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博碩士論文 etd-0620120-105520 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0620120-105520
Key Success Factors for Entering and Developing a Niche Market - European Point of Use Hospital Market of Resin Filter
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European Market, Resource-Based View, Five Forces Analysis, SWOT Analysis, SMEs
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此個案研究選定一間在水過濾行業中扮演B2B角色之受控外國公司,先藉由探討此公司之商業發展路徑圖中的定義發展路徑 (what)、如何發展 (how)以及為何發展 (why)三個指標,進而定位出水過濾行業中的可靠利基市場、找出進入和發展市場之策略,以及保持持續增長等關鍵因素。本論文根據上述受控外國公司提供之資料進行研究,專業利基市場選擇為:歐洲市場;研究題目為:用於歐洲醫院手術室的“末端”沖洗用濾芯。研究之次級資料的收集為:受控外國公司總裁及其主要客戶的深度訪談以了解其行業的背景、概況及受控外國公司過去數十年的營收/毛利率方面的表現。利用資源基礎理論模型(Resource-Based View model,簡稱 RBV)以及波特的五力分析模型 (Porter’s five Forces analysis model)代入對應的強弱危機分析法 (SWOT Analysis)進行研究設計、推論與總結:(1) 成功關鍵因素和(2) 潛在失敗風險。

- 能具有多樣性的產品線與服務模式以因應不同的終端用戶市場
- 能專注於特定產品區間的獨家技術,例如可替換式濾芯
- 領導者能具備預測市場趨勢的高靈敏度,例如發現市場萎縮時能即時調整產品結構及價值鏈
- 能提供最大且專業的服務去讓客戶死心塌地
- 能提供市場上最新穎前衛的產品解決方案
- 在擴展企業最大價值時採取自動化製程監控
- 提高相似度過高的客戶及供應鏈數量
- 只願意輕量資產投資於研發領域、實驗室能力和工廠產能及技術
The prosperous utilities of e-commerce and Information Technology (IT) Connections resulted in the supply chain and market transparency in the business-to-business (B2B) global commodity trading. Such situation leads small and medium enterprises (SME) to be more difficult to keep flexibility and resilience in market. The common way to keep large enterprises surviving and outstanding were brand repositioning or strategic merging for expanding the distribution channels or adjusting the whole alliance size in varieties of end user markets. In contrast, to large enterprises, SME are focusing on feasible strategies with available resource to locate a niche market in order to survive among the global competition against the large scale emerges and knowing how to achieve their business survival security and sustainable growth in a certain professional domain.
The case study is based on a designated Controlled Foreign Company (CFC) who is a B2B player in the segment of water filtration industries so as to find the key factors related to the why, how, and what of the CFC’s business roadmap to locate a certain niche market, market entry/development strategies, and then to keep sustainable growing. An example of professional niche market from above mentioned CFC’s business roadmap has been applied to this study: point-of-use Resin terminal filter used for hospital surgery room in European market. The secondary data collect are from interview of CFC’s CEO to input industries briefing, and statement of company profile, CFC’s key client’s depth interview, and with CFC’s decades performance in revenue/gross margin. This study is designed to conclude 2 findings: (1) the key success factors and (2) the potential failure risk by the theories of altered Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Analysis (SWOT Analysis) from a Resource-Based View model (RBV model) and Porter’s five Forces analysis model.
The results of key success factors from the analysis of RBV models mapping matrix with CFC’s SWOT are concluded with the diversity product line & service model to fit various end user markets, focusing on single expertise of product range – e.g. replacement filter cartridge, management staying in agile to adjust product portfolio and value chain to fight for visible downsize market trend, high customer viscosity by ultimate & professional service, and to launch pioneer product solutions in market.. etc.
The results of potential failure risk from the analysis of Porter’s five Forces to categorize CFC’s SWOT are concluded with continued value chain expansion to adopt in automatic processing control, enhanced alliance customer & supplier chain, and a lighter asset investment roadmap but to weight in the RD field, laboratory capability, & production techniques & capacity.
By concluding the key success factors and future failure risks, the suggestions would be able to locate and develop a niche market and keep in sustainable growth for SME B2B business.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
誌謝 …………..ii
摘 要 iii
Abstract v
List of Figure…………………………………………………………………………. ix
List of Table……………………………………………………………………………. x
Table of Content .vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Purpose - How to locate a niche market and develop in growing: 1
1.3 Research Procedure 2
Chapter 2 Literature Review 3
2.1 SWOT 3
2.2 RBV (Resource-based view) 4
2.3 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 6
2.4 Key Success Factors 8
Chapter 3 Research Design 10
3.1 Research Framework 10
3.2 Qualitative Research: 10
3.3 Designated Controlled Foreign Company (CFC) 11
Chapter 4 Case Study 13
4.1 Global Water Filtration Industries background: 13
4.2 Objective Case 16
4.3 Paradigm Shifting of CFC Company since 2010-2012: 19
4.4 Depth Interview from key customer in this end user market 21
Chapter 5 Empirical Analysis & Findings 24
5.1 The decisive strategies to enter a new niche market with new product by SWOT 24
5.2 Validation of success factors of decisive strategies by RBV model check list mapping 26
5.3 The risk of failure analysis by the model of Porter’s five Forces: 30
Chapter 6 Conclusions & Suggestions 35
6.1 Critical Success Factors 35
6.2 Suggestions to avoid potential failure risks 35
6.3 Theoretical Contribution & Managerial Implication 36
References 37
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