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論文名稱 Title |
運用價值鏈分析檢視造船公司的困境與因應策略 An Application of Value Chain Analyses to Identify the Difficulties and Response Strategy of a Shipbuilding Company |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
207 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2019-06-06 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2019-07-04 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
五力分析、價值鏈分析、深度訪談、輕型策略、產業鏈 light strategies, in-depth interview, supply chain, Porter five forces analysis, VCA (value chain analyses) |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 5857 次,被下載 6 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5857 times, has been downloaded 6 times. |
中文摘要 |
造船業在2008年次貸風暴及2016年韓進航運破產危機後,國際造船業呈現造船產業轉移加劇、造船市場呈現供需不平衡、競爭多元化和產業內部產能調整加速格局。在台灣則由於海洋業產值約在整體GDP 1.35%、就業人口約佔總就業人口數的0.25%,不是台灣關鍵產業,在政策上,除了修造遠洋漁船「零稅率」和海關稅則第八十九章增註一規定──「進口器材用於船舶本身器材免稅」外,尚無其他正面獎勵。 本研究以各國產業政策為背景,並以三陽造船廠為研究對象,透過深度訪談方式,請產業鏈上下游業者及船廠內部經營管理階層就其對景氣現況、產業面臨的問題及競爭力提升問題提出見解與建議;研究者則透過五力分析、價值鏈活動分析方式來找出問題處理的輕型策略並形成船廠競爭力策略。 研究最後總結歸納,造船業面對融資難、接單難、交船難及轉型難的船市現況。造船廠相對的也需自我調整轉型,一定要在現有競爭中找出未來可能的發展方向,對船廠競爭力的構成進行了深入的探討。從環境、資源、能力三大構成要素,得出:「精準的市場分析+建立優勢船型+供應商間的策略合作=船廠關鍵成功因素」的結論。最後,對產業提出以下建議:(1)深化船舶設計能量、(2)完善人才培養和訓練機制、(3)優化市場結構。 |
Abstract |
The background of this master’s thesis is to know how shipbuilding industrial makes transformation, unbalance shipbuilding market, competitive diversity and production capacity adjustment intensely after big accidents had happened such as subprime mortgage crisis in 2008 and the bankruptcy of Hanjin shipping in 2016. The ocean industrial production volume is approx. with 1.35% of total GDP and the employment population is approx. with 0.25% which means it is not the key industry of Taiwan. The advantage of marine industry from government policy are “tax free” for repairing ocean going fishery vessels and “the importation of marine equipment is tax free” only as Custom Tax Regulation Chapter 89 at remark 1. There is not the other straight advantage. The background of this study is government policy of marine industry and the target is San Yang Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. It goes in-depth interview to discuss with the supply chain of upstream/ downstream and the management levels of shipyard to know the marine market current condition, the problems of this industry and how to rise up the competitiveness to have their understanding and suggestions. The researcher will go through Porter five forces analysis, VCA (value chain analysis) to have thelight strategies & competitive strategy of shipyard. The conclusion of this researcher summarizes in short that shipbuilding is facing difficulties as financing from bank, hand-over ship after construction, transformation. Shipyard is necessary to do adjustment and transformation itself to find the future direction from current competition environment and investigate the structure of shipyard advantage deeply. In conclusion, the three structure factors are environment, sources and ability to know “Precision of market activity analysis + Building advantage model of ship product + Strategies of win-win solution between shipyard and suppliers will be the key success factor”. At the end, there are three suggestions for the marine industry, (1) cultivate design capability deeply. (2) Well organized procedure to cultivate people with skilled and qualified for industry. (3) Optimized marine market structure. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 i 誌謝 ii 摘要 iii Abstract iv 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 2 第三節 研究流程 3 第二章 產業現況 4 第一節 世界主要造船國現況 6 第二節 台灣造船產業現況 13 第三節 各國造船政策 17 第四節 各國產業政策比較分析 27 第五節 造船廠現況與挑戰 29 第六節 造船產業發展趨勢 32 第三章 文獻探討 43 第一節 產業五力分析 43 第二節 價值鏈分析 44 第三節 核心能力分析 47 第四節 過去有關造船產業或企業之相關研究 48 第四章 研究設計 52 第一節 研究對象 52 第二節 研究方法 53 第五章 研究結果發現 58 第一節 造船產業五力分析 58 第二節 造船產業價值鏈 65 第三節 訪談結果彙整 77 第四節 分析結論 131 第五節 船廠競爭力提升策略 141 第六章 結論與建議 147 第一節 研究結論 147 第二節 理論與實務意涵 148 第三節 研究建議 149 第四節 研究限制 150 參考文獻 151 附錄 155 |
參考文獻 References |
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