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博碩士論文 etd-0728103-142842 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0728103-142842
To probe deeply into the Customer Relationship Management strategy and operation flow of life Insurance.-ex. Nan Shan life Insurance Co, LTD.
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Customer Value, Customer Relationship Management, CDW, Customer Retention, CRM, Customer Loyalty, Customer Data Warehouse
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5942 times, has been downloaded 14734 times.
近幾年由於資訊科技的發達,商品內容及商品知識、價格的透明化導致壽險市場的競爭白熱化,其商品只是一紙契約是無形的商品,須靠公司的形象、聲譽及顧客的信任才能永續經營,是壽險業對客戶誠信與責任的承諾;壽險的行銷和一般行業不同,是一種無形商品販售,近年來由於環境的變遷及競爭時代的來臨,壽險業已由賣方市場轉變為買方市場,根據統計獲取一位新顧客的成本為維繫一位老顧客的6倍,也有人說5倍或10倍,因此,保險業應該要特別去注意老顧客,要慢慢去吸引新顧客來成為老顧客。尋求突破之道,就是做好顧客關係管理(CRM),進而提高顧客忠誠度、滿意度來留住保戶的顧客觀念(Customer Concept),並希望其再推介新客戶為當務之急。
展望二十一世紀,顧客的形態已經改變,市場經營環境也改變,保險業對市場經營導向也產生重大變革,由商品導向演變為顧客導向,另外,保戶對商品的價值與服務其敏感度及期望也愈來愈高,喜歡量身訂製,自動參與,不再只是完全的被動接受;因此要大量客製化的服務與商品做一對一的行銷策略。探討個案公司CRM的做法與規劃。Pepper & Roger’s Model四大步驟與運用5W來探討個案公司CRM的策略執行與流程運作,並依循Customer Process Cycle Model四構面不斷的學習與執行,以達成個案公司的CRM策略目標。經過本研究發現:
一、 南山人壽特別著重Call center的功能與運作,績效亦最顯著,是CRM的重心。
二、 透過CRM系統整合與多次蒐集顧客資訊,讓系統更了解顧客價值,並一一紀 錄下來Update,以CRM電腦系統資料倉儲(Data warehouse)與採礦(Data mining)的觀念與技術,記錄分析客戶的行為模式,尋找目標市場,及時導正服務與行銷策略(推行專案行銷)。
三、 區隔顧客方面,依南山人壽顧客資料蒐集的項目中,不容易了解顧客價值(Value-based)而只能由顧客需求(Need-based)來區隔顧客,較不容易尋找岀有效的區隔顧客對公司的價值,但是可以依顧客需求面來尋找適合顧客的服務與商品
四、 因為保險與顧客互動的主要原動力是人為因素,因此業務員的關鍵佔多數,南山人壽的CRM系統,盡量以業務人員、互動式e化及IT來執行,在效能上運用的不錯。
五、 CRM的IT架構很完整,資料取得的管道廣泛。注重保戶的服務項目與方便性,直接接觸顧客,盡量尋求與顧客接觸的機會,運用科技,無時空限制的溝通,與顧客有效的互動溝通管道眾多:
1. 南山網站
2. E-mail
3. 電話(Call center)
4. 行動電話簡訊
5. 業務人員
6. 信件或DM
六、 南山人壽e化工程尚屬完善,在提供客製化的商品與服務方面,亦屬於優等,在短短的一年就推出10個行銷專案,均由Data Mining區隔顧客後所分析配對的P/S。但是在外勤業務人員的教育訓練尚須加強,因為在短時間內,推出太多專案,無法適時的完全了解,無法變成CI及CK,而讓顧客容易移轉購買的習慣。
七、 CRM的執行運作,業務人員的落實程度不足,顧客資訊蒐集項目不夠完整。
1. 建議引進專家以網路平台(保戶園地)或E-mail將公司近況及各種訊息,如營運投資狀況讓客戶了解,將客戶視為股東,當成夥伴關係,贏取客戶的信任。顧客也會以南山保戶為榮!
2. 系統ES(Expert System):
3. 由於與顧客接觸介面以業務人員為主,然而對於獎金較低的政策性專案商品的活動,往往績效不佳,可結合平衡計分卡的活動,進行績效評估,施於業務人員良性的壓力,來達成CRM的執行效率,完成CRM之策略目標。
4. 南山人壽的CRM在流程的四大步驟中,做得很完整,同業中若希望由CRM而能達到公司的經營目標,可以南山人壽為典範,再配合公司文化背景及市場需求,做小幅度的修正就很完美。

關鍵字:顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management, CRM)、顧客價值 (Customer Value)、顧客留住率(Customer Retention)、顧客忠誠度(Customer Loyalty)、顧客資料倉儲(Customer Data Warehouse, CDW)
To probe deeply into the Customer Relationship Management strategy and operation flow of life Insurance.
- ex. Nan Shan life Insurance Co, LTD.

