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論文名稱 Title |
檢視台灣離岸風電四大系統國產化之困境與因應之道 An Exploration of the Localization Dilemma and Development Strategy Regarding the Four Major Systems of Offshore Wind Power in Taiwan |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
163 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2020-07-23 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2020-08-27 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
離岸風電國產化策略、產業競爭優勢鑽石分析、五力分析、深度訪談 Porter’s Five Forces Model, Localization Strategy of Offshore Wind Power, In-depth Interview, Diamond Model of National Competitive Advantage |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 541 次,被下載 47 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 541 times, has been downloaded 47 times. |
中文摘要 |
台灣能源自產率僅有2%,隨著風電產業的技術純熟,離岸風電遂併進許多國家發展綠能及能源轉型的藍圖中,包含了台灣。目前,台灣的綠能政策目標是2025 年再生能源發電占比達20%,其中兩大主力之一的離岸風電預計開發目標為5.5GW。經濟部透過三面向:內需市場練兵、設立風電產業專區,以及產業整合並形成策略聯盟,針對水下基礎、陸上電力設拖、風機零組件、海事工程及船舶製造等四大系統階段性推動在地化產業。這也是目前台灣離岸風電所面臨的主要挑戰:國產化帶動國內離岸風電供應鏈的建立。 總結來說,台灣國產化困境,來自以下五個面向:1. 對國產化政策及接續審查機制的不確定性;2. 關鍵技術、系統以及技術驗證掌握在國外廠商手中,導致台灣廠商無法確切評估自身產能,也無法判定自己可以發揮的優勢。這也突顯國外與國內業者文化上所產生的認知差異;3. 台灣廠商對國外開發商所要求的工程品質、不論是工安、對發電行為的基礎認知和管理人才均有一定程度的落差;4. 產業國產化的學習時間與開發併聯時程有所衝突;5. 國產化VS 國際化的兩難。 為此研究者認為,唯有找出國外和台灣廠商適合的合作方式,培植基本競爭力,同時消弭產業界對於政策的不信任,也就是透過其他政策和規範(例如法規彈性裁量權或建立投資基金機制),使整體環境適合有實力的廠商進入市場,同時鼓勵出口,鞏固台灣廠商對於產業和市場未來發展的信心才是國產化首要考量。同時,人才培養也應以建立整個發電行為的知識及管理為主。另一方面,全民對於離岸風電發展的認同感亦是關鍵因素。人民意願的回應,可幫助引導制定能源轉型、成為永續發展國家的法規和政策框架;共識的建立也有助於離岸風電人才和管理的接續不會產生落差和斷層。 |
Abstract |
Taiwan's energy self-production rate is a mere 2 percent. As technological breakthroughs are made in the wind power industry, Taiwan, like many countries in the Asia region, has incorporated offshore wind energy into the nation's blueprint for renewable energy development and energy transformation. The current goal of Taiwan’s green energy policy is for renewable energy power generation to account for 20% of total power generation by 2025. Out of the two main sources of renewable energy, offshore wind power is expected to produce 5.5GW of power. The Ministry of Economic Affairs forms a strategic alliance through three aspects: Testing the domestic market, setting up wind power industry zones, and industrial integration. It aims to promote localized industries by focusing on underwater foundation, onshore power facilities, wind turbine components, maritime engineering, and shipbuilding. The main challenge to the localization of Taiwan's offshore wind power industry is the establishment of a domestic offshore wind power supply chain. The issue of Taiwan's localization is attributed to the following five aspects:1)The uncertainty in the localization policy and the continuous review mechanism. 2)The key technology, systems, and technical verification are in the possession of foreign manufacturers, which makes it impossible for Taiwanese manufacturers to accurately assess their own production capacity and advantages. This also highlights the differences in cultural cognition between foreign and domestic manufacturers. 3)Taiwanese manufacturers cannot fully meet the demand required by foreign developers in terms of industrial safety, basic knowledge on power generation, and management talents. 4) Conflict between the time spent on learning industrial localization and the parallel development schedule. 5) Dilemma between localization and internationalization. Therefore, researchers believe that only by finding suitable cooperation methods between foreign and domestic manufacturers, can Taiwan cultivate basic competitiveness and eliminate the industry’s distrust on government policies; i.e. using other policies and norms (such as flexible legal discretion or establishing investment fund mechanism), making the overall environment suitable for manufacturers with potential to enter the market. Aside from encouraging export, consolidating the confidence of Taiwanese manufacturers in the future development of the industry and the market is should be a top priority. In addition, talent cultivation should revolve around knowledge and management of power generation. On the other hand, the public's support and approval of offshore wind power development is also a key factor. The feedback and opinion of the public can help guide the transformation of energy production, forming a framework for future regulations and policies. Reaching a consensus contributes to the cultivation of offshore wind power talent as well as ensures the sustainability of management. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 i 誌謝 ii 摘要 iii Abstract iv 第一章 緒論 11 第一節 研究背景與動機 11 第二節 研究目的 13 第三節 研究流程 14 第二章 產業現況 15 第一節 離岸風電發展脈絡 15 第二節 離岸風電產業及供應鏈現況 30 第三節 國內離岸風電四大系統與國產化現況 38 第三章 文獻探討 46 第一節 產業競爭優勢鑽石模型分析 47 第二節 產業五力分析 50 第四章 研究設計 53 第一節 研究方法 53 第二節 訪談對象 57 第五章 研究發現 69 第一節 國內離岸風電產業現況分析 69 第二節 國內離岸風電四大系統分析比較 76 第三節 四大系統國產化之困境與成因分析 90 第四節 針對現有困境提出因應之道 109 第六章 結論與建議 131 第一節 研究結論 131 第二節 理論與實務內涵 133 第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向 134 參考文獻 136 附錄 140 |
參考文獻 References |
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