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博碩士論文 etd-0714119-112637 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0714119-112637
創業學習歷程的探索 - 丁小姐的故事
The Exploration of Entrepreneurial Process – Ms. Ding’s Story
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
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Entrepreneur Knowledge, Entrepreneurial Learning, Sense-making, Learning Events
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1. 透過對創業問題的解讀,創業者得以移轉過去經驗:在創業者在思考現存的創業問題過程中,所倚賴的知識和經驗,往往來自於創業者在過去時間所經歷的一切事件,因此創業者得以將過去經驗產出創業知識,主要原因是因為創業者透過對於現有問題的解讀,去把過去的經驗和知識挪移到現在去連結到創業問題,因此才能夠透過轉移過去經驗來解決創業問題。
2. 知識分類方式決定了分析創業者如何利用知識的過程:透過清楚的知識層級分類,研究者能夠更加清晰的分析及辨認創業者如何應用過去知識、應用了什麼樣的知識、取得什麼知識這些問題,因而能夠更清楚的解釋創業者之創業學習歷程。
3. 創業者透過反思建構意義,並且長遠的影響其價值觀:創業者在進行創業學習的過程中,經歷了許多深刻的學習事件,處於事件當中的創業者能反思遭逢經驗而產生出一些獨特的意義,這些意義將改變其價值觀,並反映在其發現問題和解讀問題之上,長遠的影響創業者之決策。
Based on Naturalistic Inquiry, the research aims to explore the process of entrepreneurial learning, which mainly takes Ms. Ding's story as reference. Through finding the elements of entrepreneurial learning in Ms. Ding's story, I am able to develop a structure of entrepreneurial learning. In this research, I found that entrepreneurial learning is triggered by encountering with problems. After entrepreneurs try to realize what the problem is, the routes of entrepreneurial learning might be developed by entrepreneurs via exploiting former experiences to solve problems or via exploring a new way to solve problems. The two learning routes highly interrel1998ate with entrepreneurs' past experiences, social networks, and values. While entrepreneurs solve the problems, they will get a unique meaning by reflecting on the problem-solving experience. The meaning will become part of entrepreneur’s value, and it might become a learning event in the future. There are three findings in the research:
1. Entrepreneurs are able to transfer past experiences via their sense-making: While entrepreneurs are thinking about solving problems, they tend to rely on their past experiences and knowledge they had. Through sense-making, entrepreneurs are able to connect the problems with their past experiences and thus transfer those problems into knowledge. As a result, the reason that entrepreneurs are able to transfer their past experiences into knowledge is because of their sense-making toward problems.
2. The method of knowledge classification decides the way of analyzing how entrepreneurs exploit their knowledge: With clear classification of knowledge, researchers are able to distinguish how entrepreneurs utilize their past experiences, what kind of knowledge they have applied, and what kind of knowledge they have gained, and thus they are able to explain the whole process of entrepreneurs' learning more clearly and specifically.
3. Through reflecting on past experiences, entrepreneurs are able to gain unique meaning, which influences their value for a long term: Entrepreneurs who engaging in learning events are able to create unique meaning by reflecting on tacit knowledge which gained from those learning events. These unique meaning will influence on entrepreneurs’ problem discovery and problem sense-making for a long term.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
摘要 iv
Abstract v
目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 x

第一章、 緒論 1
第一節、 研究背景與動機 1
第二節、 研究問題 3
第三節、 研究貢獻 4

第二章、 文獻探討 6
第一節、 從學習到創業學習 6
第二節、 經驗轉化之鑰─解讀 10
第三節、 創業學習具有動態性 13
第四節、 創業者在價值觀改變中學習 15

第四章、 研究方法 17
第一節、 資料蒐集 17
第二節、 研究對象的介紹 19
第三節、 資料分析 20

第五章、 個案故事與研究發現 28
第一節、 個案故事 28
第二節、 故事分析 32

第六章、 結論與討論 52
第一節、 透過問題的解讀,設法利用過去經驗與知識去解決問題 52
第二節、 從辨別知識層面去判斷創業學習歷程 55
第三節、 從學習事件反思出的意義注入創業者的價值觀,並影響創業問題的發現及解讀 57
第四節、 研究限制 59
第五節、 對於實務者的建議 60

參考文獻 62
參考文獻 References
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