Due to the well development of information technology (IT) during the recent years, the clearance of the contents and knowledge as well as the price offered of life insurance caused the dramatic competition in this industry.
The commodity of life insurance is only an intangible contract , it has to be relied on the operation combining with company image, reputation and the trust from customers for long term. Also they are the promise and responsibility to their clients. The marketing of life insurance is different from the other industries , it is an intangible deal. Owing to the variation of the whole environment comes the drastic competition, life insurance is the buyer’s market oriented instead of seller’s . It says the cost to create a new account is about 6 times or even 5 less or 10 more to maintain an old customer. Therefore, this industry has to pay more attention on the current accounts on hand and try to attract new clients to be owned gradually.
To look for a break through as the task of the greatest urgency at present is to make good use of Customer Concept, which is to take good care of the CRM, to enhance customers’ loyalty and satisfaction as to keep our clients and wish them also to introduce new accounts for us. Therefore, CRM is the most important part of life insurance. Previousely most of the customers’ data base is incomplete. Now it is the e century, we can take the advantage by using the IT service to do a good CRM one to one deeply as to cope with the competition.
To look into the 21th century, now the form of customer group is varied, the market is also different, they reform the market direction of life insurance industry as well—from the commodity oriented to the customer base.

Besides, the insurants now expect the value of commodity and service much more than before and also very sensitive to them. They would like the custom made offer, voluntarily to participate in the offer, they no longer accept the offer passively.
Consequentially, we have to make the design-in service and one-to-one commodity as our new marketing strategy.
Following is the planning on CRM case study—How to cite the 4 big steps of Pepper & Roger’s Model and 5W to probe the execution of tactic and operation flow, meanwhile, to learn and to execute the 4 conceptions of Customer Process Cycle Model to achieve the company strategy target of this CRM case.

The findings through this research are :
1. Nan Shan Life Insurance Co, LTD. especially stress the function and operation of Call Center and result in the significant achievements. It is the most important area and elite of CRM.
2. By the CRM system integration and collecting the customers’ information from time to time, the system can understand the customer’s value and update it.
Moreover, with the concept and technique of CRM Data warehouse and Data mining, it can record and analysize the customer’s behavior mode then look for the target market as to correct the strategy of service and marketing in time(to carry out the project marketing)
3. In regards to the customer segment, according to the items of those information that Nan Shan Life Insurance Co, LTD. searching and collecting, it is not easy to make out the customer value-based and only can segment the customers by Need-based. Moreover, it is uneasy to find out the value of effective segment customer for company, but, it can rely on customer’s demand to look for suitable service and commodity to your customers.
4. As human is the main motive for interaction between insurance and customer, sales rep. is acting a key role in this business. The CRM system of Nan Shan Life Insurance Co, LTD. requests the rep. to have the deal done by using the e-tooling and IT. They are pretty successful in the efficiency.
5. The skeleton of IT in CRM is very intact, which provides extensive channels for data surfing. Do pay the attention on insurant’s servicing articles and convenience, direct contact with customers and do the best to find the chance to contact your customers. There are so many ways to communicate effectively with the customers by science and technology, no space-time limitation on communication:
(2) E-mail
(3) Telephone (Call center)
(4) Cellular phone news flash
(5) Sales representatives
(6) Mail or DM
6. The construction of e-tooling in Nan Shan life Insurance Co, LTD. is perfect. It is also excellent on providing the design-in commodity and servicing. There have been 10 marketing projects presented within one year, they are all P/S after the analysis from customer segment. However, the training for the outside field sales reps. has to be re-inforced because there were too many projects presented within a short period of time, they can not comprehend completely duly and fail to become CI and CK then it will change the customers’ purchasing habit.
7. The customer’s information will not be complete collected in case the rep. is not practicable in the operation of CRM. The following proposals are brought up after the research:
(1) To share the company current situation and various information with the insurant via e-mail or internet, such as the operation of investment. To deem your customers as the stock shareholders or partners, you will get the trust from your accounts. On the other hand, they will also be proud that they are the insurant of Nanshan. Life Insurance.
(2) Recommend to use ES
From 2002, the reps. prefer to deal with the investment insurance policy. If the education system can combine with the ES to do the financial planning, you will be a financial specialist soon.
(3) Rep. is the interface to communicate with customers, while, there is always no good performance on those activities for projected commodity with the less bonus. It can link up with the campaign of balance score card to evaluate the performance and give the pressure on rep. to achieve the execution efficiency and target of CRM.
(4) Nan Shan Life Insurance Co, LTD. does not only have a very good performance on the 4 steps of CRM flow but also can be pattern for those companies in the same business who would like to achieve company target by the way of CRM. It can be even perfect if they can consider their own company culture, background and market demand then modify a bit to be their own.
目次 Table of Contents
目 錄
論文口試委員審定書 Ι
致謝辭 Ⅱ
論文提要 Ⅲ
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 3
第三節 研究目的 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 顧客關係管理的涵義與基本架構 6
第二節 導入顧客關係管理的原因與重要性 11
第三節 顧客關係管理模式與架構 15
第四節 顧客關係管理的IT架構 21
第五節 資訊科技在顧客關係管理之應用 28
第三章 研究設計 32
第一節 研究方法 32
第二節 研究步驟 34
第三節 研究限制 36
第四章 壽險業與個案公司背景描述 37
第一節 台灣壽險業背景與現況 37
第二節 個案公司描述 42
第三節 個案公司的顧客關係管理策略與組織架構 45
第四節 個案公司顧客關係管理的導入與建置 48
第五章 個案公司顧客關係管理的運作、分析與發現 51
第一節 個案公司顧客關係管理的運作 51
第二節 個案公司顧客關係管理的分析 73
第三節 個案公司顧客關係管理的發現 80
第六章 結論與建議 82
第一節 研究結論 82
第二節 研究建議 84
參考文獻 85
附錄:訪談綱要 87
表 目 錄
表2-1 CRM研究模式的層次與分類 15
表2-2 前台操作型CRM的主要功能 26
表4-1台灣地區人壽保險業九十年度現況表 39
表4-2臺灣壽險業財務概況表 40
表4-3壽險業業務經營成果表 41
表5-1南山人壽客服中心(Call center)建置表 51
表5-2保單新舊作業流程差異分析比較表 64
表5-3行銷專案一覽表 69
表5-4 Peppers & Roger s最重要的四個步驟主要活動與個案公司的作法比較表 73

