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博碩士論文 etd-0702119-093357 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0702119-093357
Entrepreneurship Case Study in Niche Market—Take Stationery Industry as An Example
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Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Procedures of Entrepreneuring, Independent Stationery Store, Stationery Industry, Entrepreneurship Case Study, Niche Market
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本研究以個案研究法將三位文具市場創業者創業歷程撰寫為個案,以兩個理論中提出的架構:Michael Porter的五力分析與司徒達賢提出的六個事業策略的策略構面作為撰寫個案的根據。個案完成後,探討三篇利基市場創業個案的創業歷程,結合與之環環相扣的創業者個人特質,找出創業核心為何,且創業者如何根據創業核心創業,從而在利基市場創業後存活下來。
This research is using case study research as a research methodology. Taking Niche Market as an example in the stationery industry in Taiwan, and finding three entrepreneurs’ for writing down the cases. After having interviews with those entrepreneurs, making the records into scripts. By breaking down all of the scripts of the entrepreneurs, doing Porter’s five forces, VRIO framework and Dah-Hsian Seetoo’s six strategic aspects of business strategy analysis for each case. Then finish three cases in this thesis.
There are more and more people involving in entrepreneurship nowadays, which was a crazy thought just a decade before. Entrepreneurship is a trend in this economy. Not only young people struggling to do something different, but some of the middle-age people also trying to be an entrepreneur, building up their own business.
Hand-writing got a peak at 2016 and 2017 in Taiwan, not only young people but lots of adults started to buy fountain pens or even inks and practiced for their hand-writing. In the meantime, people liked to show their hand-writing letters to their friends. This trend uncovered the notice of fountain pens, inks, and papers that are suitable for fountain pen writing.
After finishing the entrepreneur cases in the stationery industry, this article mentions some of the relationships between the traits of entrepreneurs and their entrepreneur process. They are a niche market entrepreneur and running a small size business. As a result, their traits influenced their decision and strategy a lot. And each of the business was led by those traits of the founders.
This article founds that there are some patterns between the entrepreneur process in this niche market of the stationery industry in Taiwan. That is, the founders were all users before they entered this industry as a seller. They built up their core concepts after they found the demand that was not fulfilled when they were users. Then the entrepreneurs developed their business, based on their core concept. And these entrepreneurs explain their core concept by their products, not by words.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
第一章、前言 1
第一節、研究動機 1
第二節、研究目的 3
第二章、文獻探討 5
第三章、研究方法 10
第一節、研究背景 10
(一)早年台灣鋼筆市場 10
(二)原子筆興起,帶動鋼筆沒落 12
(三)電腦與網路的普及,降低書寫用具的使用量 14
(四)懷舊風潮興起,手寫當道 14
(五)鋼筆重新定位 16
(六)其他書寫用具市場與文具相關論壇擴張 19
(七)鋼筆與紙、墨關係 22
第二節、資料與研究架構 25
(一)確認研究背景、動機問題與目的 25
(二)文獻回顧與探討 25
(三)個案研究 26
(四)資料收集 26
(五)個案撰寫與分析 27
(六)結論與反思 27
第四章、個案與分析 29
第一節、笑臉工作室 - Bear 29
(一)創業起點:將購買筆記本的動機回歸「需要」 29
(二)創業準備:進入文具店工作存錢並累積知識,堆疊出創業第一步 30
(三)創業起步:因潛在客群數量而決定在台北開文具選物店 31
(四)開店:從加入「聯盟」開始 32
(五)「抄襲」進貨非壞事 33
(六)背水一戰,自獨立文具店步入生產自製產品的「工作室」 34
(七)經營:店內活動 34
(八)透過合作夥伴推廣產品與提高存貨周轉率 38
(九)強調品質小批量產品的開發劣勢 39
(十)未來規劃與期待 41
(十一)後記 43
第二節、羽毛公司 - Ru 48
(一)創業起點:結合自身經驗與他人創業經驗,決心創業 48
(二)商品分類與選擇:代理相關產品與創造自有品牌鋼筆 49
(三)使Ru沮喪的台灣工藝產業生態 58
(四)還有樂趣便會持續經營 61
(五)下一步,與台灣產業生態妥協,維持現有經營模式與利潤;或更加偏重EDC鋼筆市場,逐漸放棄工藝筆部分? 62
(六)小結 63
第三節、PH紙品、文房具 – 老闆娘 65
(一)創業起點:嫁入工作機會少的花蓮,促使創業念頭萌芽 65
(二)創業:進入鋼筆用紙市場並快速崛起 67
(三)擴大:消費者紙品選擇增加,成立獨立文具店以增加營收 68
(四)景氣變化造成營運困難 69
(五)二次改變:脫離鋼工聯盟後碰上花蓮大地震 70
(六)再次調整:自有產品向國外拓展,店面兼開設入門課程 73
(七)店面客群維繫的困難與資金調動問題 76
(八)訪談後續 77
(九)小結 78
第五章、結論與反思 80
第一節、競爭優勢 82
(一)笑臉工作室 82
(二)羽毛公司 83
(三)PH紙品 85
第二節、創業者個人特質與創業歷程 89
(一)笑臉工作室創業歷程 89
(二)羽毛公司創業歷程 91
(三)PH紙品創業歷程 92
(四)創業者個人特質 94
第三節、創業樣態 96
(一)創業者由使用者本身經驗出發 97
(二)透過本身使用者經驗找到市場中空缺 97
(三)以產品表達創業者的創業核心理念 98
參考文獻 101
網路參考文獻 103
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