSS及Mplus 軟體,分別進行項目分析、信效度分析、相關分析及結構方程式等統計分析。 本研究發現網路口碑對於期望失驗會有顯著正面影響,但人際關係的遠近在於網路口碑對於期望失驗並沒有顯著影響,而期望失驗對於滿意度、再購意願與口碑傳播皆有顯著正向影響,產品類型的調節效果經驗品會高於搜尋品。最後針對研究結果及研究貢獻,提出管理意涵與實務意涵的建議,用以提供網路口碑研究者與企業管理者作為參考。 |
Abstract |
eWOM has been listed as an important target with e-commence rapid development in recent years, eWOM dissemination is simple and fast, Consumer will collect eWOM as a reference indicator before purchasing and evaluated purchase performance. In addition, eWOM not only in commercial applications but also received attentions in the political arena. There are numerous people believed the information from Google and Facebook are changed the outcome of election. There are application and business opportunities of eWOM. For example: In April “Write Hand” incident, Taiwan Samsung posted a essay on social media to manipulate the public opinions, and to influence consumer the like or dislike. eWOM has an influence that cannot be ignored for any group no matter what field. This study aims to investigate whether eWOM has different effects on whether consumers' behavior patterns are influenced by different interpersonal relationships. Whether a good eWOM will cause the consumer's expectations to be too high leads to the difficulty of being confirmed, resulting in lower consumer satisfaction. The impact of different product types on eWOM and expectancy disconfirmation, and the willingness of consumers to purchase and promote eWOM after they have confirmed. This study used questionnaires to collect data and conduct structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis, including self-made “Interpersonal Relationship Intimacy Scale”, “Consumer Expectation Confirmation Scale”, and “Consumer Satisfaction Volume” and "Repurchase Willingness Scale". The research data used SPSS and Mplus software to perform statistical analysis such as project analysis, reliability and validity analysis, correlation analysis and structural equations. This study has find that eWOM has a significant positive impact of expectancy disconfirmation, but interpersonal relationship has no significant impact on it. Moreover, expectancy disconfirmation are positive for satisfaction, repurchase intentions, and WOM intention. Finally, based on the research results and research contributions, suggestions for management implications and practical implications are proposed to provide eWOM researchers and business managers as a reference. |
目次 Table of Contents |
壹、緒論 1 一、研究背景 1 二、研究動機 2 三、研究目的 4 貳、文獻回顧 5 一、口碑的定義 5 二、網路口碑的定義 6 三、人際關係親密程度 7 四、產品類型的定義 9 五、期望失驗理論 錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。 六、滿意度與再購意願 錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。 參、假說推論 16 一、口碑與期望績效的關係 17 二、人際關係遠近與期望失驗的關係 17 三、產品類型與期望績效的關係 19 四、期望失驗與滿意度、再購意願、口碑傳播意願的關係 20 肆、研究方法 16 一、研究架構 16 二、操作型定義與變項衡量 17 伍、資料分析與結果 24 一、測量模型之信效度分析 29 二、信度與效度之檢驗 30 三、假說檢驗 33 陸、結論與建議 38 一、研究結論 38 二、實務貢獻 41 三、研究限制與建議 43 |
參考文獻 References |
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