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博碩士論文 etd-0614120-231318 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0614120-231318
The Impact of YouTube Video Creators and Their Demonstration Methods on Viewers’ Behavior and Decision
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
YouTube, YouTuber, Social Media, User-generated contents, buying behavior, Advertorial
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In recent years, social platforms like YouTube become more fashionable to teenagers along with the universalization of fast internet. Even traditional celebrities start to open their online channels to avoid being washed out from the current of user-generated contents. And the new career called "YouTuber" is undoubtedly become the most suitable representative for this phenomenon. The most significant difference between traditional celebrities and YouTubers is ordinary people start making videos with their style from viewer-perspective. In Taiwan, there are many YouTubers own over a million subscribers which as famous as traditional celebrities. This phenomenon attracts more ordinary people to choose YouTuber as their second career, which generates different levels cover from thousands to millions of subscribers. Thus, brand proprietors usually take the number of subscribers, demonstration-style and Youtuber's personality into consideration when it comes to a need for advertisement. Meanwhile, consumers cannot get rid of it in the step of information search among their buying decision process. This dissertation investigates interviewees' reaction after watching product demonstration videos on YouTube through focus groups with experiment design. The results can roughly categorize into two parts, such as video creators and demonstration style. First, official videos give viewers a more considerable impact when respondents do not know the YouTuber very well. Second, there are around four groups videos which divided by the number of presentation products, and respondents watch them depends on different purposes. Third, all respondents agree that YouTubers should declare the video is advertorial or not instead of lying to viewers.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審訂書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iv
Table of Contents vi
List of Table vii
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research motivation 2
1.3 Research objective 3
2. Literature Review 4
2.1 Factors behind buying behavior 4
2.2 Importance of building trust 6
2.3 The trend of videos in marketing 7
2.4 Youtubers as an influencer 8
3. Methodology 10
3.1 Research Approach 10
3.2 Interviewees 11
3.3 Contents of interviews 14
3.4 Interview Procedure 22
4. Result 24
4.1 Findings for hypotheses 24
4.2 Other findings 28
5. Discussion 30
5.1 Summary of the result 30
5.2 Managerial and Practical Implication 34
5.3 Limitation 36
6. Conclusion 38
6.1 General conclusion 38
6.2 Recommendation for future research 39
Reference 40
English Reference 40
Mandarin Reference 46
Internet Reference 48
Appendix 49
Appendix 1. Questionnaire for background information 49
Appendix 2. Direct quote from interviewees 50

List of Table
Table 1. Level of KOL 20
Table 2. Description of videos 21
Table 3. Groups distribution 22
Table 4. Interview steps 23
Table 5. Summary of the result 33
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