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博碩士論文 etd-0726108-001649 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0726108-001649
Evaluation of Event Episode Analysis System
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Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Ontology-based event analysis, Knowledge Management, Document Summarization System
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Knowledge-based assets play a very important role in the Information Age, and its increasingly influence on organizational competition makes Knowledge Management a hot issue in business research.Content analysis of documents is a core function of knowledge management. In previous research, many techniques have been developed to generate textual summary and/or generating ontology-based episodic knowledge from multipl documents. However, not much research has been done to compare different ways of organizing and presenting knowledge.
Since different knowledge presentations may result in different effects on the user, the purpose of this thesis is to develop a method for investigating different document summary and presentation systems. In this research, we have developed an effect measurement method based on the extended Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives.More specifically, we proposes evaluation criteria based on memory and cognition of the user.
A field experiment was conducted to compare graphical and textual systems. Results indicate that the ontology-based system has significantly superior performance in concept memorizing and procedural memorizing. On the other hand, the textual summary-based system performed better in remembering facts.
目次 Table of Contents
目錄 I
圖目錄 III
表目錄 IV
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機1
第二節 研究目的3
第三節 研究流程4
第四節 論文架構5
第二章 文獻探討7
第一節 中文字詞處理7
第二節 文件摘要8
第三節 文件相似度測量16
第四節 事件本體論建置系統16
第五節 資訊系統評估25
第六節 閱讀後認知理解29
第三章 文字自動摘要系統設計與實作35
第一節 系統架構35
第二節 新聞分析子系統36
第三節 字詞權重分析子系統36
第四節 自動摘要子系統37
第五節 使用者介面38
第四章 實驗設計與結果40
第一節 實驗設計目標與理論基礎40
第二節 假說設定40
第三節 實驗對象41
第四節 測驗事件41
第五節 評估準則與問卷設計42
第六節 實驗流程43
第六節 實驗結果與討論46
第五章 結論與建議50
第一節 研究成果50
第二節 研究貢獻51
第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向52
附錄一 亞力山大事件實驗測驗題60
附錄二 明基事件實驗測驗題64
附錄三 事件本體論建構系統之亞力山大事件系統畫面68
附錄四 事件本體論建構系統之明基事件系統畫面 69
附錄五 文字自動摘要系統之亞力山大事件系統畫面70
附錄六 文字自動摘要系統之明基事件系統畫面71

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