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博碩士論文 etd-0726120-233407 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0726120-233407
企業智慧化,我的工作「被消失」? 新興科技意識與員工退縮行為的關係: 工作不安全感與知覺組織支持的調節式中介效果
Losing Jobs Caused by Smart Technology? New Technology Awareness and Withdrawal Behaviors: A Moderated Mediation Model of Job Insecurity and Perceived Organizational Support
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perceived organizational support, withdrawal behavior, job insecurity, new technology awareness
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本研究以「資源保存理論」觀點,探討員工的新興科技意識與離職傾向、缺勤、時間竊盜等三項退縮行為的關聯性,並提出以工作不安全感及知覺組織支持為調節式中介效果的研究模型,旨在確定退縮行為的成因並提出補救措施。本研究透過問卷調查法以兩階段方式蒐集研究變項,問卷來源廣泛來自台灣不同產業別,回收有效問卷145份,並以迴歸分析進行假設檢驗。研究結果顯示:(1) 新興科技導入企業確實引起員工的工作不安全感;(2) 知覺組織支持對工作不安全感與離職傾向間具有調節效果,且當員工知覺較低的組織支持時,新興科技意識透過工作不安全感提升離職傾向的條件式間接效果較強;(3) 知覺組織支持對工作不安全感與時間竊盜間具有調節效果,同時當員工知覺較高的組織支持時,新興科技意識透過工作不安全感與時間竊盜的條件式間接效果較強;(4) 然而新興科技意識不會透過工作不安全感間接影響退縮行為;(5) 並沒有證據顯示知覺組織支持能調節工作不安全感與缺勤的正向關係。本研究發現知覺組織支持的調節效果同時增強員工的離職意願與在組織內的時間竊盜現象,顯示未來人資部門在管理組織成員時應更加留意此現象,訂定合理的獎酬及管理制度來防止員工離職及懈怠,保障員工勇於面對組織變化時,也能避免員工濫用組織支持系統。
This study aims to draw on the conservation of resources theory to investigate the relationships between new technology awareness and withdrawal behaviors (including turnover intention, absenteeism, and time theft). Exploring a research model uses job insecurity and perceived organizational support (POS) as conditional indirect effects, the current study determines the causes of withdrawal behavior and suggests remedies for it. Collecting two-wave data from different industries in Taiwan, this study tests the hypotheses on a sample of 145 employees by regression analysis. The results reveal that: (1) New technology awareness positively relates to job insecurity. (2) POS moderates the relationship between job insecurity and turnover intention. Besides, the conditional indirect effects of new technology awareness in predicting turnover intention via job insecurity are stronger at low as opposed to high levels of POS. (3) POS moderates this relationship between job insecurity and time theft. Moreover, the conditional indirect effects of new technology awareness in predicting time theft via job insecurity are stronger at high as opposed to low levels of POS. (4) However, new technology awareness cannot predict withdrawal bihaviors via job insecurity. (5) There is no evidence showing that the positive relationship between job insecurity and absenteeism that is moderated by POS. This study points out that the moderating effect of POS enhance the employees’ turnover intention and time theft.This policy will reduce employees' hesitation when facing changes within the company and prevent employees from misusing the organization's support system.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘 要 ii
Abstract iii
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 7
第一節 新興科技的應用 7
第二節 新興科技對員工工作的威脅 8
第三節 新興科技意識與工作不安全感的關係 10
第四節 工作不安全感對新興科技意識與退縮行為的中介效果 12
第五節 知覺組織支持對工作不安全感與退縮行為間關係的調節效果 17
第六節 調節式中介效果 20
第三章 研究方法 23
第一節 問卷發放程序 23
第二節 研究樣本 23
第三節 研究工具 24
第四節 分析方法 27
第四章 研究結果 29
第一節 驗證性因素分析 29
第二節 相關分析 29
第三節 假設檢驗 31
第五章 建議與討論 40
第一節 研究發現與理論意涵 40
第二節 管理意涵 43
第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議 45
參考文獻 47
附錄 54
參考文獻 References
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