圖 目 錄
圖2-1CRM的10C關係模式架構圖 7
圖2-2CRM基本6個層次圖 10
圖2-3顧客忠誠度與利潤關係圖 12
圖2-4 CR與CE 與企業價值的關係圖 14
圖2-5 Brown CRM 5 Pillar Mode 16
圖2-6 Customer Interaction Inventory 19
圖2-7 Customer Process Cycle Model 20
圖2-8 CRM的IT架構圖 21
圖2-9 CRM新的系統架構 22
圖2-10 CRM的九種功能圖 25
圖2-11 Customer Data Warehouse Framework 28
圖2-12管理資訊系統的基礎架構 29
圖2-13專家系統的系統架構圖 31
圖4-1南山人壽組織圖 44
圖4-2南山人壽CRM組織架構圖 46
圖4-3 Customer Process Cycle Model 50
圖5-1保單快速服務流程圖 59
圖5-2保單新舊作業流程比較圖 63
參考文獻 References
4.羅南˙史威福(RONALD S. SWIFT)《深化顧客關係管理》---ARC遠擎管理顧問股份有限公司
1. Broadvision Consulting, “Essence of one to one Relationship management” , e-Business Executive Report, No.15, July, 2000, p.11-15.
2. Brown, S.A. "A Case Study on CRM and Mass Customization," in Customer Relationship Management - A Strategic Imperative in the World of E-Business, Brown, S. A. (ed.), John Wiley & Sons, Canada, 2000, pp.41-53.
3. Brown, S. A. "From Customer Loyalty to Customer Dependency : a case for strategic customer care," in Customer Relationship Management - A Strategic Imperative in the World of E-Business, Brown, S. A. (ed.), John Wiley & Sons, Canada, 2000, pp.69-86.
4. Brown, S. A. "Channel Management and CRM," in Customer Relationship Management - A Strategic Imperative in the World of E-Business, Brown, S. A. (ed.), John Wiley & Sons, Canada, 2000, pp. 129-142
5. Falque, E. "Using the Tools : Database Marketing, Data Warehousing and Data Mining," in Customer Relationship Management - A Strategic Imperative in the World of E-Business, Brown, S. A. (ed.), John Wiley & Sons, Canada, 2000,
6. Kotler, P., “Marketing Management ” 10th ed., Prentice Hall, 2000.
7. Lauterborn, R. "New Marketing Litancy : 4P's Passe; C-Words Take Over," Advertising Age, October 1, 1990, p. 26.
8. Lin, T. “10Cmodel of CRM”, NSYSU, working paper, 2001.
9. Peppers, D. and Rogers, M. "Is Your Company Ready for One-to-One Marketing , " Harvard Business Review, January-February, 1999 ,pp.3-12.
10. Peppers, D., and Rogers, M., "The One to One Future : Building Relationships One Customer at a Time," Currency Doubleday, New York, 1993, P108.
11. Swift, R., “Accelerating Customer Relationships” Prentice Hall, 2001.
12. Tiwana, A., “The Essential Guide to Knowledge Management:e-business and CRM applications”, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall., 2000.
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