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博碩士論文 etd-0806119-102322 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0806119-102322
Evaluation the use of neritid egg capsule and embryonic development to seawater acidification biomarker
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seawater acidification, egg capsule, biomarker, Nerita albicilla, Nerita undata
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指導老師:劉莉蓮 教授

Evaluation the use of neritid egg capsules and embryonic development to seawater acidification biomarker

Chen-Hao Chang
Advisor:Dr. Li-Lian Liu
Department of Oceanography, National Sun Yat-sen University,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C.

The effects of seawater acidification on marine organisms’ calcification are an important issue recently. In this study, the intertidal Nerita snails are selected to evaluate the potential of using egg capsules and embryonic development as a seawater acidification biomarker. The experiment is divided into three parts. Firstly, the comparison of different pH values (pH 6.0 and 8.0) on the surface erosion of Nerita albicilla egg capsules. Secondly, the comparison of the erosion degree of egg capsules and the embryonic development on N. albicilla and Nerita undata among different locations. Thirdly, the comparison of the erosion degree of egg capsules and the embryonic development on N. albicilla and N. undata by transplant experiments. The CaCO3 structure on the surface of N. albicilla egg capsules in acidic seawater was eroded. Based on the degree of capsule erosion, it was divided into three levels. The erosion degree of capsules was higher in Mailiao than those from Qigu and Taixi. When comparing the embryonic development and erosion at the same time, the erosion degree of capsules from Taixi and Mailiao was relatively higher than the ones from Qigu. The transplant experiments were unsuccessful due to no living embryos was found. In summary, the degree of capsule erosion increased with time in acidic seawater and a lower erosion degree of capsules from Qigu than those from Taixi and Mailiao when embryonic development was also considered. In the future, if larval activity can be examined at the same time, Nerita snails still have the potential to be a biomarker for the study of seawater acidification.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 ............................................................................................................ ⅰ
誌謝 ........................................................................................................................ ⅱ
中文摘要 .................................................................................................................. ⅲ
英文摘要 .................................................................................................................. ⅳ
目錄 .......................................................................................................................... ⅴ
表目錄 ...................................................................................................................... ⅵ
圖目錄 ..................................................................................................................... ⅶ
一、前言 ................................................................................................................... 1
1. 海水酸化 ........................................................................................................... 1
2. 台灣環境 ........................................................................................................... 2
3.生物指標 ............................................................................................................. 3
4. 實驗目標 ........................................................................................................... 4
二、材料與方法 ....................................................................................................... 5
1. 採集地點與樣本保存 ....................................................................................... 5
2. 掃描式電子顯微鏡樣本製備 ........................................................................... 5
3. 研究實驗............................................................................................................. 5
4. 統計分析 ........................................................................................................... 7
三、結果 ................................................................................................................... 9
1. 蜑螺卵鞘表面破裂程度及發育胚胎分級描述 ............................................... 9
2. 比較不同pH值(pH6.0及8.0)對漁舟蜑螺卵鞘表面破裂程度的影響.............. 9
3. 比較不同地點之漁舟蜑螺及粗紋蜑螺卵鞘表面破裂程度和胚胎發育的差異.............................................................................................................................. 11
4. 比較不同地點交叉放養之漁舟蜑螺及粗紋蜑螺卵鞘表面破裂程度和胚胎發育的差異 .................................................................................................................... 13
四、討論 .................................................................................................................... 15
五、參考文獻 ............................................................................................................ 19
參考文獻 References
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