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論文名稱 Title |
多產品廠商與貿易政策 Multi-product firms and trade policy |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
38 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2019-07-24 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2019-07-30 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
貿易自由化、代工、從量稅、彈性生產、多產品廠商 flexible manufacturing, multi-product firms, offshoring, trade liberalization, specific tariffs |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 5765 次,被下載 57 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5765 times, has been downloaded 57 times. |
中文摘要 |
本文探討進口國政府向一多產品廠商採行從量稅課徵,對其產品產量與產品種類的影響。本文發現當多產品線上財貨的替代程度越高時,進口關稅不僅會降低每一財貨的產出,也會減少產品的種類,並且進口國的最適關稅會隨財貨替代性程度的增加而遞減。本文也討論了存在海外代工的情況下,多產品廠商海內外生產分配的結構。我們發現多產品廠商會針對每個產品選擇成本最低廉的生產地區,因此部分財貨的生產會交由海外勞動來代工生產,而部分的財貨繼續維持在國內生產。特別是我們得出當代工地區工資小於多產品廠商母國的工資水準時,多產品廠商會將單位成本高的產品交由海外代工廠商來生產,但是當本國工資較外國工資為低時,多產品廠商會將單位成本低的產品交由海外代工廠商生產。在存在境外生產情況下,由於進口關稅會影響財貨自製或海外代工的相對成本優勢,因此也進而影響多產品廠商對於其國內外產品種類以及產品數量的安排。最後比較廠商在母國生產與有代工的選擇下產品範疇的差異。 |
Abstract |
This paper discusses the effects of the specific tariffs imposed by the government on the output and product range of multi-product firms, as well as the products are more substitutable, Tariffs reduce not only the output of each variety, but also the product scope of multi-product firm. We also discusses the distribution structure of multi-product firms at home and abroad under opening of offshore. For each product, the manufacturer will choose the production area with the lowest cost, and move some production lines to foreign countries, while maintaining the other production at home. In particular, when we conclude that the wages in offshoring areas are lower than those in the home countries of multi-product firm, multi-product manufacturer will turn over the products with high unit cost to overseas for production. However, when domestic wages are lower than foreign wages, multi-product firm will turn over the products with low unit cost to overseas for production. In the case of offshoring, the import tariff will affect the relative cost advantage of home-made goods or offshoring, so it will also affect the arrangement of domestic and foreign product types and quantity of multi-product manufacturers. Last, the differences of product range between the home production and offshoring available are compared. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 i 摘要 ii Abstract iii 目錄 iv 圖目錄 v 第一章、前言 1 第二章、基本模型設定 6 第一節、消費者偏好與需求 6 第二節、多產品廠商的成本與技術 7 第三節、比較靜態 8 第四節、不存在海外代工下市場均衡 9 第三章、廠商海外代工決策 12 第一節、消費者偏好與需求 13 第二節、多產品廠商的成本與技術 13 第三節、F國課徵從量稅 16 第四節、比較靜態 19 第四章、結論 23 參考文獻 25 附錄 28 |
參考文獻 References |
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